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    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Weekly Question Thread

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:05 AM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The only way to make a truly safe rail crossing

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:16 AM PDT

    Ariamis - A World Generation Mod

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Eye Twitches

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Version 0.18.11

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PDT


    • Fixed player character shadow didn't animate in idle state when not facing north.


    • Fixed that LuaEntity::splitter_filter would reject a LuaItemPrototype. more
    • Fixed smart entity collision mode in tile editor did not work with offshore pump. more
    • Fixed that modded shortcuts that spawned items not visible in the blueprint library didn't work. more
    • Fixed that technology tooltips didn't show debug tooltip data the same as other tooltips. more
    • Fixed that crafting machines would report as supporting backer names through the Lua API. more
    • Fixed that un-researched recipes couldn't be used while in the map editor. more
    • Fixed that the removed-content GUI didn't include some translations. more
    • Fixed a desync related to invalid rail signal requested to be closed by circuit network. more


    • Added InserterPrototype::chases_belt_items. more


    • Added LuaEntityPrototype::inserter_chases_belt_items read.
    • Added surface to the selected-area events.
    • Changed LuaSurface::spill_item_stack() to return the created entities if any.

    Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

    submitted by /u/FactorioTeam
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    R.I.P. This Small Copper Field. It was one of my first remotes, I feel a little sad.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    Functional Factorio: a recursive approach to lean/just-in-time manufacturing

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    Goal: Implement Lean Manufacturing in Factorio

    The goal of this project is to use the ideas of recursion and functional programming to create a just-in-time/lean manufacturing system in vanilla Factorio. This will allow me to do cool things like take a 5 rocket/hour factory and tell it to fire one rocket/hour and get that exactly. It'll also allow me to do that without mining any more ore than is absolutely necessary. This is also a design that can be easily incorporated into existing bases. This means I need to meet the following design goals:

    Design Goals

    • Pull-system: Only start new work if there is a specific request for it.
    • Avoid waste:
      • unnecessary transportation
      • excess inventory/overproduction
      • waiting
      • dead-ends
      • buffers
    • Modularization: a given manufacturing line should be seen as a module with inputs and outputs (in computer science terms, as a function)
    • What this design is NOT:
      • A transportation system: the design doesn't care if you use belts, robots, trains, or a mix of all three.
      • An attempt to be space efficient or time efficient
      • perfect


    Demand/Kanban Network

    The factory stations will fulfill orders that arrive as pulses on a demand network (red in my implementation). These orders for ingredients propagate recursively from station to station until all ingredients needed to fulfill the original order are pulsed. It can be useful for debugging to put an adder on the network to keep track of what was pulsed.

    I haven't tried it, but it may be useful in larger builds to maintain different demand networks and even have a station pulse to a different network than it receives from.

    The Information Network

    This is where stations register the products they make. It's on the green wire in my implementation. These are not pulses, they're constants added together via the Circuit Network's free summing. It's also used for reseting all of the memory cells (2 per station) for every station in the information network. This is done by pulsing "R=1". This is very useful for debugging. Any other virtual signals can safely be used for any other purpose on this network.


    A station has two parts: a station control unit and a sections of factory that input zero or more input ingredients and output a product. Generally, you want to design stations to minimize transportation between stations. This means, for example, that if your product takes copper cable, you should assemble it on site and list copper plate as your ingredient rather than transporting twice as many items.

    You may want to have each station surrounded by walls and turrets both for defense and ease of telling one from the other.

    Station Control Unit

    A station has a left terminal and a right terminal: large electric poles. The left terminal contains the station's internal networks, both red and green. The right terminal is the station's link to the world: both red and green networks. The left terminal should NEVER be connected to an external circuit network.

    The SCU has two primary purposes:
    1. Calculate the ingredients needed to fulfill an incoming order and pulse them to the demand network (right terminal). 1. Keep track of how many ingredients should be requested and have been delivered (left terminal).

    It receives orders from other stations via pulses on the red demand network (right terminal). It then calculates the ingredients needed using a pre-programmed recipe constant combinator. Those ingredients are then divided by the number of supplier stations for each ingredient and pulsed back out to the demand network. The ingredients the station needs are also stored in a decider combinator. As ingredients enter the station, they are counted, that count is multiplied by -1 and stored. This allows the station to calculate the number of each ingredient we still need. For example, this can be used to set the request on a Requester Chest. The red wire is then connected to the inserter removing items from that chest to pulse each item that's removed. This can also be adapted easily to conveyer belts or trains without changing anything in the SCU.

    The station also registers itself on the information network (right terminal green) via a constant combinator with its product as the signal.

