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    Friday, May 14, 2021

    Factorio A new minor annoyance I hadn't noticed before

    Factorio A new minor annoyance I hadn't noticed before

    A new minor annoyance I hadn't noticed before

    Posted: 14 May 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Factorio Space Exploration mode is like the game on it's own! The game really begins after the first cargo rocket is built and sent to the orbit. 100h and happy.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    Peninsula Forest Base; finally after 120+hrs on my first ever map (all Vanilla). Any improvements I can make?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 01:27 AM PDT

    My 8-8 universal balancer is steadily getting smaller. Explanation in comments

    Posted: 13 May 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    unless you need 360 Steam Turbines, always remember to limit your chests

    Posted: 13 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    Alt-F4 #35 - Do you even lift bro?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 04:27 AM PDT

    The biters had no chance

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    JOSEF: Results of the first proper run

    Posted: 14 May 2021 12:12 AM PDT

    So, JOSEF did his first real long term run. I let it run for about 34 ingame hours and got it to a 23x23 grid, so that's 529 cells. It's still going and I'm pretty confident it would keep going for a while but it's down to 30 UPS and waiting for it is just painful. Also, I've noticed a few very easy things that I can improve to both increase expansion speed and performance.

    Some numbers:

    • 12 rings with a total of 529 cells
    • Currently 93 of each production cell, 150 power cells, 151 mining cells, a few on the outside ring are yet to be filled.
    • 20M iron ore mined, 2.6M green circuits, 560k belts, 250k rails produced.
    • 750 trains going to 2123 train stations (1500 of them actually have a purpose, 600 got left behind in power cells)
    • 600MW draw. No problems with power whatsoever. It seems okay that I gave it 30MW of cheat power to start.
    • 12k construction bots, 4k logistic bots, 2600 (built) roboports

    Some interesting things I noticed:

    • Producing enough materials is absolutely trivial after the first few rings. Most of the production cells just sit idle for most of the time. This is a nice example for the difference between quadratic and linear growth: Production capacity grows roughly with the area covered (as prod cells are randomly scattered around) and demand either grows linearly (because the amount of new cells that get constructed in every ring grows linearly) or stays more or less constant (because only one cell is edited at a time and at some point train speed becomes the bottleneck)
    • As a consequence of this, you could probably make a lot of science with this. Just put a tiny little science setup behind the production lines (or replace production with science once it has produced a certain amount) to eat up all those excess resources. That might however increase the amount of active trains (and generally entities) by a lot, so I'm not sure how feasible that is in reality.
    • Another consequence of production growing quadratically is that the process of filling up a ring actually becomes faster, as long as materials are the limiting factor. (Note: The process of filling up a RING, not cell. That is despite the rings getting bigger and bigger) Looking at the power graph you can nicely see that the distance between the "spikes" (massively increased draw from roboports when a new ring gets built) move closer together before moving further apart again. That's when the bottleneck changes from material production to train and bot travel time. I think the fastest ring is something like number 8 or 9, but that could probably be pushed further by improving train waiting times. (I'm working on that)
    • Bots aren't as dumb as I thought when it comes to distances. Seems like if an item is only in one type of chest (say passive providers), they reliably go to the closest one. This is great because it means most of the cells are just built with materials from production cells nearby. The only reason why bots still have to constantly go to the middle is because of my lazy-ass way of recycling unused building materials. I might improve that soon.
    • Empty blueprint deployer chests (that get sent a construction signal but don't have a blueprint in them) seem to be a pretty large UPS factor. There is one in every cell and the recursive blueprint mod is taking 10-12 ms to update. It should be very easy to get rid of them once a cell is done building, although I won't be able to do stuff like recycling empty mining cells then. But I think I'm fine with that if I get a decent increase in performance from it.

