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    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Factorio Alt-F4 #37 - Combinator Crash Course Continuation

    Factorio Alt-F4 #37 - Combinator Crash Course Continuation

    Alt-F4 #37 - Combinator Crash Course Continuation

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    I heard we were posting compact oil refining

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Oil Processing with Compacted Pipes

    Posted: 28 May 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    Priority railway merge

    Posted: 28 May 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    My megabase looks kinda like a dog with a pompadour

    Posted: 27 May 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    New UPS record 40K SPM @ 60 UPS no mods (details in comments)

    Posted: 28 May 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    Turns out that using a power swithch can make you power graph look like this

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    SPAM - Standardized Product Assembly Modules.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    I hate these patches of material... even if working around them #feelsgoodman

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    Oil processing

    Posted: 27 May 2021 06:33 PM PDT

    Space Exploration CME Battery Capacity Calculator

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    Space Exploration CME Battery Capacity Calculator

    After completely misjudging how much batteries I need to survive the peak of a CME, I came up with this calculator:

    Version 1: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/rn1zfgemdg
    Version 2: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/b4zw4z9tjh

    Feed it the duration of the CME, the peak power of the CME and your grids power production and it will spit out the needed battery capacity to survive the CME unharmed. Also it draws a fancy graph.


    submitted by /u/elexx
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    My 10k SPM Mega Base Project. Currently with 1.6 Million solar panels. It still isn't enough!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    Snapped a nice pic in my vanilla megabase: launching 5 rockets at the same time!

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Reducing screen size of an inventory

    Posted: 28 May 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    Reducing screen size of an inventory

    Is there a way to reduce size of logistics part? I'm using quite a small screen and I want my interface to be sized at 100%, but the logistics part takes a lot of screen and I don't use it that much


    submitted by /u/Qend
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    The Compactory

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    Help with my slow robo-mall

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:36 PM PDT

    Help with my slow robo-mall

    I wanted to make a lazy mall using logistic robots, I thought I understood how this little minions work but my lack of experience is showing as I'm not completelly sure why the throughput on this mall is so low, the requests for iron plates at the gears assemblers take to long to be met, so the assemblers are working on and off way to slow to feed the others assemblers down the line.

    Roboports don't seem to be the problem as there are no more than a couple robots charging at the same time.

    I originally put 100 robots in each roboport, cut it down to 50 in each one and there are still about 40 idle bots.

    The network is completelly isolated, the power is working fine and the chest requests are fine (I put 5 times the amount needed for the recipe that its fullfilling in each requester chest (perhaps I should lower/increase this?)).

    Should I change something or is something I'm not seeing? Is this kind of mall even possible with a decent throughput? My plan b is doing a slightly-less-lazy-Mall moving things from chest to belt to machine.

    Any help for a fellow engineer that's learning the art of bot-oumation?


    submitted by /u/kiochikaeke
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    Feeding outposts by train

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've played for a while now, but I tend to end up just expanding my base gradually, rather than building outposts. I was considering building mining outposts and hauling the ore back by train, but without having to feed the outpost with anything (except power, I guess).

    But I have some practical concerns. If I set up a separate train to supply a base with spare walls, turrets, lasers, ammo, artillery shells, drones & repair tools, what would be the easiest way to go about this? I was thinking I would feed this into a provider chest and let it fix itself, but:

    Can you set limits on separate materials inside one train wagon?

    Can you limit the amount of drones in a roboport? I would really only need to have 20 max in such an outpost (I'm thinking a 1-roboport area)

    What if you're feeding drones into a roboport with an inserter, will the inserter add a new drone when one drone leaves to repair something? Won't that leave the drone idle?

    am I forgetting anything?

    submitted by /u/Hibbiee
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    What's the best suite of mods to expand the game as much as possible?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I've heard angel-bobs is huge, are there any others that are decent?

    Other than expansion mods, what are some of the cornerstone mods that you cant play without/would hate to lose?

    submitted by /u/timmah612
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    My spaghetti is getting too silly and i keep getting confused and breaking the belt weaving

    Posted: 27 May 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Please, give me your honest advice about what I'm doing wrong.

