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    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Weekly Question Thread

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:00 PM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    When the new base meets the old one...

    Posted: 10 May 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Couldn't find relatively compact 1 Cargo -> 3 full belt unload design, so I created this mess, feel free to hate

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    It was at this moment that the biters knew they f*cked up

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Max cliffs anyone?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    Had anyone tried to play on cliffs set to max? Might be pretty challenging at the beginning (or rather tedious, I'd say). Also indestructible defensive walls later -- neither acid nor fire can damage them.

    Any screenshots?

    I, personally, hate cliffs :)

    submitted by /u/LazyLoneLion
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    Weird little inserter quirk in front of curved rails

    Posted: 09 May 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    Main bus question

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    This is probably a stupid question, but what is the point of using the two belts in the middle?

    submitted by /u/No_Expert3508
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    Just built my first personal roboport, tried to open the armor full of excitment and ... I did it again, left instead of right click on the armor. Any advice out there for getting rid of this mess ASAP so I can get back to work?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Smelting on base or locally?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    Moving my 120h+ game to minimegabase layout and can't figure out what's gonna be the best course of action. To bring ore to base and smelt it there to go to the bus, or smelt it by ore deposits and bring plates to offload straight to the bus. Ideas/suggestions?

    submitted by /u/UncleVlady
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    I did it ! My first ever launch without solar and nuclear power, no lazer, no logistic chest, no blueprint except for mine, and a thank you in lieu of the white science ! You god damn right i'm happy right now and i wanted to share my victory.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    This is 100% UI scale on a 13-inch screen. It sure would be nice if I could actually see my equipment grip, especially considering that there's more than enough space for it in the window...

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Help with circuit network

    Posted: 10 May 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Help with circuit network

    Can someone help me set this up properly? My intent is to have the fast inserter (the one connected to red wire) to be disabled when a train is present, and enabled only when there is no train.

    When clicking on the train stop, I have it set to "Read stopped train" and the output signal is "T".

    However, I cannot figure out any "enable conditions" on the inserter that creates the outcome I'm looking for.

    Maybe there is a way to make a "disable condition" with one of the combinators? I'm pretty new to circuits and I don't fully understand what's happening so any explanations are appreciated.


    submitted by /u/DumbLikeColumbo
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    Confused about mining times

    Posted: 10 May 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    Hi guys, I'm really confused about mining times, output per sec, and how it's all calculated, I'm hoping someone could lend a hand.

    First, when I read on the electric mining drill description "mining speed = 0.5" I thought it took 0.5 seconds to mine 1 ore, so the output would be 2 resource/second.

    It didn't add up, so I looked online for a more detailed explanation. I arrived to this page https://kirkmcdonald.github.io/calc.html#data=1-1-19&rate=s&items=iron-ore:f:1 which states that actually 1 electric mining drill produces 0.5 resource/second.

    Looking further into it, in the wiki of factorio they give you this formula for mining:

    Mining speed / Mining time = Production rate (in resource/sec) 

    And they also give a Mining speed = 0.5 and Mining time = 0.3 for the electric mining drill. According to this formula, the output should be 1.67 resource/sec.

    So which one is it? What am I missing here? It seems overly complicated for such a straight forward thing (but maybe I'm the one over complicating it..)

    submitted by /u/favalos1
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    why aren't my trains using the purple segment?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    Mod Idea - Play as Biters

    Posted: 10 May 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    So I keep looking for a mod like this over the years but not much has sprung up yet. I'm curious if there is a mod that lets you play as biters.

    I'm thinking along the lines of starting as a single baby biter on a planet with lots of various sized factories. Find some lone power poles or train lines and munch on them until an engineer turns up and chases you off. Use the resources you gained to build specific buildings either to:

    A. Evolve to be bigger, or a spitter

    B. Produce creep like in Starcraft which slows engineers / land based combat drones and prevents them rebuilding

    C. Create more biters under your command.

    I think I could really enjoy a mod like this and I'm surprised one hasnt popped up yet.

