• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Factorio I hope they don't evolve to swim!

    Factorio I hope they don't evolve to swim!

    I hope they don't evolve to swim!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:42 AM PDT

    Gem of innocence

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:29 PM PDT

    This looks like the scene from Starship Troopers when they were defending the fort.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:32 PM PDT

    Angelbob has taught me that I love mining

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    Everyone has their own favorite thing in Factorio, and I thought mine was bot automation? I started my first angelbob run today, and pour me a pumpkin spice latte and call me Becky but I've done nothing but mine out patches and fill silos for like 10 hours and I must be a basic bitch because I am happy.

    submitted by /u/braindouche
    [link] [comments]

    A different flavour of spaghetti

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:09 AM PDT

    my first ever built reactor

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    My friend and I were going through old worlds of ours and found this. This is my very first factorio world, dating back at least a year.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    The Factorio team should hire Frank Klepacki to do the final release soundtrack

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:27 PM PDT

    The factorio team could pull off their own 'one more thing' annoucement towards the game's release by announcing Frank Klepacki as their game's composer.

    Frank's skill at creating atmospheric soundtracks cannot be understated. I was going through youtube looking up Factorio esque music playlists and his music is featured in a lot of them, likely because the bleak, atmospheric, deep ambience is a perfect fit.

    As an example, here's some tracks from Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun which Klepacki was a composer on:


    This would definitely be a creative delight for Frank to take on.

    submitted by /u/Tetrylene
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    Composinator, a factorio music tracker

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    Today I come to you with a massive wall of text and pictures to show off something I've been working on for the last few months.

    As everybody knows, a picture says more than a thousand words, so let me just start with a video demonstration:


    TL;DR - It's a music tracker in factorio made with combinators. Blueprints at the bottom.

    Required mods:

    • Nixie tubes (Used to make the screens.)
    • Pushbutton (Used as the input buttons. Default key to push a button is F.)

    Optional but highly recommended mods:

    • Text plates (used to make the interface readable)
    • DISK (Used for saving and loading songs)


    This is what I have come to call the composinator (composer + combinator). It's a completely combinator-based music tracker in factorio. It has its own complete GUI and can therefor be used by people who have no idea how combinators work.

    Music tracker

    If you have no idea how a music tracker works, there's plenty of resources online that go into much more detail, but let me just give a quick run-down.

    In a music tracker we have 2 separate sets of the same amount of channels (in the video there's 4 channels total). 1 Set for the sequencer and 1 set for the patterns. Each of these has its own screen.

    In the pattern screen you can enter specific notes which will be played in order. Here's where you basically make the melodies you want to use.

    In the sequencer screen you enter the index of which pattern you want to use. So the sequencer decides when the different melodies are played. This way it's very easy to construct a simple drum loop, for example. You can make a single pattern containing a drum loop, and then tell the sequencer to simply play that pattern a few times in a row.


    The controls look like this:


    There's 2 sets of arrows. The left-right arrows for both of them change the current channel you're working on. The up-down arrows change the current row your cursor is on in the pattern and sequencer screens respectively.

    You can increase and decrease the value of the different inputs using the up-down arrows. When you want to save a value of one of the inputs to memory, you press the button to the right of it (marked with circles).

    The values you enter into the sequencer are simple indexes of patterns for that channel. So a value of 1 means the first pattern is played, a value of 2 means the second pattern is played, etc.

    For the patterns, there's 3 different values for the input: Instrument, volume and pitch. For each row you put in a pitch value, a note will be played at that specific pitch. The instrument and volume values are slightly different, because they act as flags. So if at one note you set the volume to 3, then all notes following that note will also have volume of 3 until you set the volume to something else again. The same is true for the instruments.

    The possible value ranges are as follows:

    • instrument: 1 through number of instruments

    • volume: 1 through 7 (with 7 being the loudest)

    • pitch: 1 through 48 (though not all instruments support the full range)

    With a value of 0 for each of them indicating that there's no value set.

    Then there's a few extra buttons:

    Mute will mute all sounds composinator makes.

