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    Monday, March 9, 2020

    Factorio Everyday is a 0 days since a workplace accident when I am driving.

    Factorio Everyday is a 0 days since a workplace accident when I am driving.

    Everyday is a 0 days since a workplace accident when I am driving.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 05:12 PM PDT

    1KSPM Mega Base - BURNERS ONLY - All Sciences

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    1KSPM Mega Base - BURNERS ONLY - All Sciences

    Done, finally. Holy forking shirt balls finally done! I would like to officially announce the completion of a burner only mega base.

    What are the rules?

    • Burner inserters only - no normal, long handed, fast, filter, stack, or stack filter inserters
    • Burner miners only - no electric miners
    • Yellow belts only - no fast or express belts
    • Stone furnaces only - no steel or electric furnaces
    • Belts only - no trains or bots
    • Small power poles only - no medium or big power poles and no substations
    • Assembly Machine 1 only - the only exceptions are where fluids are required, so only assembly machine 2 for electric engines, processing units (blue circuits), and rocket fuel
    • Basic oil processing only - advanced oil is only allowed where heavy or light oil is required, so only for lubricant for electric engines and solid fuel / rocket fuel, coal liquefaction is not allowed at all
    • No modules or beacons - the factory must grow, not be efficient
    • Steam power only - only boilers and steam engines, no nuclear or solar
    • Everything must be powered by coal unless fuel is part of the recipe - all inserters must use coal unless solid fuel or rocket fuel is involved, which only applies to rocket fuel, the satellite, and the rocket silo; all furnaces must use coal
    • All 7 sciences, which means follower robot count is the infinite tech of choice

    Other things:


    • The only mod used while building was Picker Blueprinter by Nexela, for the ability to mirror blueprints.
    • After everything was done, I used Auto Research, since Follow Robot Count wouldn't last overnight.

    Some of the issues I ran into (and why some builds look weird):

    • The iron sticks for rails for production science were only on half the belt, I forgot to loop the belt to fill both sides.
    • The rails for production science were only on half the belt, I AGAIN forgot to loop the belt to fill both sides.
    • The rocket control unit assemblers were in rows of 250, and I forgot to put two rows in each half. Therefore I had to add the second row behind the first.
    • The inserters moving sulfur into sulfuric acid aren't fast enough, you need two, but there is no way to feed the second, so I had to double the chemical plants.
    • After that, the inserters outputting plastic for the red circuits for the speed modules for the rocket control units, also weren't outputting fast enough. So I had to double the chemical plants, which meant some coal belt spaghetti.
    • The next was odd, I had rockets waiting on satellites, even though the numbers were correct at 1 satellite / min. I'm not sure if I just didn't wait long enough or if there was bottleneck somewhere, so I ended up just doubling that entire build.
    • For outputting space science from the rocket silos, the 6 to 2 balancer only has 1 splitter to combine the top and bottom belts. I was noticing that the top and bottom rocket silos were going in spurts for some reason, so the bottom was full while the top were empty, leading to throughput issues. I replaced it with an 8 to 4 and looped back the outer belts, and it worked better, but not great. I ended up with a 4x4 balancer with only two output belts hooked up, and then some extra combining at first to hopefully mix everything correctly.
    • Then the gear machines feeding automation science weren't fast enough. The gear machines need two input inserters, not one. This one I didn't really have space to fix, so I just doubled the gear machines. (Seriously, after all that time fixing space science, red breaks??)
    • Then logicstic science had the same issue, gears feeding the inserters and belts wasn't fast enough, but this one I redid to put two inserters and mixed the iron and coal belts together.

    One of the more interesting challenges about the burner inserter is just how bad it is. My first attempt at smelting, specifically outputting the plates from the furnaces, used something I saw in a lot of IR games. You put the coal belt next to the furnace, then undergrounds around the outputs, and burners pulling from the undergrounds to fuel the outputs. This does not work on sparsely populated belts! Once these belts hit about 1 coal per tile (which is easy when you are splitting the belt many times and lots of stuff pulling from it), the inserters will just miss on the undergrounds. Both the entrances and exits are bad. Ahh! While I noticed this early on, it wasn't a problem as I could speed up the game to 1000 UPS or so, deconstruct all the inserters, and copy/paste the blueprint again once the belts were full. However, once I got to production science, I realized how badly this was going to scale, both in size and time to fill the belts. My solution was to run the belt a tile further out and use a splitter. This worked better, but still had issues when two inserters were pulling from it. While green circuits was still an issue, furnaces were much better. This started getting tedious as UPS kept dropping, as it was taking 10s of minutes for coal to reach the end, leading to lots of hurry up and wait. I also tried to limit the stack size of the inserter->inserter inserters to 1, I don't know if this actually did anything or not.

