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    Wednesday, May 5, 2021

    Factorio [IR2] Steam Powered Circuit Factory (2.5/s from ingots)

    Factorio [IR2] Steam Powered Circuit Factory (2.5/s from ingots)

    [IR2] Steam Powered Circuit Factory (2.5/s from ingots)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    A screenshot of the base with "Minable Intermediates" that my brother and I launched a rocket with.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    Took a view hours, but finally designed a crawler machine. I'm one step closer to automated slaughter.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm new to factorio, and I'm having some problems with my boilers and steam engines, If you can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, it would be appreciated :)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 11:53 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is too low effort but I needed to show my base layout to someone. I currently have 310k logistic and 100k builder bots. I'm running the game at an outstanding smooth UPS of 10 per sec. Mining is belt based but transferred with bots. The base uses 25GW (11k turbines). Tell me your hate.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Finally did it!

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    After 65 hours, I finally put a satellite into orbit! 20 hours or so making a spaghetti problem and then another 40 actually understanding the power of a main bus. The last 3-4 hours was just constantly fighting with iron/steel production and rocket parts were very slow.


    Can't wait to start again to plan out something that can scale a bit better.

    My biggest question is how to predict biters a bit better, I tried to setup some defenses but they seem to just randomly spawn in my base if I step x amount of tiles away, but never if I am present. I tried to clear out everything anywhere near me, but still ran into a lot of destroyed belts and turrets.

    The factory must grow.

    submitted by /u/bakkerboy465
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    All of my trains are 2-8 trains. But i wanted a big train because trains are cool. So i made a design that can smelt 90k plates per minute and use a 8-31 train to suply itself with ore and then the 2-8 traind can pickup the plates. Hope you like it

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    Mixed-Belt Madness - my extremely compact red circuit factory

    Posted: 04 May 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    Newish player (~20hours), made a megalomaniac only red pack just because I didn't wanted to wait and now I realized that I now have a lifetime supply of it. Ask me Anything.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:15 AM PDT

    I just noticed that Artillery now drops an expended shell. Nice.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    Not sure if this is new or not but never seen it before.

    submitted by /u/_nosuchuser_
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    hide & seek next level (factorio edition)

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Menu music

    Posted: 04 May 2021 11:03 PM PDT

    Does anybody else absolutely love the menu music? I regularly wait a couple minutes to listen to the whole thing before starting on my games and I'm wondering if anyone else is in the same boat. I could listen to it for hours but I don't wanna ruin the magic haha

    submitted by /u/tomphas
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    My base before trying to abandon it and start a new life somewhere else. (I failed miserably)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:11 AM PDT

    Use both lanes for output in high volume production with splitters

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Help needed with positioning a ghost with rail tracks in it

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Have you guys ever played Open TTD, an open world with trading where you can build a train between cities to buy or sell materials? I wanna do that in factorio, get 10-15 people and explore for about 15 minutes with minimal biters but max expantion, so each player would build his base and trade.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    You could trade with a player via chat or discord, you can send a message like "i need iron here, i can give green circuits" and another player would contact you so you can reach each other, you also have to defend your base agains biters so you could buy power for example, each player would buy what he doesnt have and sell what he has, we just need some players and a serve to test how this would go, it might be laggy tho im not 100% sure, but in case it does get laggy we could orginize so we all optimize our bases with mods and better things, like tiered assemblers etc. Please let me know what you all think and if we get enough people we could make the discord server and test it

    submitted by /u/Paradis1202
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    My first Kovarex setup!

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    For anyone who enjoys Space Exploration/K2, but want a little more complicated supply chains...

    Posted: 04 May 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    PureIt gives a fun pollution removal. K2's is far more efficient, but PureIt feels more balanced and looks way cool. Slightly incompatible, in that some text strings are wonky and it uses it's own O2 instead of SE's.

    Dirty Ore Extraction gives you another possible step for all ores, modded & vanilla, simply mining deeper/dirtier and needing a water-wash.

    Lead, Titanium, and Silica (all by the same author) all add some nice complexity and have built in compatibility with SE/K2. Make sure the check the options and enable the complicated recipe chain for Silica.

    Rich Rocks adds a deposit that can't be worked until late-game, and they break down into a variety of vanilla/K2 ores.

    Wind Turbines 2 adds some nice later stage wind generation for your factory.

    Realistic Uranium Processing adds a massive recipe chain for processing uranium. I haven't fully gotten through this one yet, but all the recipes seem intact...

    Just figured I'd share my successful mod results in case anyone else eyes AngelBob's with jealousy but don't want to give up space travel.

    submitted by /u/Terramort
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    Is Using Mods to get Robots Earlier okay?

    Posted: 04 May 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    I'm currently using a mod that starts you in the game with a couple of "companions" which essentially function as robots. I would rather spend my time creating my factory than place individual splitters. Do you think that this takes some of the satisfaction of building your factory away?

    EDIT: Thank you for all of your comments, this community is chill asf and I like it a lot. I think my original post was a bit unclear as to what I meant to say so I'd like to clarify my question. I'm fairly new to the game (haven't even beaten the game yet), do you think that playing with bots earlier removes some of the satisfaction when you do beat the game?

    submitted by /u/shayade
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    Krastorio2+ space exploration too easy?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    So I've startet krastorio2 and space exploration yesterday the first time.

