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    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Factorio Josef is slowly starting to play! (2h self-expanding factory timelapse)

    Factorio Josef is slowly starting to play! (2h self-expanding factory timelapse)

    Josef is slowly starting to play! (2h self-expanding factory timelapse)

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm making a base (2nd time playing, screwed 1st one up to hard to continue it) and i'm realizing it's becoming a mess of a spaghetti base, any tips to "de-spaghettify" it?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    What should you put on your bus?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:53 AM PDT


    There's a tl;dr at the end if you're a lazy ass human like me.

    After asking myself what should I put on my bus, posting a question here and _still_ not knowing exactly what to put, I decided to get all items that can reasonably be put in a bus (You're not busing power armors MKII unless it's a specific goal of yours), see what can be made from them, and from that see what should be automated. Keep in mind that I'm going to be alternating between talking what can be made from an item and what my opinion about it. Also, I believe that Factorio should be played as you want to, so feel free to not follow this at all.

    All information here is taken from the wiki and doesn't consider mods or the expensive mode.

    #Intermediate products (non-fluids)

    ##Iron, Copper and Steel plates

    These three items are considered the first things a bus should have so I'm not giving them much time. They're used to make a lot of items (Iron - 42; Copper - 21, Steel - 59).


    Coal is used as fuel and to make 5 items and coal liquefying, which results in a lot of heavy oil. The others are explosives (used to make explosive ammunition, grenades (military science packs and personal use), plastic (discussed later) and throwable capsules for personal use.

    Plastic and explosives will be discussed later. If your need for lubrificant (the most efficient use of heavy oil) is very high, busing coal is further reccomended.


    Stone is used for landfill, rails, stone bricks and stone furnaces. The middle two are the most important: Rail for transport and science packs, and bricks for concrete, electric furnaces and walls.

    Although stone doesn't have a variety of uses, you'll need a good amount of it. For example, to make 1 science pack per second (assuming no modules and 1 crafting speed), you'll need 15 stone per second (5 for rails and el. furnaces for production pack and 10 for bricks then walls for military), i.e. one saturated transport belt.

    Imo, stone should be bused, used for rails, smelted and return to the bus in the form of bricks.


    Platic is only used to make 4 things, but two are very important: Advanced circuits and Low density structures, which are then used to make modules, science packs and rocket parts. The other two are canon shells used by the tank.

    However, to make it, one coal is used to make two plastic bars, making it more viable space-wise to put coal on your bus.


    Sulfur's uses are to make explosives, chemical science packs and sulfuric acid, the latter being important for blue circuits, batteries and mining uranium.

    I'd say that sulfur should be made on spot instead of being put on the bus. For sulfuric acid, see the fluids part.


    8 out of the 9 things produced from explosives are for personal use (throwables and ammunition), and the other one is artillery shells.

    Since all those have only one use, making explosives on spot and busing coal is a better choice.

    ##Copper cables and Iron sticks

    Copper cables are used for 12 items but the only important ones are green and red circuits. They take twice the size that copper plates would take, so no busing.

    Something similar happens to iron sticks (used for 6 items), they take more space and should be made on spot.

    ##Iron gear wheel

    Interestingly, gears are used in the same amount of recipes as iron plates (42). My highlights are assembly machines 1 and 2, all transport belts, some inserters, engines, el. mining drill and auto. science pack.

    I think that the main reason to bus gears is the better compression (2 plates = 1 gear). If you're using the same belt to bring iron for gears and other things, making them on spot can affect plates flow, which can be a problem if you're going for max efficiency.

    ##Green circuits

    Nearing the uses for steel at 52 items, these are usually the first thing that's added to the bus after plates. The highlights are assembling machines 1 and 2, modules 1, splitters, inserters, solar panels, el. engines and the next two tiers of circuits.

    That's enough uses for me to bus it.

    ##Red circuits

    35 uses, mainly all modules, blue circuits and others used for science packs (directly or indirectly like el. furnace and blue circuits).

    Since this one needs plastic, I think it's better to bus it, otherwise you'd need 3 steps in production to make them every time you need them (petroleum to plastic, copper to cables and making the circuits).

    ##Blue circuits

    Even if it's used for 20 items, all are quite useful, focus on modules 2 and 3, rocket control units, satellite and utility science pack. The others are limited in crafting for being modules or armor and the last one is artillery targeting remote.

    I'm a bit divided on this one. At best, it's always used on 3 locations (modules, rocket related and science). If all those three are near each other, there's no need to bus.

    ##Engines, electrical engines and flying robot frames

    I'm grouping those since one of the two main uses for the first is to make the second, which is mainly used to make the third, which then is actually important.

    Engines have few uses (8): Making vehicles, pumps, flamethrower turret but most importantly chem. science packs and el. engines.

    About the electrical version, it only has 5 uses? I thought there'd be more. Well, those are exoskeleton Power armor I and II, rocket silo, and for last the most worthy of automation, Flying robot frame.

    Finally on the last one, these are used for logistic and construction bots and utility science pack.

    No busing for any of them. Engines can be made on spot for chem. packs, and another place can make engines, then its el. version, then frames, which should then be partially redirected for the flying robots and the rest for science.