    Refresh will refresh the pattern screen, which can sometimes be needed, for example after loading a new song, (or in some other cases where there might be bugs).

    Refresh delay is a number you can set which will automatically refresh the pattern screen each time you move the cursor in the sequencer screen. This is needed because each time you move the cursor in the sequencer, you're looking at a different pattern, so the pattern screen must be updated. The refresh delay is the time it waits to refresh after you've moved the sequencer for the last time. If you move it before the delay is over, it is reset. So if you do multiple quick entries into the sequencer this will not cause a refresh until after you've stopped moving.

    Set this to something that feels right to you. Default setting is what I like to use. You can also turn the refresh off completely by setting the delay to 0 (not recommended).

    Note: it is important that while the pattern screen is refreshing, you do not enter any new inputs. The different inputs and data transfers all go over the same few wires, and can interfere with eachother.

    And then, of course, there's the play and stop buttons. They are pretty self-explanatory. Below them is one final setting called start@, which allows you to start the song at a specific index in the sequencer. This is very useful when making longer songs, so you can actually listen to your latest edits without having to listen to the whole song again.

    Main settings

    Apart from the controls, there's a few main settings that need to be set before you can start using composinator. The settings board looks like this:


    I'll go through them here.

    Hardware settings

    These settings are specific to your current composinator setup and once set, should never be changed unless you change the hardware again. For each of the categories, you can change the values in the constant combinators and then save those values to memory, by pressing the save button at the top.

    • Settings size: The size of this settings board itself. There's currently 16 different settings, so this should always be set to the value 16.

    • Max nr channels: The maximum number of channels that your current hardware supports.

    • Seq screen height: The height of the screen of your sequencer.

    • Seq cursor index: The row of the sequencer screen where your cursor is. This is 0-indexed, so the first row has an index of 0, second row is 1, etc.

    • Pat screen height: The height of your pattern screen.

    • Pat cursor index: Same as with the sequencer.

    Memory settings

    These settings are not dependent on hardware, and can be changed later on, but note that changing these values will corrupt the readout of any data that is currently in memory. You basically want to set these settings once before you start making a song. When you later decide to make a different song, you can then enter new settings before making that one.

    • Nr of channels: The number of channels the song uses. This should basically always be set to the maximum number of channels (from the hardware settings). I envisioned a few cases where these 2 numbers might differ, but I haven't properly tested this, so to be sure, just enter the max nr channels.

    • Seq mem length: The length of the memory for each sequencer channel. This means the maximum amount of rows that the sequencer will have. This is ultimately what limits the length of your song. When playing a song, composinator runs through all the rows in the sequencer in linear order, and once it gets to the end, the song is over.

    • Pat mem length: The length of the memory for each pattern channel. This means the maximum amount of rows that each pattern will have. You could look at the pattern length as something like the length of 1 measure in your song. (or 4 or 8 etc, depending on how you want to order things).

    Song settings

    These settings are used for the playback of the song, and can be freely edited while making a song.

    • Speed: The number of time between each note in the number of ticks. This means that a higher number means you get a slower song. The fastest playback has a speed of 1, which will go forward a row every 1 tick.

    • Groove 1/Groove 2: These values are multipliers on top of the speed for the uneven and even rows respectively. This means that the actual delay for the playback of each uneven row is speed * groove1 and each even row is speed * groove2

    Example: with speed=2, groove 1=2 and groove 2=3, then the first note will be played after 2 * 2 = 4 ticks, the second note after 2 * 3 = 6 ticks, the third after 4 again, fourth after 6 etc.

    This can very easily be used to add a bit of a groove to your song (hence the name)

    • Patt length: The actual length of each of the patterns. This differs from the pat mem length in the memory settings as follows: The pat length can have any value between 1 and pat mem length. This can be very useful when you want to change the length of your patterns while making a song, without corrupting memory.

    For example, you start out making a song in 8/8 time measure, but after some time you realize that you've listened to too much prog rock and you want to convert it to 7/8 instead. With this setting, you can simply change it without having to worry about the memory.