    Posted: 28 May 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Hello. I'd like to share my troubles with this game across quarantine of 2020 through today, and see if anyone can help me spark the love for this game again. My first handful of runs have went very well. All of them had decent production, could defend from biters, and I had fun making, I even launched rockets on 3 of them. But after I burnt myself out on the game after 100 hours in a month (quarantine) I just can't seem to pick it back up again. Whenever I see the new map in thinking all "Okay, ill start with iron and copper, then spearhead through the biter bases with my main bus, so I need this much iron blablabla", but those ambitions never pick up. I don't know why, I can just never seem to get past green circuit production, heck, even Get there. Something just kills off my factories early on. I don't know what I was doing different the last times. I try to work with a sense of scale so I don't end up having to migrate or tear down my starting base and end up with a critical shortage of some resource, and start from square one with burner drills. Something just seems to stomp out the ember of the waiting bonfire, and I don't know what I should do differently and do it right. I can already see some people typing "oh no you are not doing anything wrong, just have fun with it as long as you are not losing you're winning" please don't sugarcoat this, I want to see what may help, even if if may hurt my feelings for a bit. Yes, I am clearly doing something wrong. I am making some fundamental mistake that I can't see, so please attempt to point it out. Maybe, with my ruthless pursuit of knowledge and betterness of the games I play, maybe for factorio that is just the thing that will kill your spirit to play. Maybe i dumped too much time into figuring out how the individual gears turn, that I couldn't see the entire machine running off a cliff whilst cooking alive. One reason may be that since my first handful of baes didn't have a main bus, maybe immediately pursuing that main bus, or some form of infrastructure, whilst not having a foothold is what will crash a run. Maybe I'm tunnel visioning a main bus or other production goal and can't see a bigger picture. Some kind of unrealistic ambition to see this beautiful green, bug-ridden planet drained of its oils and minerals and industrialized to feed the beating heart of the machine god, whilst I'm still using burner drills and stone furnaces. I think it probably has to do with wrongful ambition and vision. Another issue I run into is, why are my normal worlds Harder than Death Worlds? Even when i set up walls of furnaces or walls of walls with turrets and ammo, on death worlds it is enough, on normal worlds the biters cut through with surgical precision to take out the most important part of the expanding machine creature. Maybe I do not properly prepare in normal worlds. I would like to say a few things while I wrap up my text wall. I have tried mods, and ran into the same problems. Please do not try to frame or lens this issue differently and say its a good thing, because it prevents me from playing a run for more than 2 hours. Perhaps I lack such conviction. Again, please don't sugarcoat this and say I am having fun while losing the game repeatedly and watching my factories burn in front of my egoistic eyeballs.

    Thank you for reading, please give me some insight.

    submitted by /u/Thorncool
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    I need help

    Posted: 28 May 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    I need help

    So i want to make miners on that patch of iron but the biters keep biting it. Ive tried to put down walls but they just bite thru it. Turrets also dont help because those spitters keep destroying them. My friend said that i need to take the nests down with grenades but i keep dying if i want to destroy the nests. So how do I kill those biters and the biter nests


    submitted by /u/ChummyMean83
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    Can’t center the blueprint in the grid. Please help

    Posted: 27 May 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    Trying to make a grid based rail system, and want it to snap to the grid. But I can't center it correctly for some reason. Any help?

    submitted by /u/Gentleman_Muk
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    Home port for logistics bots?

    Posted: 28 May 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    Is there a way to tell logistics bots to "come home" after making a delivery?

    My situation is that I have a city grid, a central mall, a single base-wide bot network, and fuel delivery being made to all of my stations. Which means that when the mall isn't running, bots at the mall will pick up fuel and head to the outskirts, and park there when they're done.

    Which means that when the mall starts back up again (because the factory grows :), there's this long delay for bots to come back in from the outer forty, whereas what I would prefer is for the bots to make their fuel run and "come home" to the mall, since whether it's handling tasks in the mall, or making another fuel run, that's where their next task is going to be coming from.

    And I've been talking about logistics bots here, but I kinda have the same issue with construction bots as well, since all my construction is by nature taking place at the outskirts. I do have the benefit with construction bots that they also are needed to clear trees (the real enemy), and so they're regularly heading to the mall with cut trees (I've got an adjacent power plant to consume them), making them often "at home" for the next project.


    submitted by /u/djaquay
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