• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 27, 2020

    Factorio Me and my family have a tradition where you get a big decorated cookie on your birthday. This is the year I really got into Factorio and I can't be more proud of the effort my sister put into this one!

    Factorio Me and my family have a tradition where you get a big decorated cookie on your birthday. This is the year I really got into Factorio and I can't be more proud of the effort my sister put into this one!

    Me and my family have a tradition where you get a big decorated cookie on your birthday. This is the year I really got into Factorio and I can't be more proud of the effort my sister put into this one!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:56 AM PST

    Thank you for the past 1000 hours with my dad.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:38 AM PST

    Story time. I hope this is acceptable.

    Context: 11 months ago I purchased Factorio for me and my 50 year old dad.

    Me and my dad sank just over 1100 hours together in this game. From struggling to figure out how to setup a coal mine to our water boilers, to our first iron smelting array, to eventually our first rocket together. My dad loves this game, and played for hours almost every night while I was across the country, or overseas.

    We struggled against learning mechanics, and died hundreds of times to biters.

    We laughed until we cried the first time we found out trains are lethal weapons to the biters.

    We laughed again when we found out they were lethal to us.

    We sat for hours stumped on how nuclear power actually worked.

    And we sat with our head in our hands once we learned how to obtain the blueprints this wonderful community has made.

    We decided to add a mod or two to our world, and about 50 later thought that it was enough. For now.

    We poured over pictures and graphs and community worked blueprints and thought how we could incorporate them into our own spaghetti bowl.

    We cheered once we had our first hundred logistics bots, and groaned when we discovered we had over twenty thousand and none were charged in the middle of nowhere. (RIP our ups haha)

    We learned, and solved problems together, and worked and fought on how things should be done.

    We talked about our lives since I moved out a decade ago, and how we were glad we had something that had kept us talking and close for so damn long.

    We talked more about my kids and how he was proud of me.

    We talked about him, and how I was glad he was my dad.

    We would stop playing for a short while, and always came back once we felt the itch to do something different.

    And the last time we talked, we talked about when I was coming home again. And when the next time we would stay up through the night and work on squeezing out just a bit more efficiency out of our bases and outposts.

    My dad passed on the 10th of this month, through sudden surprise to myself and my family. I'm sad, sure. But I'm also glad that this past year has been one of the closest years I've ever been to him since we got this game.

    So thank you. Thank you Factorio community. Thank you Wube. I don't think I'll be coming back to our factory any time soon, but I will forever have our save together in permanent cloud storage. I think I'll grab screenshots as well of our setup in case the wonderful mod creators we used decide to move on to new things as well.

    Reply: Thank you again everyone, I really don't know what I could say to express how much I appreciate you all. And like someone said, who put the onions through the assembler again? Thought I cleared that up last week haha

    submitted by /u/DKazua
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    Start playing Factorio again couple days ago, today made this, guess this is a sign

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:26 AM PST

    Today I realised that I've been playing the same map for three years. Oh the fun, oh the tedium and oh the glory of artillery that was not around when I started this save.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:16 AM PST

    Only 18 hours in a game so far, everything automatic there��

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:09 AM PST

    Lab desing with Bob's mods

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:46 AM PST

    How to make an efficient multi Train network?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 04:32 AM PST

    I'm having really fun with trains snd I figured out the basics like layout, buffer, singnals and all kind of stuff.

    For some time Im trying around how to get an efficient multi train network running, but it's not working properly and I don't know how to tackle it.

    What I have:

    - Multiple load stations with the same name (for example "Iron Load")
    - Multiple drop stations with the same name (for example "Iron Drop")
    - I want to have multiple trains (Locomotive only on one side)
    - I tried using circuits:
    - to disable stations, when a train is in there
    - to disable stations, when there is not enough items for a load station
    - to disable stations, when there is not enough space in a drop station
    - to disable stations, when the content in the station is higher then the average in all stations (drop and load separated)

    This works great for: 1 load, multiple drop with 1 train.
    But it does not work well for multiple load, 1 / multiple drop and multiple trains.

    Are there any guide I can look up or any tips on how to setup a good train network? I made a quick reddit search and didn't find anything good and youtube only shows trains basic guides, which I know how they work, or showing mods.

    Oh and also, I'm playing 100% vanilla so no mods. I'm trying to get the my last missing achievement.

    submitted by /u/Splicex42
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    Is a stats tab overhaul planned?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:44 AM PST

    It's pretty messy imo. And you can't search for an item. Also the scales aren't the same.

