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    Sunday, May 16, 2021

    Factorio When the factory must grow without you ;(

    Factorio When the factory must grow without you ;(

    When the factory must grow without you ;(

    Posted: 15 May 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    So apparently I've managed to combine two fluid systems with each other by placing a mining drill on uranium patch next to a working steam turbine

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:53 PM PDT

    Just going to pass some time..

    Posted: 16 May 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Progressing with giant leaps, the balancer is now almost back to the original size

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    JOSEF (self-expanding factory): Now available as blueprint!

    Posted: 16 May 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    Tired of playing factorio but obviously don't NOT want to play factorio? Have JOSEF (JOSEF's organically self-expanding factory) play for you!

    I tried making a blueprint version to use on any map. But: You'll want to crank up resources all the way. Otherwise you will have to seed a ton of materials and it will be painfully slow. It should theoretically still work but you'll have to be veeeery patient and give it a lot of initial stuff to work with.

    Firing this up is pretty complicated and will probably take 10 minutes or so. I tried my best giving more or less clear instructions, but this thing is convoluted as hell. I've made a little video of me starting it and I suspect you might have to watch it in order to set it up right. It took me about 6 1/2 minutes to do and I've done it a few times before.

    It would be awesome if a few people were willing to test this, both to see if they understand the instructions and if the thing works. I'll be happy to help with problems, come to a multiplayer map and look at failed attempts and so on!

    About the blueprint book: I've had bad experiences with reddit shadowbanning comments with links to blueprint strings in them, so I'll post the blueprint in a comment underneath this just to be on the safe side. Please let me know if you can't see it. It will also be in the description of the video linked above.

    A few important notes:

    Updates since upload:

    • I've made a small change to the blueprint. (01:00PM CET) If you've already started it just give the "Main" train (left side in the brain) the additional AND circuit (not cargo!) condition of fast inserter ≥ 200. Might slow it down a bit in the beginning but should work fine.
    • Make sure your mods are up to date. Recursive Blueprints has to be 1.1.3 or higher or it causes some weird problems that I can't understand


    • Editor Extensions
    • Recursive Blueprint
    • Do Robots build automatic trains
    • Pump anywhere
    • Text plate
    • LTN (shouldn't be necessary but I'm not 100% sure if I'm using some LTN-based circuit signals somewhere)

    Map settings

    • Disable Biters, Cliffs, Water & Pollution (For UPS sake)
    • Set iron, copper, coal & stone to max, disable uranium. Oil doesn't matter but can be disabled.


    • Enable cheat mode (/cheat) or at least higher bot speed. It will be slow enough already without crawling bots. If you enable cheat mode, turn off "always day " (/c game.player.surface.always_day=false)
    • Once done setting it up, set the speed as high as possible (/c game.speed=100)

    Placing the blueprint

    • Use the editor (Ctrl+E) to landfill the starter water (cull the fish first) and place the starter blueprint
    • If you want, you can help a bit with the starter patches. Optimal start would be something like: 1 empty cell for production, 1 cell only mining iron (to make sure iron doesn't get stuck), 1 mixed iron/coal, 1 mixed copper/stone. Alternatively just stuff it with more initial building materials.

    Firing up

    • Follow the Text Plate instructions or what I do in the video as closely as possible
    • For the 5 books you have to feed to trains/chests in the brain cell, do the "main" last. Otherwise for some odd reason the "active" blueprint in the other books changes once the books get active in the "meta book" (see troubleshooting)
    • The amount of resources you have to feed in initially strongly depends on the map. You'll have to get it to a point where there are two production cells (one of each type) and enough mining cells to feed them.
    • Mixed mining cells may sometimes jam with one type of resource.


    • Look at the wait conditions of the left and right "brain trains" (main & crafting) to see what materials are missing.
    • As long as one of each production cells is running, everything should just be a matter of waiting but you might want to speed it up by giving it a little more belts, roboports, inserters, construction bots, something like that. Production speed will run ahead after a few (5-7?) rings.
    • The "crafting", "mining", and "power" books should always have the deconstruction planner as the active blueprint!

    (to be continued from feedback)

    submitted by /u/Drogiwan_Cannobi
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    [Space Exploration] PSA: Condenser Turbines Are Confusing

    Posted: 16 May 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    While trying to get condenser turbines working in the Space Exploration mod, this thread came up at the top of the search results:


    Nobody in that thread hit on the correct explanation and it's too late to post to it, so I'm creating this thread in hopes the search engines will index this for future reference.

    The issues with this building arise from the wonky way it's implemented: internally, it consists of two buildings glued together.

    The first internal building is a 5x3 condenser. It has one steam input and two outputs, one for water and one for steam. This building outputs 99 units of water and 75 units of steam for each 100 units of steam it pulls in.

    The second internal building is a 3x1 steam turbine, located in middle of the condenser. It has two bidirectional input/outputs for steam, one of which is connected to the condenser's steam output and the other to nothing. It consumes the steam to produce electricity, but only when the grid's solar generation capacity is less than the overall demand.

    The net result of this for the external 5x3 building you see in the GUI: it has one steam input and one water output, with a bunch of extraneous symbols and arrows in the middle you can safely ignore. Its steam input is connected to the condenser's steam input, and its water output is connected to the condenser's water output.

    --steam--> condenser turbine ( --steam--> condenser [ --steam--> <--> turbine <--> nothing ] --water--> ) --water-->

    You may be worried that the building has a red operating status due to "output full", and find that it's clogged with steam. This is fine. The internal condenser building is trying to output steam, but is unable to since the internal turbine building is already full. This steam will be consumed when demand picks up. You cannot, and do not need to, remove the steam from the condenser turbine.