    ##Low density structure

    10 total uses with 3 main ones: rocket parts, satellite and utility pack.

    No need for busing since only two locations need it (rocket-related and science).

    #Intermediate products (fuids)

    Oil cracking isn't very efficient, and should only be used if there's too much of one.

    Note that petrol, light and heavy oils can be used for solid fuel, but light oil is the most efficient one to use, so I'm not considering it for the other two.

    ##Crude oil

    Crude oil is used to make petroleum, light and heavy oil and flamethrower ammo.

    I don't think there's much of a reason to bus it, since advanced oil processing makes the three types of oil, making it highly inconvenient if you only want one, and I don't use flamethrowers. The only thing I can say about it is that transporting crude oil may be more space-efficient, if you don't consider water (100 crude oil turns into 125 oil in total in advanced processing).

    ##Heavy oil/Lubrificant

    Heavy oil is used on two things, and one of them is coal liquafation, which mainly serves to make more heavy oil. Additionally, it's more effective ammunition for the flamethrower turret than crude oil. Since the main use for heavy oil is to make lubrificant, so I'll talk mostly about it instead.

    Lubrificant is used for electric engine units which are later used for science packs. It's also used for express belts.

    Tbh I wouldn't bus heavy oil or lubrificant, connecting it directly to the parts that make el. engines and express belts seems better.

    ##Light oil

    Light oil's use is mostly to make rocket fuel, since it's also the most efficient way to produce solid fuel. Alternatively, it can also be used as the most effective ammo for the flamethrower turret

    No busing, just make the solid and rocket fuels assemblers near each other and connect them to the rocket silo and a chest for personal use.


    Used for sulfur and plastic. As mentioned previously. Since the conlcusion was to make both on spot, it's reasonable to bus petrol.

    ##Sulfuric acid

    As mentioned while talking about sulfur, this is used for batteries (mainly used for robot frames, which are then used for science packs), blue circuits (for advanced modules, s. packs and rocket parts indirectly) and mining uranium.

    Not much need to bus it, even if the places that make blue circuits and batteries are far. It's only two uses.


    Water is mainly used for oil cracking/processing and concrete, sulfur and explosives, or it's turned to steam and used for power or coal liquefation.

    Since I make all oil-related products on the place where I extract crude oil, there's not much point doing it. For the other items I connect the places that make them directly, without busing it. For power production, turn it into steam and consume it on spot, maybe adding a storage tank.


    Many combat items should only be made a limited amount of times (armor, modules, guns), while some others could be automated. However, the uses are majorly limited/personal, so there's no need to bus any of them.

    The three highlights are the ones used for the military science pack: Piercing ammunition, grenades and walls. All should be made on spot and partially directed to chests for player use.


    As with Combat, most of these are useful but used to craft few things. All required can be made on spot.


    Same as Combat and Production. Make on spot and put them in chests for personal use.

    The two main differences here are stone bricks (already discussed in Stone) and concrete. Concrete requires iron ore, and is the only thing to do so. It's used for the centrifuge, nuclear reactor, artillery turret, rocket silo and refined concrete, the last one having its only use being layed on the floor for a 150% running speed bonus. All need a considerable amount of it (60 for artillery, up to 1k for the silo).


    Bus coal, iron, copper and steel plates, stones (use them for rails and then smelt them and turn it all into stone bricks), Iron gear wheels, green and red circuits and petrol.


    I'd like to thank my insomnia for making me stay up to 1am writing this.

    Feel free to yell at me on the comments, I probably made a lot of mistakes lol.

    submitted by /u/ElXablauNuclear
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    is this overkill? (normal world settings, max starting area, im new idk how fast polution spreads)

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    First time bazooka user! [LifeChanging]

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Damn. I was confused, still going strong with my sub-machine gun taking out nests. I died multiple times trying to take out a big nest, said wtf cmon! Looked around in the weapons tab, ah, bazooka, never used, will set up factory for it.

    here we go, load up on some rockets and take out that freaking nest. Nest is gone and I can now pump more oil to my base.

    Just a little rant. No biggie :D

    submitted by /u/theMined
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    Sharing my first BluePrint! Compact Coal Liquefaction Moduled 4:2:4

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:59 AM PDT

    Sharing my first BluePrint! Compact Coal Liquefaction Moduled 4:2:4

    Factory must grow!

    Shared in https://factorioprints.com/view/-M_QEdatqLNLDIO8N-6a

    + CHALLENGE: Can you make it more compact by any means?

    edit: codeblockBP string:

    submitted by /u/Thelema-Zhong
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    Has anyone ever tried an ore only bus?

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Just after people's thoughts....

    I have played through a few times and find the main bus design very useful. My last factory in particular though I have been having a lot of fun making a second main bus from scratch once I have full tech researched... obviously a lot easier to organise and stuff then.

    The thing that I've found most fun though with this rebuild is working it out so that my offshoots from the bus are "correct" so the ratios are good and produce fully compressed belts.

