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    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Factorio Got the crate back. :)

    Factorio Got the crate back. :)

    Got the crate back. :)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:56 AM PDT

    I just make this simple model of a belt. It's still untextured and have many overlapping polygon. sorry

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    The shadow of walls is angled differently than than of any other object

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Factorio Armor Should Be Changed

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:48 AM PDT


    This has really annoyed me ever since the change to remove the pickaxe from the game. Armor as an item that you have to equip should not exist in Factorio. The same logic that applied to the pickaxe applies to armor. It is not fundamental to the game. At best, players change armor a few times throughout the game, but it is barely a blip on the gameplay. Many veteran players completely ignore most of the armor before Mk 2. I personally make Mk. 1, but that's my thing.

    This came to a head for me in the new UI rollout. In that rollout, they cleaned up a bunch of stuff and left the ridiculous armor as still this strange odd entity that doesn't actually fit in the game.

    Let's look at the armor in the game:

    • Light Armor - everyone skips this
    • Heavy Armor - most people skip this
    • Modular Armor - some people do this for the inventory slots
    • Power Armor Mk 1 - the first point where using the equipment grid starts to make sense
    • Power Armor Mk 2 - where most veteran players start

    Also, when you equip new armor nothing changes on your character model. This is incongruous with the gameplay. In the game, light armor is a chest plate. Heavy armor adds a helmet. Modular armor loses the helmet, but adds shoulders. Power Armor Mk 1 restores the helmet. Power Armor Mk 2 adds sleeves. None of this is reflected in your character as you equip it. Your character never changes.


    So, how about a different perspective that would result in a different approach to armor?

    Storyline: The technology unlocks represents repairs made to the player's armor to improve its effectiveness.

    Option 1: Each armor research improves the resistances on the player's armor. So light armor adds a small amount of resistance, heavy armor adds more, modular armor starts to unlock more things, etc. This would be completely aligned with the changes made to the pickaxe and would be easy to do. The one thing that would be lost if this was the only thing done is the ability to swap out Mk 2 armors with different equipment grids. So, for the handful of players that use this functionality, they would lose something. But, we could do more!

    Option 2: The new third tab. An "Armor" tab could hold slots that are unlocked by different technologies. To keep things very simple:

    • Light armor could unlock one row of armor panel slots (10 slots).
    • Heavy armor could unlock the second row of armor slots (up to 20 slots now).
    • Modular armor could unlock the inventory slots (as it does now) and the first set of armor equipment slots as it does now in the bottom portion of the same tab.
    • Power armor, Mk1 and Mk2 would also unlock additional slots as it does now.

    To implement this solution, Factorio would need to create at least the first of this set of new items:

    • Armor Plate - Adds 1% Physical resistance when equipped in an armor panel slot
      • Unlocked with Light Armor
    • Explosion Plate - Adds 1% Explosion Resistance when equipped in an armor panel slot.
      • Unlocked with Heavy Armor
    • Radioactive Plate - Adds 1% Radioactive Resistance when equipped in an armor panel slot.
      • Unlocked with Modular Armor
    • Acid Plate - Adds 1% Acid resistance when equipped in an armor panel slot
      • Unlocked with Power Armor Mk 1
    • Fire Plate - Adds 1% Fire resistance when equipped in an armor panel slot
      • Unlocked with Power Armor Mk 1

    Option 2 would be the better longer-term solution as it would give modders a huge opportunity to create PVP mods for the game.

    The beauty of this is:

    • Neither of these options is very complicated.
    • Option 1 could be done with minimal effort.
    • Option 2 would require more graphics work and mod support work, so it is more work (not more complicated, but more work)
    • There is a solution to support those people that want to swap out Mk 2 armor suits!

    Swapping Mk 2 Armor Suits can still be unlocked using Space Science. It could add another row of three subtabs with configurable names and icons (think: something like blueprints where the player an select an icon or set of icons to represent the blueprint. This ideally would require keyboard shortcut configuration options for swapping armor sets. So, the problem of swapping armor sets is solved. But …

    Overall, these changes would greatly improve the game, remove a weird one-off interface, and make the storyline make a lot more sense.

    submitted by /u/hetrix_marshall
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    Alternative 4 to 4 splitters

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Train health and safety ideas

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    Navigating a train-heavy base might get pretty difficult, and the current shields don't seem to help a lot, even 6 MK2 shields don't guarantee your survival.

    I have a few ideas to make it a little bit less of a nightmare.