    One of the great things about Functional Factorio is that we don't care what the throughput of a given station is, so no more calculating exact ratios. Though you should be aware that your production of a given product is limited by its slowest station. For example, if you have a 4 GC/second station and a 1 GC/second station, they will each receive half of the total order, and we will need to wait for the slow station to finish either way to fulfill the order. It's actually faster in this situation to just remove the slower station.

    The station should always manufacture everything the ingredients allow and send the products on down the line, whether by logistics network, train, or conveyer.

    It should be noted that the SCU's memory cells will integer overflow if you order enough products. They can be reset by pulsing "R=1" on the information network. Just keep in mind that this also voids out a station's internal knowledge of how many ingredients have been overdelivered or underdelivered.

    Screenshot of a 2 ingredient station

    Wire diagram of a 2 ingredient station control unit

    To program the SCU, put the product in the left constant combinator, the recipe in the right constant combinator, and modify the other combinators accordingly. You will need to add three more arithmetic combinators per ingredient wired in parallel with the two signal isolators and per-supplier orderer. The blueprint book in this repository has examples of 2 and 3 ingredient SCU's.

    Station Floor

    The station floor contains all of the assemblers, conveyers, and everything else necessary to make the product. Your goal is designing the station floor should be to do everything possible to reduce waste. By waste here I mean any ingredient that doesn't eventually leave the station as a product. This includes ingredients left in chests, on conveyers, and in assemblers' internal buffers. In practice, due to these buffers, in a large set up you may have enough ingredients lost to waste that you can't fulfill your order completely. In these cases, it may be a good idea to introduce a "fudge factor" combinator that adds a constant to each demand pulse signal.

    If you use productivity modules, you'll have overproduction unless you account for it in your recipe, which is difficult without floating point numbers. I would just avoid them.

    In my prototype, I used barrels to transport fluids into and out of stations. Since you can't get pulse reads on pipes, it'd be tough to get accurate information without some tanks and magical math. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader :-)

    Central controls

    It may be useful to have a "central control center" with all of the knobs and dials you use to run your factory. Every control center should at least have a reset pulser (green network) and an order pulser (red network). Most others will also want a clock pulser so that you can trigger a rocket launch every hour, for example.


    Oil Refining: The SCU will not work as designed with any station that produces more than one type of product. This situation can come up during oil refining. The best way around it currently is to design your refinery so that each station only produces a single output (ie. petroleum gas or plastic).

    Github Repo: https://github.com/garrettngarcia/functional-factorio

    Factorio Prints Page: https://factorioprints.com/view/-M21CcICFTPPvl1bHIRa

    submitted by /u/slopirate
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    Blue Circuit build using direct insertion through cars (~18.5/s)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    Krastorio 2 mod is out!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Just noticed that every lab has its own name

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    I'm hooked

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:41 AM PDT

    So I've flirted with Factorio for many a years and the game is right up my alley but I would always get to a point in the game (pretty much right before bots) where I would just become incredibly frustrated with how disorganized my base was. Before I started playing I understood the concept of a main bus so in my first play through I used that but I didn't know about belt balancing or building sub factories to ratio (I would literally chuck down like 10 gear factories and 10 red science factories and be like yah that's good)

    Another problem I would run into is in the mid-late game when you start requiring stone, stone brick, and coal for various projects. Or shit like lubricant. And there was just no way for me to fit this onto my bus or bring it up. I always did oil production in another part of the base and brought in oil products (sulfur and plastic and such) to my main bus. Big mistake.

    Well in my latest playthrough I decided to only have raw materials, iron and copper plates, stone brick, and all the circuits on my main bus. If I needed to process anything further than that, it would be done on site in the subfactory. I also main excruciating detail to trivial things like turret placement and how my wires look on the map and how the base layout looks. I just put more thought into everything I guess.

    Anyhow onto the main point of this post. I was building my advanced circuit subfactory and I worked out the ratios I needed beforehand but I was also kinda free-wheeling it here. I was laying things out so that they would produce just enough and no more. I was laying things out so that it was as space efficient as possible. I was laying things out symmetrically.

    And at some point when I was building I just got hooked. This level of micromanagement is so addictive. The design is so pure and perfect and I was just so pleased with the result. Incredibly satisfying. Better yet was when I hooked the thing up to my power supply and it all spun into action at once like a well oiled machine. Pumping out a clean and pristine 125 red circuits per minute (might double up later on).

    Play this game at your own risk.

    submitted by /u/Zephos65
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    So I wanted a real train...