    So on that vein I'm now pondering having a go at doing an ore only bus, where I'll just have (lots and lots) of blue belts of ore (and pipes) and the offshoot factories will take only raw materials, each being responsible for producing a single compressed blue belt of a science or rocket part which are shipped out via choo choo... so I should end up with a crazy big raw bus, enormous long offshoots and a narrow finished bus some considerable distance away that feed labs and rockets.

    I'm thinking I'll have to get even more modular than currently to make sure I can basically make sub factories for things like smelting and greens.

    Has anyone tried to play like this, and was it fun or awful?

    submitted by /u/Gd_ChristianLockpick
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    Space Exploration : Finding Naquitite in decent quantities

    Posted: 11 May 2021 03:09 AM PDT

    Bumbling on through this fine mod, one thing really bothering me is that I am up to Deep Space Exploration 10 and there is no good deposit of Naquitite to be found - I am mining a 600k patch and there is maybe another 300K accessible to this base, without scanning a a ridiculous distance.

    There is another asteroid field that will give me two 900k patches not too far from the origin. Both of these maps have Naquitite high up in the resource availability list in the locations UI. I can get huge patches of iron, copper, methane, water, uranium even if they are lower down the list.

    Any tips on how to find a nice patch of 3-5M Naquite without scanning for ever and bloating my savefile with the map ?


    submitted by /u/NegatorUK
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    Defences and Ores

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Laser and power and stuff

    Posted: 11 May 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    Exact Grab mod - scratching an itch: scroll up and down items, select exact num of items

    Posted: 10 May 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Just completed my first marathon run. Here is my base.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Ribbon world

    Posted: 10 May 2021 10:11 PM PDT

    What can be thinest ribbon world?

    submitted by /u/ramunaspe92
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    Finally, I've built a base that can produce 1k SPM! Is this a megabase yet?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Thanks Wube, ya got with me

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    Just started a new death ribbon world for funzies. Decided to take a break and go get something to drink. I saved my game and clicked quit, and my brain forgot the last 10 seconds of doing so. All of a sudden panic happened from within as the loading splash animations started and the first I see is the giant swarm from the left of my screen. Mild heart attack happened. Not sure if anyone else faced this excitement.

    830 Hours in and still feels like a new game.

    submitted by /u/MistaPeppah
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    When you're finally able to get rid of your starting base

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    the part of my base that i fondly refer to as "the clusterf*ck"

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    Mod Search: Fluidless drills and Spectate Drones

    Posted: 11 May 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    I'm in the middle of my first Bob/Angels + some playthrough and I've got two mods I'd love to see that I'm unable to find.

    The first is an electric mining drill that doesn't have fluid inputs. Since Angel's Infinite Ores require fluid to mine but overlap with regular patches, and I'm not at the point yet when I want to worry about the fluid, I'd like to be able to mine up the regular ore without attempting the infinite. However, it seems like the drill picks which tile it's going to try and then tries to mine it, so it'll try to mine infinite ore even when regular is available. A fluidless drill wouldn't even attempt the infinite ores, much like burners don't. Bonus points if this supports the additional levels of drills added in the pack.

    Spectating drones is a purely cosmetic idea. The mod would allow you to have your map camera follow a logistics/construction robot in the same way you can spectate a train. I'm sort of thinking of this like the spectate feature in Cities Skylines where you can just watch a person go about their day, it would be neat to watch the life of one bot in a bot-based factory. Bonus points if there's some smooth handling of when the both you're spectating goes into a roboport so you can just keep watching, almost like a screensaver.

    Is anyone aware of mods that do either of these? If not, I may just have to learn how to mod...

    submitted by /u/Tauqua
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    After almost a year of looking at this game and finally trying the demo over the weekend I finally pulled the trigger and bought this game!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Would never make a post like this for any other game because I always buy games in my comfort zone, but this game is far put of my comfort zone and I'm trying to see if I can find a love for a new genre of games. The building is fun I love the look and the base defense function alot. Trying to go in blind and learn myself. This community seems awesome already.

    submitted by /u/Dyyrin
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    I call this central spaghetti mess The Rainbow Road... 3rd Playthrough, 50 hours, first time using a bus

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    Tips/advices for a beginner who's already addicted.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    I started playing 4 hours ago and so far I'm having a blast playing this, turned out to be 4 hours non-stop of enjoyment and satisfaction.

    Although I can't get the feeling out of my head that I might be missing something or doing something wrong, since I'm 4 hours into the game and just began to make red science. I don't want to Google things because I'm afraid that some spoilers could ruin my experience, doing this completely blind room.

    So, any tip or advice to make my trip down the road a little bit easier would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Nuclear_Jet
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    hi my dudes i have aproblem with factorio crashing

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    my game keeps crashing after i start it there isnt even a error rebort idk

    pls help

    here link to vid of crashes:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G0zTTVNgm4e62p6cVTq8oErSwei--a-9/view?usp=sharing

    first redit post btw no idea how this shit works

    submitted by /u/Resingpixel2
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    My first rail base ~200hrs in with working LTN and a humble 500spm with lots of help from Nilaus. Starter base and abandoned attempt seen to the left.

    Posted: 10 May 2021 02:08 PM PDT

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