    Because of this, you can even make your initial pat mem length quite a bit longer than what you'd think you need, just so you can increase your pattern length later on.

    • Loop: Wether the song loops, or just stops at the end. (Though, I believe the current version just ignores this setting and just always loops at the end)

    • Loop start: The point in the sequencer where the song will reset to each time the loop starts over. This doesn't have to be the start of the song, which means the song can have an intro which is skipped when looping.

    • Loop end: The point in the sequencer where the song ends and jumps back to loop start


    I've created a pre-built 4 channel version of composinator you can use without the trouble of having to assemble your own version. However, if you want to customize composinator for your own use with more channels and differently sized screens, the following guide will help you through the process.

    Memory module

    We start off by constructing our memory module. This is of course where the songs will be stored, but it also contains some very important constants that are used throughout the rest of composinator.


    At the top of the module sits the actual storage, where the song data will be stored. The block of constant combinators around the center contains the constants that will be used throughout composinator. The block at the bottom containing what looks like an electric furnace is the load module where you can load in songs you've made before.

    Importantly, on the right, we have the memory indexer for the first channel of composinator. Now would be a good time to decide how many channels you want to have. In this guide I'll be building 8 channels total.


    This is what a single channel looks like (blueprint included in book): https://i.imgur.com/D5Qi4H6.png

    The channels can be tiled to the right as demonstrated here: https://i.imgur.com/Pd3Hrny.gifv

    You can tile the channels as many times as you want (Well, the maximum number of channels is currently 126 due to the limit on the amount of different signals that are in the game). Here you can see what it looks like if you have 8 channels: https://i.imgur.com/UkT5JZ5.jpg

    Note that you still have to manually place substations to provide power, but there's gaps specifically made to place them in. This is the case for most of composinator

    Memory cells

    Now that we have the main connections for our channels set up, we want to increase the size of our memory, because there's currently only 2 actual memory cells in use.

    For this we can use the following blueprint (blueprint included in book):


    Note: each row is one memory cell, capable of storing 252 values (notes)

    Which can be applied like so, and can be further tiled upwards:



    Once you've increased the memory size vertically, we need to fix the connections to the different channels. This is easily done by simply copying 2 columns of the memory bank (all the way from top to bottom) and tiling/overlapping them to the right until you've connected all the channels:



    Main memory settings

    Now we've finished the actual construction of our memory hardware. But before we can actually use it, there's a few settings that need to be initialized. For this we need to build our main settings board, whichs looks like this:


    As you might've noticed (or not) both our memory module and the settings board have 3 columns of large powerpoles running along their side(s). These are the main communications channels that composinator uses, and these should be connected between all the different modules.

    I've made 2 simple connector blueprints (blueprints included in book), but you're free to connect these up manually if you want to. Make sure you connect both green and red wires along the 3 columns of poles:



    Here's an example of how you can connect the settings board to the memory module:




    Sequencer screen

    Now it's time to make the screen for our sequencer. we start out with the main module which looks like this (blueprint included in book):


    Note: Just like with the rest of the modules, the sequencer needs to be connected to the memory module with the use of the large powerpole connections


    Now it's time to decide how large we want our sequencer screen to be. We can use the "Row" blueprint to stamp down as many rowssee note as we want.

    This looks as follows:


    Note: I haven't really made it easy to make the screen larger than what can fit between 2 substations. If you really want a bigger screen than that, you might need to do some manual rewiring

    Now we need to use the "Row - bottom" blueprint for the last row of our screen. You can also paste this blueprint over the top of the bottom row if you've already placed a regular row there. It's basically an upgrade of the regular row.

    Now we need to connect the top and bottom rows by connecting the medium powerpoles with green wire as follows:


    We now the next blueprint "Row - cursor" which can be pasted on top of any of the rows you've placed before. This row will then become the cursor of our sequencer screen. So when you're editing a value in the sequencer, it will be on that row. Usually you'd want this to be somewhere in the middle of the screen.