    1. I noticed that being inside a car really helps, a car explosion often tosses you to the side of the rail road rather than under the wheels. So what if the shields worked this way? Assuming the shield makes a kinetic/magnetic/magical bubble around the engineer what if that bubble bursting would bounce you out of the train's way? (If the train damage bursts the shield one tick of invincibility and teleport to the nearest non rail tile)

    2. Railroad crossing module/personal signal. Something like the belt immunity module that simply stops your movements when it's not safe to cross based on the train signals or locomotive vicinity and sends STOP to the train signals when you are standing on the road.

    3.if that was too much to ask can't the train's just see and avoid the player? Let's say modular and every higher set of armour comes with a radio safety thing and the train can see you. Mechanically that could be done as making the player standing on the rails count as a red signal or missing rails.

    1. Maybe just give the shields like 80% train damage resistance? That would still require two or three MK2 shields to survive a nuclear fueled locomotive hit at full speed which is fairly endgame stuff.
    submitted by /u/Cpt-Ktw
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    Why is the shadow on the right...? Literally unplayable

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    In my previous post i showed you guys my progress after 2 hours. Now here it is after 8 hours.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Adjusting exoskeleton speed

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    A problem I have found with exoskeleton is that the speed choice is binary. Either you are very fast or very slow. This is very annoying, especially in large lategame bases (and the car controls are very wonky, especially if you play on a server). So you cold travel to the location, remove you exoskeletons, build, add your exoskeletons back and go on, but this is rather cumbersome in my opinion.

    So, after searching the internet for way too long and not finding anything, me and my friend u/Xelantro took it upon ourselves to write a mod: adjustable exoskeletons.

    This mod adds a simple slider to your UI which allows you to adjust the speed bonus your exoskeletons give you. It also works with other mods such as Power Armor MK3 and Bobd equipment.

    I would also very much like this feature to be implemented in vanilla at some point, but until then, we have to help ourselves.

    submitted by /u/t8suppressor
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    Allright, which one of you is this?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Using and Abusing Underneathies

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:11 AM PDT

    Mini Module Factory

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Starting a new series, "Factorio for Beginners." I'd love feedback, good or bad. And viewers, of course :)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    Fun Friday Still allowed? Factorio Belt Exploit

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:17 PM PDT

    I don't know if this is known, but if you place walls in checkerboard pattern, biters AI have problem with pathfinding so defending large wave is possible

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Gas Gas Gas! Faster vehicles for you!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    Hello everybody,

    in this morning of boredom I thought of drafting up a small mod to make vehicles just a bit better.

    It makes the car and train go a bit faster, whilst accordingly increasing the energy usage and fuel consumption, and makes the car's hold bigger.

    I'll leave the link below, and any feedback is appreciated!


    submitted by /u/starkITA
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    I DID IT!!! almost 20 min to spare too :D

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    Mods that help in the early game

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    One of things new players often complain about with vanilla is the tedious nature of the early game before you get robots.

    There's mods that can help.

    TinyStart (https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Yehn/TinyStart) by Yehn

    A minimalist starter kit with a tier 0 power armor, a mini low-output reactor, and the accoutrements you need for robot construction. As simple as 'Install and Play', but includes optional loadout customization for those looking to tailor their experience - such as using solar power instead.

    Nanobots: Early Bots (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Nanobots) by Nexela

    Early ghost building robots, A special nanobot gun automaticly revives blueprint ghosts near you if you have the items in your inventory. Also reprograms personal construction bots to deconstruct items on ground.

    GhostPlacerExpress (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/GhostPlacerExpress) by unhott

    Early game blueprints now have a use! No more meticulous placement, pipetting, or rotating! Just hover over a ghost and it will be placed. Toggle on/off with SHIFT Y.

    submitted by /u/MossRock42
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    24x2 Tileable Nuclear Reactor (Land Version!)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    My base 10 hours into Krastorio 2 & Space Exploration playthrough

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I am new to beacons. These things are pretty serious! I am disorganized by nature so appreciate the need for fewer belts and such. whipped up this little floof and it does the work of 30 factories or so. Show off some of your neat solutions!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    unused stations

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:20 AM PDT

    unused stations

    All of these stations are being used by my trains, except the bottom 2 stations, \"Circuits CopperPlates Unload\". The question i have, is why?

    Is there a limit to the distance a train can be queued on the stacker (top).

    Or, is there a limit to the number of chain signals that can sit between a train and the stations it can 'see'?

    Or, is there a limit to the number of stations a train can queue for?

    submitted by /u/TeeCeePee_EyePee
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