    Speaking of UPS, it started dropping after military science, just below 60. After production science, around the 40s. After utility science, around the 30s. By the time space science was done (which was really the rocket control units), it was in the 10s. After adding the labs and then power, it dropped to 9. Once all the bottlenecks were worked it, it hovered around 7 UPS. According to the debug timing each game tick takes about 135ms, with transport lines taking 37ms and entity update taking 97ms. Just looking at full speed yellow belts on YouTube was a bit jarring after this. This led to an interesting statistic: after "finishing" the build (easily over 100 hours), I let it run for a solid week while I was fixing the various bottlenecks (easily another few hundred hours), my final playtime was 57 hours.

    For power, rather than the traditional 1-20-40, I did 1-18-36, using the limit of 36 boilers per belt of coal rather than the offshore pump. I started with the assumption of 1GW, so I put down 1.6k steam engines for a buffer. However, as more parts of the factory came alive I kept getting lower power, so I kept expanding up to 3k steam engines and finally reaching steady state at 1.8GW. I will note that I have probably too many radars, but it is also funny to only see 9 different entities in the power menu.

    One last thing to note is that follower robot count is a 30 second researching, compared to every other infinite research being 60 seconds. Therefore the number of labs I have is far too many. Looking at the numbers I only need about 143 whereas I have 500.

    I tried to embed a base tour in this post, but you are limited to 20 pictures, so an Imgur album is available here (44 pictures), https://imgur.com/a/LlpivVA. I did leave in a couple highlights.

    Proof of 1KSPM. Also notice the coal used by this beast is 163k / minute, or a little over 2.7k / second!

    1.8GW! According to this I \"only\" needed 2k steam engines, not 3k. Also, really funny to see so few items listed.

    Listing of all entities in the base. Nearly a quarter of a million burner inserters!

    The base. I was amazed that Rocket Control Units were about 40% of the total production. Also, you pretty clearly see the jump from red/green/gray to blue.

    EDIT: Save game here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1suWPH4hu8kyRKqFaZ-vg9GZUh5SiP8wO. If you open this, please let me know how many UPS you get.

    EDIT2: Wow thank you for the gold!

    submitted by /u/n_slash_a
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    Your gonna love this. Sushi smelting on dangOreus random ore map.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    TIL you can double click a technology to research it. No need to click "Start Research"

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    [WIP] Toward my first 1K SPM base

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    How do you guys fuel your trains in big bases?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    I'm starting my first big base, I have an adequate supply of solid fuel, but im not sure logistically how to supply my trains when they all go to different places.

    submitted by /u/gliglitch
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    Just like my Factorio maps after a few hundred hours.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    [Question] does this have any major flaws in throughput? I build it myself today and it seems to work fine.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    How to build a train yard for idle trains using dummy stations and train path penalty

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    How to build a train yard for idle trains using dummy stations and train path penalty

    The Problem

    Your trains drive between stations A and B. Now, for whatever reason, station B is deactivated. The trains will now skip the stop at B and will instead head back to A. They will then stack up in front of A until B is activated again.

    This causes multiple issues:

    1. The trains skip the stop at B. This by itself can cause issues when, for example, the train is already waiting in a stacker in front of B, but now just drives past B and back to A instead of stopping at B.
    2. The trains skip the stop at B, which means they access station A twice in a row, which is a useless trip in most train systems. This causes unneeded traffic in the network in general and especially at station A.
    3. When A also deactivates, the train will stop, throw a "no path" error and block the track.
    4. The stacker at A needs to be large enough to fit all trains at once, in case of B being deactivated for a long time.

    Specifically issue 3 is known to essentially kill all train traffic.

    Solution attempt 1: Train yard station

    This is the intuitive solution, which in my experience, is what most people try to implement first (me included), so I wanted to mention it before presenting my own solution.

    The idea is to add a third station C to the train schedule (so the train now goes A -> B -> C or A -> C -> B -> C). This station C is always active and provides a waiting location for the train in case both A and B deactivate. This solves issue 3, but doesn't do anything about issue 1 or 2. It also creates a new problem:

    1. When B is deactivated, the trains now cycle between station A and C, which causes massive amounts of unneeded traffic.

    This new problem is very difficult to solve and most people give up here or create some crazy complex circuit network solutions.

    Solution attempt 2: Dummy stations with path penalty

    ------------ Start reading here if you just want the actual solution. ------------

    The train wants to drive to B, but B deactivates. Now the train will either drive to the next station named B, or it will skip B and go back to A. The idea here is, to provide an always active dummy station, which is also called B, so the latter case never occurs.