    I've uploaded a 10 minute video of the startup and the (more or less) complete timelapse to Youtube, in case anyone wants to see it. It has some nice and chill music to help you fall asleep even better :)

    submitted by /u/Drogiwan_Cannobi
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    What are those brown flying thingies in the bottom right corner?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    how do u make underground belts go under other underground belts

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    I hate Factorio I want to test train throughput and now i got base with 400 SPM and HUB

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Not a City-Block, but a Mini-Block (See Description)

    Posted: 13 May 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    Working in an old plant today, look up and see where spaghetti gets its roots.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Everyone's Enrichment confuses me. Belt only enrichment.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    Is there a keyboard shortcut for controlling the electrical grid?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Help me please, i can't connect this pipe to the storage tank, already tried replacing the tank

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Make sure you manually back up your saves every so often I just learnt the hard way

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:49 PM PDT

    So long story short. Steam was syncing my cloud save after I quit the game, then power goes out. Now my save file of 315 hours and all 3 autosaves are corrupted so all my progress is gone.

    So please learn from me and Make sure you save a manual copy of your saves to a different file every few hours so don't just rely on auto saves.

    submitted by /u/Boatg10
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    Educational Factorio Project Elements of Intralogistics

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Train Colors

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Mod request

    Posted: 14 May 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    TL;DR - looking for mod to make an Assembling Machine 4 (and all other building types that take and/or make stuff), which has built in requester and active provider chests.

    I wish I had the patience and skill to sit down and figure out how to make this type of mode, but unfortunately I do not.

    I'm envisioning an Automation 4 research with a cost of (60s, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 purple, 1 white) ✖ 300, and with the Assembling Machine 4 recipe requiring something along the lines of 2 Assembling Machine 3, 2 Active Provider Chests, 2 Active Requester Chests and 4 Stack Inserters.

    This may be too cheap to be honest, but it would need to be tested for balance.

    What it would allow for is extremely compact factories as it removes the need for chests and inserters. It would also allow for 200 MW nuclear reactors that you don't need to hand feed and empty.

    submitted by /u/MartinSchou
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    Train Pathing Concerns for Entry + Exit Stackers

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    I've encountered another unexpected but intentional train behavior, and have a possible solution but wanted to see if I'm on the right track. In my last game, I embraced circuitry to dynamically control train limits at each of my pickup and dropoff stations, so that trains wouldn't path to a pickup station unless there was enough cargo to conpletely fill up (or for dropoffs, enough free space to completely unload). This worked great until my copper chain stalled in a soft lock.

    For some context, I leverage the mechanics of having identically-named stations all over the place. "<Resource> Pickup" and "<Resource> Dropoff," then use combinators to feed a train limit to each station. At one point, the seldom-but-possible scenario occurred that all my pickup stations went active at the same time, and all my trains went to go pick up. Once this happened, none of the copper pickups had enough stored ore left to completely fill a train, so when the next train unloaded, it had no new pickup to path to. Instead, it stood in the station until the a pickup station had mined enough new ore to have the limit raised. Even though I am using an entrance stacker at my stations, the smelter ended up input starved, with full trains waiting in the stacker, since the recently offloaded train was still sitting and waiting for a valid pickup to open.

    While arguably the "best" solution would be to oversaturate supply, I didn't have any new cleared copper patches to tap, so I ended up manually kicking the limit on one of the stations and giving the train a valid destination, just so I could restore the flow of resources while I Manifest Destiny'd some copper bearing territory from the natives. There's no guarantee that I won't at some point end up in the same boat again, so I have a presumptive solution to add exit stackers to my stations as well, I just don't know if pathing will work the way I expect it to.

    Since my stations are all identically named, my plan is to add an exit stacker and a second train stop, "<Resource> [Dropoff/Pickup] Parking" at each one. The schedule for each train would have four stops total: Pickup, Pickup Parking, Dropoff, Dropoff Parking. Since each train would have to hit that location's Parking exit stacker before rejoining the main rail line, the hope is that regardless of which specific station they stop at, they would always select the appropriate paired Parking stop based on path costing. I'm not envisioning a scenario where a train would hit a Pickup in the far south, but instead try to path to a Pickup Parking stop on the other side of the map as their next destination. Is there something else in this concept I haven't account for that could blow up in my face spectacularly?

    submitted by /u/KlassenT
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