• Breaking News

    Tuesday, May 4, 2021

    Factorio Was pretty happy with my blue science design.

    Factorio Was pretty happy with my blue science design.

    Was pretty happy with my blue science design.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    Appreciation post for the Factorio devs

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Some of you may have heard of the disaster that is the new Leviathan DLC for Europa Universalis IV. Currently it sits at 7% positive rating on Steam, and includes minor mugs such as corrupting save files on reload, monarch stats in the billions+ (normally capped at six (6)) and more placeholders than actual pictures. For $20. The game with all DLCs easily costs over $250 outside of sales.

    The last DLC was also quite bad and unbalanced, but less so than this one. They are constantly "apologising" (= appeasing to sharehoders) and "promising to do things better", just like last time. They've released two hotfixes and the big major bugs are still in the game.

    The fixes they did implement are of a totally different kind. Basically, there's two bugs - the fun ones and the unplayables (literally literally). A fun bug would be, that the native Americans have over 200 development in their cities (constantinople at the start has ~30). Or the basically infinite monarch power which gives you (and a few AIs) a giant advantage. They fixed bugs like those. Your save files are still always lost when you close the game. Or it crashes. Which it at does 1/4th of the campaign. Oh and they fixed a pixel error in the meme-state of Ulm for meme points.


    Long story short - it's an absolute shitshow.


    Now constrast this to Factorio: The only negative reactions I've ever heard of Factorio are from people who didn't like the type of game. The devs and the game itself are almost always almost unanimously praised - rightly so, in my opinion. In a game this complex, it's amazing how stable the game is. Most "bugs" are things like a sprite being slightly wrong and the like.

    Now, the devs haven't released a DLC (yet?). I believe they also said, the main features are all implemented, so I don't know if they ever will. But based on the released updates and accompanying path notes I'd say they put a lot more thought and care in their releases, and would never never ever release such a buggy thing for almost full Factorio price.


    So just a big fat thanks to all the Factorio devs for giving us such a great game, especially when compared to what could be

    Merci tüüsig <3

    submitted by /u/scti
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    Hiding in the box (Factorio [Fanmade] Comic Strip # 24)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:19 PM PDT

    I needed some steel for our ever growing base. It can produce 36k steel plater Per minute. And i thought it looked nice. + picture of an outpost suplying it with ore using bots to trains

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    Version 1.1.33

    Posted: 03 May 2021 12:05 PM PDT


    • Reworked all technology icons, and provided higher resolutions used by high GUI scale.
    • Changed item icons for armors, to match the progression and tech icons better.


    • Armor stages on the player character show as 1st with Light armor, and as 2nd with Modular armor.


    • Roboport normal resolution graphics have been updated to be a downscale from the high resolution graphics. more
    • Fixed cut-tool showing distinct selection color when holding shift. more
    • Fixed armor rich text tags not using the correct icon. more
    • Fixed pumpjack showing item drop indication arrows. more
    • Fixed being unable to confirm the migrated content window if there was a game GUI open behind it. more
    • Fixed a bad Lua event when invalidating the owning players controller during the gui closed event. more
    • Fixed scaling of icons on buttons with more than 200% UI scale.
    • Fixed issue where ghosts overlapping with non-ghost entity in cloned area is not cloned. (fixes https://forums.factorio.com/97861)
    • Fixed using upgrade planner without explicit filters on entities marked for upgrade would not upgrade the existing upgrade orders.
    • Fixed a crash with mods and chunk generation in some cases. more
    • Fixed the wrong technology level shown on the icon in the currently selected technology.
    • Fixed the missing notification (i) icon on the recipe group button, when there are more groups, so the tabs are shown as buttons instead.
    • Fixed a crash when trying to undo actions done on a surface that was deleted in the meantime. more
    • Fixed that train would sometimes NO_PATH during repath while in intersection where the path passes through a block that is already occupied by that train. more
    • Fixed a crash when the link_id of a linked container is changed while a non-admin has the GUI open. more


    • Added "add" and "remove" modes to the Infinity pipe and Heat interface.


    • Removed the "tile-build" SoundPath type. It has been replaced with "tile-build-small", "tile-build-medium", "tile-build-large", allowing mods to specify which size they want to refer to.
    • Added LuaEntityPrototype::related_underground_belt read.
    • Added "add" and "remove" modes to InfinityPipeFilter and HeatSetting.

    Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

    P.S. Sorry /u/sPLATTYYY, still had to make an official one.

    submitted by /u/FactorioTeam
    [link] [comments]

    Ok, so right account this time. Someone asked for a closer look at one of my hexagons when I posted my megabase preview the other week. So here's a steel furnace block, my 19k blue belt purple science block, and an ore collection depot.

    Posted: 03 May 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    How can i make the belt with both the copper wire and plastic condense the coper wire like it is on the belt on the right?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    Remember to use chain signals! All my GC and iron production stopped by a 1% chance deadlock

    Posted: 04 May 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Version 1.1.33

    Posted: 03 May 2021 10:24 AM PDT


    • Reworked all technology icons, and provided higher resolutions used by high GUI scale.
    • Changed item icons for armors, to match the progression and tech icons better.


    • Armor stages on the player character show as 1st with Light armor, and as 2nd with Modular armor.