    I was just wondering if it was planned. Or maybe someone could dev a mod to make this easier to use!

    submitted by /u/MyGg29
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    Savegame of mega-base with story behind?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:44 AM PST

    I remember reading a while ago a post about a fantastic base that someone made that was supposedly abandoned and had some mysteries, like how some things were supposed to work.

    The author offered a savegame and little more that that. If I remember correctly, it had an island in the center.

    I am playing again (say goodbye to my life, my work and my family) but I can't find it. I've spent the last 20 minutes looking for it in the subreddit. HELP!

    submitted by /u/Jo-Con-El
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    Nitrogen setups overview [PY mods]

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:50 AM PST

    Nitrogen setups overview [PY mods]

    Hi i prepared a overview with commentary for all 3-4 ways to get nitrogen , i hope it will help you make a decision regarding the setup you will make or at least help prepare you (mind) base for the required resources . All math is based on a net output of 1k/s N2 out

    NOTE2 : yes i know there are 3 other recipes but the manure &meat ones are by far more expensive to run then the ones presented and those 2 inputs have in total 50 or so recipes so it is not practical to math out the cost for all , and the shale oil recipe requires shale oil and that is hard to get

    above we can see the cost for all methods , NOTE for filtration media i used the worst recipe since using the other 3 recipes would make the cost very hard to judge because the tiny amounts need from a lot of ingredients

    above we can see the tholen build , it is self-sufficient relatively compact but large overall, it uses HUGE amounts of power, it is good for small amounts since you dont need to input any resource other then power (lots of power)

    First DDC configuration , this is also a setup that needs only power to run , also it needs some voiding of gases but that is easy and cheep to make since it is a void all setup type as we can see the power cost is much lower and but the setup setup is large but somewhat smaller or on par with the tholene setup , this is a good setup for first production or a fast build

    NOTE3: the 2 setups above are power only so they are ideal for filng a cooling loop then be removed (liquid nitrogen cooling loop)

    here is the complete DDC setup , now we have a higher efficiency , since we cond void most of the outputs , only the O2 BUT this setup needs filters to run so there is a outside input that is needed that are not fully explored here noteworthy is the active carbon that requires N2 to make so you need to loop some of the output , as a small note this setup is smaller then the other 2 BUT thee required productions for the outside inputs can be setups that are relatively HUGE primarily the cellulose , ZnCl & NaOH setups

    and here is the final setup the last setup the pure air way

    it is the cost complex process but the most compact one since it is very fast , it also produces trace amounts of Pgas but the amount is very low (void it or burn it for a little power onsite)

    as we can see thos setup requires a cooling loop tor the air (closed liquid nitrogen loop) and also it requires a active carbon input so we need to loop some of the output back the only notable input is bio-film other then that this recipe setup is probably the most expensive to run , form a outside input side of things

    NOTE 4 when reffeting to size notice the 0.07 wet scrubber used , so the building at full power can provide over 14k/s

    submitted by /u/immortal_sniper1
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    Coming along.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:25 PM PST

    Have a few production deficits, which I'm already fixing, and even from this minimal screenshot I'm sure that you will find something inefficient. But 500 spm 10 minutes straight (military not in this shot but its at the same) is a milestone for me so I'm proud.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:51 PM PST

    In a new playthrough, what are your successive goals? Which techs and buildings do you rush?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Steam engines or Assembling machines?

    Trains or Batteries?

    Uranium Processing or Electric Furnaces?

    logistic Robots or Personal Roboport?


    submitted by /u/monsieurY
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 08:12 PM PST

    Automated traindepot

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:20 AM PST

    Hey guys, I wondered how I could build a traindepot as seen in this video @11:30. (As far as I know their playing in 0.15) Is it possible in Vanilla or if not, what mods would I have to use and how can I build them?

    submitted by /u/AvarosaLovesAshe
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    I wish the lighting area reached just a little further

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Check out my modular solar array!

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:17 PM PST

    What enemy settings would you recommend for a new player?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:55 AM PST

    I'm kind of tempted to set the world as "peaceful" and ignore biters but that might be boring. What would the best difficulty setting be for a new player?

    submitted by /u/la_espina
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    I wish there was an R/S comparator

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:45 AM PST

    R/S latches are not complicated to set-up using three deciders, but they take up more room than I wish they would and they are easy to frack-up.

    Maybe they will add an R/S comparator. One that simply says if X is more than upper limit send an "off signal" until X drops below a low limit."

    PS... I play vanilla only.

    submitted by /u/Ergrak
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    Kovarex enrichment process design

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 10:35 PM PST

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