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    A buddy of mine said in multi-player that he wished the trains were longer, like real trains. He and another buddy then ran off to make a loop-de-loop for an empty thirty-car train that they rode around in circles. Not one to let an idea that fantastic die, I am now the proud owner of a 4-51-4 iron plates train that has replaced all my existing smelting with a single-location multi-train-stop delivery that unloads pieces of the train at a time, just like a real train would. Maximum theoretical throughput of the new long-haul smelting is thirty-two express belts, but we have a bit of a bot shortage and probably aren't bringing in that much ore from our miners anyways. If you've never seen a train take fifteen seconds to cross your screen carrying the lifeblood of your factory, I highly recommend it.

    submitted by /u/Recon419A
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    My attempt at a vanilla train network, smart, nest-able lollipop stations

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:10 PM PDT

    What do you guys think about mines?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:38 AM PDT

    I recently picked this game up after a hiatus of a year or so. I started a new game and had significantly more trouble then I remember with the biters. I found the easiest way to deal with them is mines!

    Currently i have 4 deep wall of mines around my base before the wall/turret system. These system mean no biters even touch the walls due to the 1000 odd mines.

    However each mine cost steel and explosives. Both of which are finite, where flamer turrets use oil (infinite). I was just wondering if you guys see mines as both an acceptable defence option and worth the materials?

    TLDR. Just discovered mines as a powerful defence option is it worth the cost?

    submitted by /u/bristlez
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    How does the most efficient defence look like? Curved or straight? And curved inwards or outwards?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    So if I have a relatively long wall segment, is it better to purposely curve the wall?

    And if so, how should it look like? a flat curve? steep curve? inwards or outwards? Does someone here has some experience?

    submitted by /u/Legendendear
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    My first factory, what do you guys think?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    [Modded] Bob's/Angel's Mods (0.18)- Early/Mid/Late Game Blueprint Strings + Malls

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    [Modded] Bob's/Angel's Mods (0.18)- Early/Mid/Late Game Blueprint Strings + Malls

    The following are three blueprint strings to take you through an entire run of Bob's/Angel's Mods. I love these mods so much I wanted to create extensive blueprints for anything you'll need from start to first rocket. This is my 3rd iteration into these mod's/blueprints and I feel they are my best yet (one each in 0.16, 0.17 and now 0.18).

    These blueprints were created on the build 0.18.10

    - Early Game (Image) -- Early Game (Print)

    - Mid Game (Image) -- Mid Game (Print)

    - Late Game (Image) -- Late Game (Print)

    (be sure to download the .txt files and copy and paste from the opened file to prevent compression errors)

    All of both Bob's and Angel's Mods were utilized (with the exception of Angel's Bio Processing; too tedious in my opinion - here is a pic of the Bob's/Angel's Mod List utilized for this run which included 17 of Bob's and 8 of Angel's mods). I also utilized the following mods (for ease of use) when using the blueprints so be sure to use them as well:

    Void Chest Plus

    Fluid Void Extra

    Longer Belts Redux


    I enjoyed creating these blueprints especially for those who are new to Bob's/Angel's.


    submitted by /u/SnakeX86
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    I was going to just test that my blueprints worked with 16 trains, 16 stations, and all trains visiting all stations in an arbitrary order... but I accidentally hypnotized myself. It's not as efficient as it could be, but it works, and is somewhat mesmerizing to watch.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    First Mega Base 1.2k SPM :)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:39 AM PDT

    Near-peaceful base a friend of mine and I made together.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:05 PM PDT

    What have I done

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    This must have been said 1000 times on the sub but I need to get it out of my chest, first I did not get it, I start the tutorial get stuck and just put the game away for other time.

    The I start playing with a friend and understand the core game play, the true about this game, scale...

    Holy shit, this has been two days, I dream with the train, I have Tertris effect because of the belts, I'm working and thinking how to spand our resources, what a ride, what a game.

    Also this community is amazing, your creations helps to understand where we and where we could get. Every one is happy with the game and the developers are really happy and proud about the creation, and that get reproduced in their game.

    I love you all.

    What a game...

    PD: sorry my English, not my lenguage

    submitted by /u/pelos17
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    When you upgrade your bus and the bots start swarming

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    First completion together! We spent the time waiting for the rocket parts to be made decorating our launch pad...

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Prevent leftover items in Stackinserters hand.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PDT


    i'm planning to build a cargotrainhub to move cargo from my longdistance-trains (2-8) to my citygrid trains (1-1).

    The whole hub is supposed to be based on bots, support multiple itemtypes and should only have two trainstops, one for unloading the long trains and one to load the short ones.

    Most of the concept is finished but i have one last problem: How do i prevent the stack filter inserters to have leftoveritems in it hands after a short train left?

    submitted by /u/Maeusefluesterer
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