    But it seems too easy? Like green board only iron and wood? Is there maybe a mod missing?

    First 2 science also very easy like even vanilla would be harder (lol) Steel out of crafting machine? No smelting? Crusher only for sand?

    Someone know which mod is missing? Currently at work with mobile but I can post later what I have.

    Last play through was with sea block/angel/bob....

    I suspect aai industry missing, is that needed?

    Is early really that easy or am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/eihns
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    Mods to make it viable to attrition biters?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    The reason I'm interesting this is that I really want to play around with Robot Army and all the biters.

    However, my understanding of biter mechanics is the biter spawning is free. It takes a bit of time, and there is a cap per spawner, but that's it. Generating attacks costs pollution, but that's pretty much separate from spawning.

    This means, as far as I can tell, attacks against biters only really do anything if, at a minimum, a nest is taken out. I think this won't really work out the way I'm hoping, though. I'd really like to be able to use attacks to meaningfully hinder the biters, even if I don't kill off a spawner.

    I suppose if my attack runs into a forming attack group it would give that sort of effect - assuming there aren't more mechanics at play there I'm unfamiliar with. But overall it seems like a lot of attacks would simply do literally nothing, which seems rather unsatisfying.

    Are there mods that would change this? Maybe by making spawning itself have some cost? Hell, I'll even take information on how moddable these sorts of things are, and ideas for how it could work.

    Or maybe there are other mechanics at play that I don't know about, which would make those attacks more useful than I'm expecting?

    submitted by /u/dfhfghr
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    A solution to a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

    Posted: 04 May 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    A solution to a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place.

    Stubborn as I am, I've been "playing" Factorio AFK, in my notebook. Attempting a problem I decided to solve in a very specific manner... This is a portion of my base, a train runs between the oil refinery (Homraff), the big oil field (Ramon) and the uranium mine/small oil patch/nuclear power station (Uran).

    My home

    The end goal is properly controlling the double-ended fluid wagon train, and the stations etc. It serves triple duty as both having to haul oil from Ramon, supplying sulfuric acid to Uran for drilling. Besides that, it picks up oil from Uran (there are a few patches there too) or filling a wagon with steam there to freight back to Homraff for coal liquefaction. So the same wagon can contain either oil, sulfuric acid or steam, depending on the situation. There are a lot of things to keep in check all of a sudden, pumps, station enable signals etc... But it's a challenge right! Circuit conditions to the rescue! More specifically, sequential logic by help of my previous D-latch thingy: https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/n2i5a0/first_step_towards_sequential_logic_in_factorio/

    So, basically the state bits (three of them, since we have less than 2^3 states) control the output logic (not made yet!). With memory (latches), the state bits also depend on their previous state, since they feed into themselves. I think it's really fascinating that you can translate an abstract real world problem into electric signals passing through transistor gates like this. And that you can do it in a game!!!!!

    I drew a basic finite-state-machine (planning on Moore) to solve some of the train-logic outside of the train. It's quite clear this approach to solving problems is NOT very efficient, I've sat with this for several days, scratching my head, building, debugging and going back to the drawing board. But only Factorio can have you voluntarily doing homework :-)

    State diagram with some discrete photo editing.

    I don't expect you to try to understand much since it's basically just a scratchpad at this point but idk, might as well explain for completeness:

    State S0: Train at Homraff, doing nothing or emptying/filling stuff.

    S1: Signal U received, sulfuric acid needs refilling at Uran. The sulfuric acid should fill up and train leave eventually.

    S2: Signal Tu tells us it has arrived at Uran (the Train Stop emits a signal), this information is probably useful. Until Th, the signal indicating the train has arrived back at Homraff is received will it enter its original state S0 again.

    S3, S4: Signal S, Steam needed for coal liquefaction, the powerplant producing steam is down at Uran, leave straight away without filling with sulfuric acid. Very similar to the previous procedure.

    S5, S6: Only if no steam nor sulfuric acid is needed but crude oil is (signal C), will the train depart for Ramon and grab oil.

    State encodings, I found out the hard way I had forgotten a few.

    Next state logic with some simplifications. Picture is a little misleading, I should've drawn the lines connecting s0, s1, s2 back into the inputs but it's a little abstract/non-formal.

    The final product! Or rather one half of it...

    It actually seems to work, although I haven't tested it super-thoroughly. Ugly as hell but I can't be bothered to tidy it up hah. I snuck in a reset-signal too. What surprises me is it even seems to work at high operating frequencies. I speculated in my D-latch post that you'd probably have to have several game-ticks pass between the logic gates since I don't think they update their output until the next tick. Perhaps this is still true but I ran it half the UPS (so, 30?) and I didn't notice any weird bahavior.... I was sure I was gonna need at least 6-7-8 delay ticks considering the many layers here. But I don't know.

    Next up is the actual output decoder for the pumps, train stops etc 🤪

    submitted by /u/Tickstart
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