    After placing the cursor row, you must connect the powerpole with green wire to the powerpole at the top as follows:



    Of course we want to be able to see more than just the first channel, so we need to add a column for each of the channels (8 in my case). We can do this using the "Column" blueprint, as follows:


    Now comes a bit of manual setting of signals, which was unavoidable unfortunately. Fortunately, it's quite easy:

    • Click on each of the individual nixie tubes on the top row from left to to right, corresponding to the different channels (Note: the first one on the left is not a channel, but an index which has already been set to the "info" signal and should be left alone)

    • Starting with the leftmost channel, set the enabled condition to the signal "0". Then set the next channel to "2", the next one to "4", and continuing like that going through all the even numbers (and letters following that). (In my case it's: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, A, C, E) Demonstration:


    • Now copy each of the settings from the top row down to the second row.

    • Now make a copy of the first 2 rows and tile them downwards. Demonstration:


    Our screen is now finished, and should look something like this:


    Pattern screen

    Now the pattern screen is constructed in pretty much the same way as the sequencer screen, but with a few extra steps at the end.

    So first, the main module, then the regular Rows, then the "Row - bottom" at the bottom, then the "Row - cursor" somewhere in the middle. Connect the top and bottom rows with a green wire by connecting the powerpoles on the left, and connect the pole at the cursor to the pole at the top of the screen.

    Now in the case of the pattern screen, the bottom row has an extra powerpole on the right side, which needs to be connected with a red wire to the pole at the cursor, as follows:


    Now we can repeat the same thing we did with the sequencer screen to add the columns for our channels (again, 8 in my case). But now, instead of using the signals 0, 2, 4.. aka the even numbers, we now use the odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, B, D, F Demonstration:


    One last thing we need to add is the "Column - bottom" blueprint, which is tiled at the bottom of each of the channels, horizontally, just like we did the top.

    Note: Don't forget to connect the pattern screen to the rest of composinator with the aforementioned large powerpoles

    Our 2 screens will now look something like this:



    Another vital part of the GUI is the controls, so we can actually start making songs. The controls look like this:


    As usual, it's connected through the large powerpoles.

    Note that you probably want both screens and the controls to be relatively close to eachother, so you can actually feasibly use the controls while still being able to look at the screen.

    Here's an example of how you could lay it out:


    Instrument rack

    Now we've arrived at the last mandatory part of composinator: The instrument rack. This is where all our programmable speakers will be producing the sound.

    First of, we start with the connector:


    We then take the instrument rack and tile it to the right, equal to the amount of channels we have (8 in my case):


    After that we can start filling the different channels up with instruments. I've provided blueprints for all the different instruments in the vanilla game, and they can be simply tiled upwards as follows:



    I've also added a blueprint that already contains all different instruments in the default order they appear in the selection menu in a portable speaker:


    If size is not an issue (why would it be) I recommend just using this complete one. Mainly because switching around the order of the instruments will actually change what instrument plays what when you play a song.

    The final result of the instrument rack should look something like this:


    Piano roll

    Now there's one last optional module which requires some setup explanation, which is the piano roll. It's able to visualize the notes that are being played while editing and playing back the song.

    It looks like this:


    And can be connected by connecting the powerpole at the top of the piano roll to the powerpole at the bottom right of the pattern screen using red wire.



    Now our complete composinator could look something like this:


    Additional components

    There's a few more additional components that require minimal setup to add to your composinator, but are not needed for the basic functionality.

    Save module

    If you want to be able to save your songs to a DISK for later use, you need the save module. It looks like this:


    The way you install it is by adding it to the end of the memory bank where you would normally tile additional channels. The process is similar as with the installation of the channels:




    The module itself is fairly self explanatory. You put in a DISK, you press save, and you wait until the light turns off. The song is now stored on the DISK.

    Load module

    There's already a load module integrated in the main memory module, but it can be built separately too, of course. This works pretty much the same as save. Put in DISK, press button, wait for light to turn off.


    It is important to note that before loading a new song, you need to wipe your old memory first, or there might be some remnants of the old song coming through when you load the new one.

    Which brings us to the next module

    Memory wipe module

    This simply wipes all data from memory storage. A complete wipe. Nothing more to explain. Use this before loading a new song.