    I assume the engineer base AI would slowly be expanding and defending itself in various ways. I've seen mods which have AI engineer bases already.

    submitted by /u/Oxygene13
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    Hey! I'm a solo indie developer working on a game inspired by Factorio, Rimworld and FTL. I tried to put hints to all the influences on the cover. And I loved the idea how Factorio logo was made of in-game content. Here's what I ended up with. What do you think?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    6 ore blue belts/wagon with cycling 2-4 trains

    Posted: 09 May 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    Retiring My Best Lab Setup

    Posted: 10 May 2021 12:50 AM PDT

    Retiring My Best Lab Setup


    This is my lab setup in a modded AAI/Space Exploration world. It has served me well, but now I'm at the point where I'm moving up to space, and so I must retire the layout.

    For those wondering the only molded part in this screen grab are the direct inserters. Everything here is possible with vanilla. The long vertical lazy-susan has been wired up with red circuit and set to read held. This allows me to monitor what items are on the belt at any given moment. Each input belt is set to only be active if the main loop is under a certain amount. This setup allows me to use the loop as one giant box to feed my entire science lineup.

    The boxes leading into the loop are there as both a buffer and to monitor total supply. a green circuit runs a signal back to each color of science facility, and there a power switch turns off the whole block once there's 400 science stockpiled. The whole setup keeps the factory producing science evenly without having to meticulously calculate out production ratios. Additionally, my input lines aren't backed up for miles with expensive yellow/purple science; everything is in a nice neat accountable box.

    submitted by /u/arashidrgn
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    Is there a reliable way to stack-limit or inserter-limit the offloading 2 or more types of cargo at an outpost resupply-request train station?

    Posted: 10 May 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    Hey folks. Basically, the title. TLDR at the bottom. I'm setting up my automated resupply train. Obviously, I'm using inventory-slot-filters inside the train's cargo wagons. My problem is length of train vs. preventing the outpost receiver station from over-accepting.

    I'm familiar with LTN but that doesn't provide quite the solution I'm hoping for. By specializing specific types of resupply trains (i.e. one type exclusively heads to the wall with loads of ammo / repair packs / replacement wall segments / etc. Another resupply train would handle almost nothing defense-related, instead providing roboports / replacement rail (Rampant mod) / miners / pumpjacks. A third train type would simply bring heavy_oil out to supply the flame turrets at the wall, etc.

    For any given train, I've mostly worked with only allowing 12 individual species of item to be transported in any single cargo wagon, with 6 inserter-chest combinations per side of the train.

    I also know that I could theoretically get up to 24 by loading them with red inserters to reach past each other. But that generates a problem at the receiver outpost.

    If I keep myself to 12 species per wagon, first of all my train becomes dramatically longer, and all I need at the receiver is either a purple or a white filter-inserter to unload into red passive provider chests and then simply slot-limit those chests to control how much any given outpost draws from that train's inventory.

    I'm looking for a way to be able to precisely remove 12 item-types per side (instead of 6). Red inserters don't have filter abilities. I can double-filter or multi-filter any individual green or purple inserter, however. But then how do I ensure that I won't run into a scenario where a vital component isn't being delivered by the train simply because the first-removed item type occupies every valid chest-slot, whether slot-limited or not? I can't apply slot-filters to the internal volume of the red passive-provider chests because that's not even a thing I've heard about with respect to mods.

    I'm tantalizingly close, I'm sure of it. The last solid-seeming idea that I just gave up on was using a filter inserter to remove one cargo-type from the original-6 unload-chests and thus one of the two item types only is in the main offload chests (closest to the train track). I could use either logistics-connect or a red signal wire on the main (closest-to-track) unload inserter to tell it when the outer-layer chests are full and that the filter inserters unloading are satisfied and to focus from that point toward filling the needs of the primary chest. But if I've limited my chest to, say, fewer-than-ten stacks in total, it'll be hard to prevent one cargo type from "clogging" the system and preventing anything else from being offloaded. If I leave the chest wide open, that means that it'll be even more difficult to "dumb-circuit" a few decider combinators.

    TLDR -- I'm setting up an automated patrol-train or a resupply train. I can control the train's internal inventory levels by assigning specific filters to each cargo-wagon inventory slot. I can then use that to load a supply train with 12 red inserters on each side of each cargo wagon, knowing that the red inserters will hang once the train is full of whatever item the red inserter is working on.

    But I cannot find a working solution to reliably offload such a train at the destination. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RolandDeepson
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    Started as a spaghetti but was rescued by a Factorio tips YouTube video. How did I do?

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:09 PM PDT

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