    • Roboport normal resolution graphics have been updated to be a downscale from the high resolution graphics. more
    • Fixed cut-tool showing distinct selection color when holding shift. more
    • Fixed armor rich text tags not using the correct icon. more
    • Fixed pumpjack showing item drop indication arrows. more
    • Fixed being unable to confirm the migrated content window if there was a game GUI open behind it. more
    • Fixed a bad Lua event when invalidating the owning players controller during the gui closed event. more
    • Fixed scaling of icons on buttons with more than 200% UI scale.
    • Fixed issue where ghosts overlapping with non-ghost entity in cloned area is not cloned. more
    • Fixed using upgrade planner without explicit filters on entities marked for upgrade would not upgrade the existing upgrade orders.
    • Fixed a crash with mods and chunk generation in some cases. more
    • Fixed the wrong technology level shown on the icon in the currently selected technology.
    • Fixed the missing notification (i) icon on the recipe group button, when there are more groups, so the tabs are shown as buttons instead.
    • Fixed a crash when trying to undo actions done on a surface that was deleted in the meantime. more
    • Fixed that train would sometimes NO_PATH during repath while in intersection where the path passes through a block that is already occupied by that train. more
    • Fixed a crash when the link_id of a linked container is changed while a non-admin has the GUI open. more


    • Added "add" and "remove" modes to the Infinity pipe and Heat interface.


    • Removed the "tile-build" SoundPath type. It has been replaced with "tile-build-small", "tile-build-medium", "tile-build-large", allowing mods to specify which size they want to refer to.
    • Added LuaEntityPrototype::related_underground_belt read.
    • Added "add" and "remove" modes to InfinityPipeFilter and HeatSetting.

    Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

    submitted by /u/sPLATTYYY
    [link] [comments]

    my attempt for a universal Space Exploration base (exploiting AAI Functionality)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    Well developed PC games like Factorio

    Posted: 03 May 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    In my opinion Factorio is an excellently designed and executed game or I would even say a piece of software. It is very thought through, has superb optimisation and there are almost no bugs.

    What other PC games (not necessarily similar in gameplay) are so well made in your opinion?

    submitted by /u/Deleramentum
    [link] [comments]

    base defence

    Posted: 04 May 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    what is the best way to protect your base from spitters / bitters? right now i have a 5 thick wall with gun turrets every couple tiles with pircing rounds auletrnated with laser turrets and a few layers of mines. plus a couple of artilery cannons inside my base. but still mobs destroy the defences and it takes too much time to rebuild. is there a better way to defend my base?

    submitted by /u/ET_Wizard
    [link] [comments]

    I wanted to start using city blocks, but them I figured that I would need to research green and red first, but for that I need to manufacture a few things and I will have to manufacture trains and rails and one thing lead to another and....

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    4 full ore lanes to 4 full plate lanes, plus overflow

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    If you're planning to use roundabouts, rethink your decision

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:31 AM PDT

    Hi im new to factorio and can't figure out why the animation on my steam powerplant is so slow, I assumed it was the power output but im not sure, what does it mean?

    Posted: 03 May 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    Haven't played since .17. 12 hours into a new game and feeling proud. Just wanted to share. (Blind playthrough)

    Posted: 03 May 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Haven't played since .17. 12 hours into a new game and feeling proud. Just wanted to share. (Blind playthrough)

    Hi there!

    I'm a pretty huge newb when it comes to Factorio. Haven't played it in years, and I don't remember why I stopped before. The itch grew to get back into it and now I'm having a go at launching my very first rocket without any guides, blueprints, or calculators.

    I'd imagine that nothing here is worth noting. I've had a couple ideas I thought were pretty cool, but I figure there's hundreds of blueprints online with much better concepts in use. Regardless, this is a general view of my main area, and map, after 12 hours of play. I didn't include any closer screen-caps because I don't think I'm doing anything ground-breaking, but I can include some in a new post (if requested) when I give an update on my progress.

    Anyway, I'm really proud of what I have going on, so far. I believe I made it a little bit further than where I am now, when played years ago. Currently I'm setting up a railway for iron. It's the very first train that I'll have ever used in the game. After that I plan on setting up others for stone, copper, and coal (maybe).

    Beyond that I just need to make some automation for little things like rails, pipes, poles, and so forth. Once I get all those things in order, I'm going to begin working on Blue Science and everything that comes along with it.

    I understand that that is the big hurdle to really getting into the game. So, I probably won't post again until I manage to get all of that working.

    Thanks for checking things out! Wish me luck on the big bad Blue Science stage! Some of the things you guys and gals post on here are incredible. Looking forward to getting to these wild late-game builds/designs. Happy automating!

    Why no guides, blueprints, or calculators?

    I just want to figure things out on my own, actually learn, and challenge myself. My save file is titled 'Dont Give Up' for good reason.

    This is the main area of my factory. For the most part, science is to the right, and random things I need automated are to the left.

    I'm about to setup my first railway, EVER. I have no clue what I'm doing, but the tutorial gave me a decent idea of how to move forward.

    submitted by /u/Esoteric_Drifter
    [link] [comments]

    Hi guys, I am updating some things in my factory and here I bring you this monstrosity that was much more efficient than expected

    Posted: 03 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT


    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    I heard that for the expansion development they hired people who worked on bob/angle/space exploration can any one confirm any of this?

    submitted by /u/sprocketlordandsavio
    [link] [comments]

    Spidertron should be able to latch onto trains

    Posted: 03 May 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Seriously that just sounds cool, and don't come at me talking about it being unbalanced, just disable the weapons or something while it's on there

    submitted by /u/MeviAlt
    [link] [comments]

    Yesterday I made a post about my first attempt at a City Block. Here´s an update after 5 hours!

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    Any mods that add volume/weight values to everything?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Currently playing K2SE and am having a good time, gonna do py next. I'm looking forward to it but in the back of my mind I know it's ultimately going to be an extreme of a lot of the same which is fun, but I'm looking for something that just pushes the game to past anything rational. Essentially a mod that turns everything into a grid type system we use for modular armor. Would also be nice if there was a packaging system of items that makes inventory stackable

    submitted by /u/joe19921992
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