    Finally, we have the converter, which is able to load a song from a DISK, and convert it into the correct memory format for your composinator.


    All the settings and values for a song (hardware, memory, song + all sequencer notes and patterns) are completely saved within the main memory bank. That means that when a song is saved to a DISK, it also stores all the settings that come along with it from the composinator. That means, number of channels, memory length of the sequencer and patterns, screen height and cursor index, etc.

    If you're just using one composinator to make all your songs, this is not a problem, because most of those settings will stay the same and will work on your machine.

    However, if you decide to make a new composinator with more channels, for example, you still want to be able to load your old songs into it.

    That's what the converter is for:

    • (First first, perform a memory wipe for the same reasons as with load)

    • First you go to your main settings board, where you enter all the settings as you want them to be after conversion. So the settings of our new machine.

    • Then you put the old DISK into the converter.

    • You use the constant combinator to indicate the number of patterns you actually want to convert. (The possible number of patterns is practically infinite, and the conversion process takes a while, so limiting this to the actual amount of patterns that you need is preferred). This should be set to the highest pattern index number that you've used in the sequencer.

    • You press convert.

    The circuit will start converting the song to the new memory format and will load it directly into memory.

    The conversion process is busy as long as the lamp is on. While it's red it is loading in the sequencer data, and when it turns yellow it is loading the pattern data.

    If your song is pretty much sequentially built (what I mean is that patterns that play first have a lower index than the patterns that play later), then that means you can already start playing your song the moment the lamp turns yellow. The conversion process will simply continue running in the background while the song plays.

    Note that this conversion process can also be very useful even if you don't change your hardware. For example, it allows you to actually change the pattern and sequencer memory lengths without corrupting your song. Simply save a song to a DISK, put it into the converter, wipe main memory, set the new settings, and convert the song to the new settings.


    Recommended for first time users:

    Composinator - Pre-built - 4 Channels

    If you want to build it to you specifications:

    Composinator - Memory bank

    Composinator - Sequencer screen

    Composinator - Pattern screen

    Composinator - Controls

    Composinator - Instrument rack

    Thoughts & Questions

    Feel free to give your thoughts about this project, and whether there are possible improvements to make.

    One improvement I'd like to implement is the possibility to input notes by clicking the note on the piano roll instead of having to increase/decrease the input value with arrows.

    And of course if there's any questions, I'll be glad to answer them.

    Also, if people are interested, I can do a write-up of the actual inner workings of the circuitry, but I think this post is currently already long enough, so that will have to wait for another post sometime.

    Though generally it's quite a well working system, it's possible that there's still a few bugs, so please let me know if you find any.

    submitted by /u/tzwaan
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    First time doing grid base, at first I was worried that my cells are too big.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:30 PM PDT

    good start?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:25 PM PDT

    Why are the inserters not putting the coal into the train?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    Had some problems with power not anymore.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    This is going to be my 1k SPM Megabase in a circular design. I am not even half through yet and I am sweating already

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:16 AM PDT

    Mod to annotate / draw on the map for planning?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:19 AM PDT

    Is there a mod which allows you to draw stuff on the map (like tape measure) in different colors and maybe also give you the option to annotate them? It would be especially helpful for multiplayer. I remember seeing something like that before but couldn't find anything after 20 minutes of scrolling through the mod installer.

    submitted by /u/HugoPro
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    Is the map generator Italian?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    My original base that I finished the game on, little bit of spaghetti

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:19 PM PDT

    Kind of left the game a year ago. Anything new to the game i dont know ?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:14 AM PDT

    Guide for UPS-Optimized Mega-Base

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:01 AM PDT

    This post provides details on how to create a UPS-optimized mega-base. If you have not played a normal, bug-enabled factorio victory, I recommend you do so first.

    To give some background, I tried transforming my first, zero-bots, bug-enabled, victory base into a mega-base. On my mid-end computer, this reduced my base to 30-40fps, and I was extremely dissapointed. Transitioning from nuclear power to solar power did little for my UPS besides wasting a huge amount of my time.