    Implementing this is easy, we just need to put a stacker somewhere on the map which leads to a new station also called B. To prevent trains from actually accessing this new station, we can just put a rail signal in front of the station which we deactivate permanently with a circuit condition. Now, the train will drive here whenever B is deactivated instead of skipping the stop and will wait at the chain signal in the stacker. This solves all of the mentioned issues, but it also creates a new problem:

    1. The trains will just always drive to the dummy station and wait there indefinitely, even when the actual station B is activated.

    Luckily, this new problem is easy to solve. We just need to make the actual stations more attractive than the dummy station. This is where the path penalty comes into play. When two stations are named the same, the train will always drive to the 'closest' one. The way this 'closest' station is calculated figures in a multitude of different factors, as described on this wiki page, most importantly it includes some factors we can easily exploit. One of these is:

    When the path includes a train stop that is not the destination -> Add a penalty of 2000.

    So, to make our dummy station less attractive than the actual station, we just have to place a bunch of train stations in front of it and suddenly it appears to the train, as if the dummy station is actually 10000 tiles away. This means, when both stations B are active, the trains will always prefer the actual station over the dummy, which solves issue 5.

    Here is an image of the finished train yard (blueprint):

    Example of the finished setup. The circuit condition on the rail signal can be anything, but it has to be 'true' all the time.

    This concept can be applied to multiple stations at the same time, by just adding more stations behind the dummy station B.

    Generally, this works very well for small-medium scale train systems and service trains, like fuel and military supply. When using this on a large-mega base scale, you will probably encounter the Thundering Herd problem, which is a bit more tricky to solve.

    submitted by /u/Kano96
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    Progress from my first 2 days back

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Since we're talking about shadows lately - anyone got a reason for the 2nd shadow of drones over water?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Bio Industries + Bob's Modules

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    [Request/Search] Mod that makes biters to bugs from Starship troopers.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys the biters might closely remind me of the bugs from Starship Troopers and it would be great to see these things in factorio. Does anyone know a mod that changes the models from biters to bugs? Or is anyone able to make such a wonderfull mod?

    submitted by /u/Nyhmus
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    Omnimatter + Dangoreous. Does it make it easier? Harder? Just different? I haven’t used either mod.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    an ode to words of wisdom

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    In another post, I was trying to determine how long it will take me to get to robots after I made some bad design decisions. Got lots of great replies but the 'words of wisdom' by /u/talrich on the sidebar was a huge game-changer.

    I am so used to games like 7 Days To Die, where time is one of your enemies. And a restart is the only option when you've made some fatal flaw.

    Here, after reading the wisdom and responses, I realized I could move to a non-polluted area, begin again, and spend 3 hours trying to understand trains...and no harm is done if I am back to square one. So what if researched has stopped for 3 hours?

    Ah...breath indeed.

    Words of wisdom by /u/talrich

    Namaste. You seek balance. Here is my wisdom. Your mistakes have no cost but time, and the deconstruction planner even reduces that cost. Most games punish you for building, demolishing and rebuilding. Not Factorio. Let your anxiety wash away as you perceive that every belt placed can be moved. Every assembler is but a visitor to where it resides. The only significance is life, which leads to the further wisdom. Look both ways before you cross the tracks.

    submitted by /u/danielbelum
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    When your energy-lake suddenly comes to a halt because you placed one additional row of landfill pre-patch ... time to reconsider life

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    This "Entity: Color" gui keeps opening; maybe I'm accidentally hitting a hotkey? Anyone know how to open this gui and what it does? Maybe related to the map colors mod?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    So I am just re discovering the game and I want to have a comfortable spawn area to play with my little brother. Are there any current map strings out there?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:41 AM PDT

    All of the random generated maps have too small of resource pools or no water nearby or too large. I just want to jump in and know what is where and nothing is missing. I don't know if this is a stupid request, but all I know is that when I start the game I instantly start thinking about "What happens when this pool runs out of recources?" Or "I don't know where to start this node." And things like "This is too messy." How do you guys do it? About 5 hours in I want to restart because I can't even tell where things are going and the electricity is all messed up and the factory is getting attacked with no defences. It's just so stressful and I want my little brother to have fun.

    submitted by /u/Urshifu_Smash
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    Help: attack sounds

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    I've read that I should be hearing something when biters attack. However, I'm on 0.17 and I only see the flashing icon, which I usually don't pay any attention to, so the attacks go unattended... Any help how to activate them?

    submitted by /u/recordedrice
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