    Edit: I should add that the listed 10 MW output is for 999 °C steam. Since it will refuse to generate power from 5000 °C steam and the next best option in Space Exploration is 500 °C, you're only going to get 5 MW out of the thing unless you get creative with fluid mixing.

    submitted by /u/elohimr
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    Holy crap, I never knew he could expand this much

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:02 PM PDT

    I just completed my 2,700 SPM vanilla base in 180 hours, with the added challenge of using a Land-o-Lakes style map with minimal landfill

    Posted: 15 May 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    No matter which version I have played on, I always seem to run across this problem. A research pack, coming out at 99%, despite correct counting. How can/do I solve this besides chucking it into a chest and blowing it up?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    Update to my "Help." post, got yellow science up and artillery. don't think I can lose now..... wait..... behemoths coming in 0.07 EF's..... fuck.......

    Posted: 15 May 2021 11:47 PM PDT

    Self-contained early robot line - 50 robots in 5 minutes

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Why is this nuclear power plant not working?

    Posted: 16 May 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Why is this nuclear power plant not working?

    All steam turbines have 500C steam, but for some reason just don't start to generate actual electricity.


    submitted by /u/ReflexiveOak
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    Bestagon roboport network :D

    Posted: 15 May 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Just started playing. Behold my technique. I call it the "Sushi Express". All input materials and output materials go onto the same conveyor belt circle. You basically just pick up what you need. There is also a conveyor belt of ammo going to all the turrets.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    A choice noodle or two

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    2x16 5GW up to 75% fuel saving Nuclear Reactor 1.120 MW - 4.960 MW range, 4 storage tanks only!

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:33 PM PDT

    2x16 5GW up to 75% fuel saving Nuclear Reactor 1.120 MW - 4.960 MW range, 4 storage tanks only!



    It's power production scales between 1.120 MW - 4.960 MW or between 8 and 32 active reactors according to demand with 2 additional reactors being activated at each step. Maximum fuel saving possible is 75% while only 4 storage tanks are used for fuel saving (storage tanks are for steam measurement purposes only after all). You can just remove the arithmetic combinator if you don't want any fuel saving to occur.


    32 Nuclear Reactors

    1.202 Heat Pipes

    496 Heat Exchangers

    852 Steam Turbines

    Compared to my previous reactor here:


    this one makes extensive use of pumps to direct the fluids (water and steam) better in order to not have any orientation/order placement issues, you can place the blueprint in any orientation you want and it will work at it's full capacity no matter what (10 hours in every orientation working at it's full capacity is displayed in the video)! It is also quite cheaper to make, about 20.000 less iron plates and 3.000 less copper plates are needed mainly due to a more compact design and the use of less heat pipes.



    submitted by /u/linktothepast83
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    A tribute to buffers

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    A tribute to buffers

    I was commenting on an earlier post about how I feel buffers get unfairly maligned... so I decided to have a pop at doing something more useful/intelligent for my ore only main bus plans.

    Meet my ore buffer with status dashboard.... couple more pictures here: https://imgur.com/a/OKfxHp1 and blueprint here for anyone that wants to play with it: https://factorioprints.com/view/-M_mDE0VmXc2Mm8lnzZv

    I wanted something that could support 1 science per second which according to factorio lab gives me a belt ratio of 38:28:5:8 for iron ore/copper ore/stone/coal (assuming full red belts with no modules used anywhere in the base)... which I've done as 4:4:2:2 for the sake of my sanity and also to give plenty of extra stone and coal for concrete and weapons.

    The buffer will last a variable amount of time depending on usage of course, but assuming all the outputs are consumed at full speed then each resource buffer should last 16 minutes if the supply is completely cut off. The fill time for iron and copper ore is 32 minutes and 16 minutes for stone and coal (they have a relatively higher amount of surplus input belts which really should be 3 but I didn't want to build with odd numbers). Each resource has surplus inputs which get buffered if not consumed on the main.

    Fill rate isn't balanced, which I didn't even try to. My theory is that the buffer would fill up and then sit dormant for hours so I can let some chests fill slower than others as long as the buffer output is balanced.

    For the dashboard I imagine the bar indicators are self explanatory. The arrows will be pointing up/green if the buffer is filling or full and down/yellow as soon as it stops filling (therefore depleting because of splitter output priorities).

    I've put some alerts on that trigger when buffer depletion begins so I know I need to haul ass with my spidey to get more resources feeding in and some radars obviously for map zooming and checking in... wouldn't be a very good dashboard if I had to walk across would it.

    Next step will be fluids along the same lines... Hope some of you enjoy messing with this as much as I just enjoyed making it :)

    EDIT: updated pastebin to factorioprints


    submitted by /u/Gd_ChristianLockpick
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    why does my train not work

    Posted: 16 May 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    When you wanted to press F4 to enable chunks but you press F5

    Posted: 15 May 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    One Inserter, one belt, two materials ... no Problem

    Posted: 15 May 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    One Inserter, one belt, two materials ... no Problem

    If you want to put two materials with one inserter on two sides of a belt you can use this little trick.

    a little animated gif for demonstration

    the layout by blueprintbot

    And the blueprint


    If you find it useful ... fine.

    submitted by /u/the-true-logistican
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    My first game

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Hello guys, this is my first game of factorio, I found the game too addictive, what do you think of my first game: b?



    submitted by /u/Dhartes2602
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