    So, here is a guide to make a UPS-optimized base:

    (0) Disable bugs and pollution. Bugs and defense mechanisms consome a large amount of update-time, because your mega base and its perimeter will be large.

    (1) Use sandbox mode, with "cheats" enabled. Better yet, use a "creative" mod, since you will be stuck building things manually or with bots in sandbox mode (personally, I refuse to install mods, so I'm stuck in sandbox, which is still 100x better than regular).

    (2) Use console commands to add large numbers of items to your inventory as needed. /c game.player.insert{name="resource-name", count=number}

    (3) Use "infinity-chest" to get rid of unwanted items in your inventory (infinity chests destroy the items contained when you mine them). You won't be able to blast away unwanted items with weapons.

    (3.5) Use infinity chests to fuel your trains with uranium fuel, provided you don't find train fueling to be interesting (it doesn't have much effect on UPS since it's so low throughput).

    (4) Use "electric-energy-interface" to simulate a solar farm. You can build a solar farm yourself if you prefer, but you will probably regret it.

    (5) Set map generation to preferrable settings. Do not generate trees or cliffs. Lower the ore frequency while raising its size and richness. Uranium is hardly needed (not at all if you follow steps 3/3.5). Coal, stone and water are also needed in lesser amounts than copper and iron.

    (6) Do not use belts at all. Belts might be interesting, but they are way worse for UPS, especially since you will need more inserters and said inserters are more time-expensive when transferring to/from belts.

    (6) Minimize fluid elements (don't use nuclear/burner power).

    (7) Minimze circuit elements. You don't need any circuit elements to make a well-tuned mega-base.

    submitted by /u/fplebbit
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    Do trees prevent biters from spawning?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    Do trees prevent biters from spawning?

    I created a new save with Deathworld settings only changing resources and terrain, cranked trees to 600% and 17% scale. Yeah, it is dense, can't play sanely without Squeak Trough mod.

    After some hours I noticed I haven't been attacked at all, and believed it was because of pollution absorption by the forest. Hours later I decided to explore a bit, and only found an isolated worm. Then I used a console command to reveal 2048x2048 around me, and couldn't find a single spawner.

    I then disabled all my mods and used the map string to create a new world with same options. Started the game and used console command reveal again... No biters.


    What is going on?

    Here's the string in case you want to test it:

    >>>eNpjYBBk8GIAgtWrVtkBsT0HS3J+Ys7qVVp2DAwHHECYKzm/oCC1 SDe/KBVZmDO5qDQlVTc/E1Vxal5qbqVuUmJxKtBQBwhusOfILMrPQze BtbgkPw9VpKQoNbUYxgNp5C4tSszLLM1F18vAuCJOYH5DixwDCP+vZ1 D4/x+EgawHQEtBGAwc7BkYgWJQwCKRnJ9XUpSfo1ucWlKSmZdulVhaY ZWUmVjMqWugZ2oAAhrYlKQVpRaWpuYlV1rlluaUZBbkZKYWcZjpgTUY yKLryM3PLC4pLUoFm8wBM1gXpzKsphvoGZoBgTlrck5mWhoDg4IjA0O BMygMGBkZq0XWuT+smmLPCPGXngOU8QAqciAJJuIJY/g54JRSgTFMkM wxBoPPSAyIpSVAK6CqOBwQDIhkC0iSkfFjxuOOrT++2DH+Wfnxkm9Sg j1jWTPvl6+KW0BuZwdqYGSCE7NmgsBOmFcYkJwAkbppz3j2DAi8sWdk BekQAREOFkDigDczA6MAH5C1oAdIKMgwwJxmBzNGxIExDQy+wXzyGMa 4bI/uD2BA2IAMlwMRJ0AE2EK4yxghTId+B0YHeZisJEIJUL8RA7IbUh A+PAmz9jCS/WgOwYwIZH+giagghT4XyJ4UOPGCGe4IYDBeYIfxHOY7M DMgwAd7huBLEjkASmLpwg==<<< 
    submitted by /u/ThiagoCururu
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