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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Factorio Has anybody done Lazy Bastard and There Is No Spoon at the same run?

    Factorio Has anybody done Lazy Bastard and There Is No Spoon at the same run?

    Has anybody done Lazy Bastard and There Is No Spoon at the same run?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:08 AM PST

    You can separate the inner side of the belt from the outer only by speed.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 04:45 PM PST

    Compact Advanced Circuits from Raw Materials - (900/min or 1 Full Yellow Transport Belt) - HD Zoom Image

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:44 AM PST

    Time-dependent splitting. The output from both top belts is the same.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Is this compact enough for a belt array?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:05 PM PST

    Direct insertion: blue science

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Coal Liquefaction Heavy Oil Solution

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:51 AM PST

    I know how logistic robot feels now.

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Is this alright for my science ?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 12:15 AM PST

    When you go big, GO BIG.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:30 PM PST

    Are the biter nests on the right normal? I play on a standard map and i don't think the pollution has gotten that far. Any tips on how to deal with them?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PST

    I only wanted to be friends with them

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Trains delivering ore: how to deal with downtime?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 03:43 AM PST

    I am currently in purple science and have 4 iron red belt smelt lines. Starting patches all dried up and new iron fields are in really hostile territory. I decided to run a few trains to pick up the mined ores there.

    But now I get smelting downtime between deliveries. This has a heavy impact on production compared to belt fed smelting. How do you train boys deal this?

    submitted by /u/Fysco
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    The little details from the robots.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:25 PM PST

    The little details from the robots.

    I usually don't post anywhere, but i thought this is worth sharing.

    While i was playing, i noticed that the antenna for some Logistic Robots' were red and some were white. I was curious why. So i created a new world where i could test it out.

    And i found out that the antenna gets red when the Logistic Robot has something in its inventory as seen in the picture.


    Sorry for my probably bad english...

    submitted by /u/realDG
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    What tips would you guys give to a newbie? I put 8 hours in the demo yesterday and absolutely love this game! Bought it today!

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 02:39 AM PST

    What tips would you guys give to a newbie? I put 8 hours in the demo yesterday and absolutely love this game! Bought it today!

    Did a demo, took me 8 hours because I sucked but it got me hooked AF !

    Feels good to share this screenshot, I quit almost all gaming 2 years back and have been away for a long time. This game is more than just a game and I want to do this! What are some top tips that you guys would to put under this thread?


    submitted by /u/thetaz911
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    [0.17.79 Demo]I'm trying to automate assembling machines, but it just stops at some point. What am I doing wrong?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Friday Facts #337 - Statistics GUI and Mod Debugger

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 08:20 AM PST

    Pulse of my rocket launches measured by control unit consumption.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Factorio Extended vs Bob's

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:26 AM PST

    Hey everyone. I'm about 30 hours in my current game, and among other mods I have been using Bob's Assembling Machines. Recently, I've taken a look at Nilaus' Extended Megabase playthrough, where he used the Factorio Extended mods.

    I'd like to know if anyone has tried both and can suggest me which one they have liked the best.

    PS: If opting for Factorio Extended, I am also considering adding the Factorio Extended Logistics , Factorio Extended Modules, and maybe Factorio Extended Equipment (taking place of Power Armor Mk3, the mod I used up until now).

    submitted by /u/Kypsi_
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    0.18 mod release: An Evil Refinery From a Mirror Universe (With a Goatee)

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:40 PM PST

    Hi all, I've just released a new mod some people might find useful, An Evil Refinery From a Mirror Universe (With a Goatee).

    I have been using GDIW for a long time but it's not been updated since the basic oil processing changes in 0.17.60 in July last year. This is apparently due to a change in recipe format that was introduced with that oil processing change.

    An Evil Refinery From a Mirror Universe (With a Goatee) performs the same role in 0.18, with an equally short and snappy title. It currently supports any recipes using the vanilla crafting categories of oil-processing and chemistry. The categories this mod supports are currently hard-coded because at the moment this appears to be quicker and easier than writing and debugging a parser to work out the maximum number of inputs and outputs on each category.

    My mod also has an option (defaulting to off) that adds little fluid icons to each mirrored recipe to show the relative input/output positions, as I can never for the life of me remember which way around oil defaults to. This feature is another reason why category support is hard-coded, as the positions of the fluids are related to the positions of the fluidboxes, which are not always specified in the same order.

    I don't use the complex mods like Angel's, Bob's or Krastorio, so if you'd like support added for any of those mods please ask below or on the mod portal, and let me know which download(s) contain the fluid recipes (some mods have a lot of downloads to sift through and I don't know where to start).

    Edit: apparently reddit bases thumbnails off the first link in a post, so I've rearranged it a bit to not have the GDIW thumbnail.

    submitted by /u/GotLag2
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    Looking for outside feedback on this specialized city block rail approach

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:17 PM PST

    Tried to include a screenshot instead, but it decided to snub me.

    Factorio Prints page for visual: https://factorioprints.com/view/-M1NTSslzXyUJZtmHOj2

    Always felt annoyed at the 'small' size of city block rail blueprints, both in block size and expected train length, so I decided to build out one in the mindset of 'enough space' in both early and end stages of a base. Chunk-aligned to surround 6x6 chunks, with all power poles centered in their chunk. (Krastorio, Big Pole length of 32 tiles) If you remove all internal rails and bits, the 6x6 chunks inside will be empty, not even a train signal on them.

    This is big enough to fit a train starter base in one block, so you can build with proper alignment from the beginning. A stone brick 2x2 aligns with central 4 chunk cross to ease initial chunk alignment. Second blueprint is 4 blocks with a radar in the center, for easily adding more blocks to existing ones. Center spacing between rail directions allows a lot of build options, for those that like things like solar in the gaps.

    Design goal was based around minimizing trains crossing a track and maintaining speed if they do. If a train needs to turn right, it pulls onto a dedicated pass lane, with enough room to stop and wait without blocking following traffic. Have not had a chance to test out whether or not the concept pans out as intended.

    Based the design around a 1-8 system aimed at efficiency, rather than immediate speed. Shorter distances within the city blocks will get 1-4 trains as needed. With an eye for top tier fuels becoming the permanent speed level, slower startup issues from weaker fuels are ignored. Larger trains also sets some limits on UPS eaten by trains through needing less of them. Review this Reddit post for data on train math:


    Easy to convert to other configurations, so long as total train length is 9 or less in combined length. A more common 2-4 or 2-6 system could slip right in. If you prefer LHD, get a blueprint mirroring mod, but I do not know if the signals would convert properly.

    Still working on the full complement, and plan to eventually build additional rail blueprints to accommodate links beyond the city block placements for distant outpost connections and defensive wall supplies. Not sure if I want to bother with pretty-fying more versions with tiles yet, but this is the starter before automation is ramped up.

    I am wondering what other people think about this.

    Does it work as intended? Flaws that I missed? Makes nachos taste better?

    submitted by /u/BanzaiBlitz2
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    I am slightly OCD and power poles trigger me, how do you place them?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:15 AM PST

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