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    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Factorio Radar Wood Burner

    Factorio Radar Wood Burner

    Radar Wood Burner

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Wrong Cargo

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    Has Anyone Else Gotten Their Username?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Just bought the game and see why everyone loves it. It is so satisfying to see something work

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Megabase Blueprints Book

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Most of my blueprints to build a mega base and run 2.5k SPM

    • Iron / Copper / Steel Prod.
    • Green / Red/ Blue Prod.
    • Gaz Prod.
    • All sciences except rocket science



    submitted by /u/Achkael
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    Stop Putting Shit So Close Together: a poem by me

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    Why do u keep placing stuff one atop another?

    U know that this will hinder u, u fucking feather.

    Why do you keep acting with such foolery?

    And now the bugs r trying to steal my jewelry.

    Oh if only I could get to my defenses, repair my turret

    But all these damn pipes around, won't let me cure it

    submitted by /u/RepublicOfLizard
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    he bite

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Launched my first satellite!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Yet another 1k SPM base

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm a long-time devotee of the factory, having started when it first came to Steam back in 2016. Since then, I've launched the rocket (or built the missile defence) several times. However, despite several attempts, I've always burned out before making it to mega-base levels. I've also played a lot of times with the kids but they always get bored fairly quickly.

    A few months ago my daughter (6 years old) asked to start a new Factorio playthrough with me. 'Ugh' I thought, 'Back to slow belts, burner mining drills, etc.. AGAIN!'. But I love playing games with her so sure, why not.

    I don't have any plans or expectations for this playthrough so I just let her pick the settings (pretty sure it was all defaults). Normally, at the start of a new map, I'm just rushing to get past the early stuff but this time, I'm playing very lazilly, not too bothered about anything except having fun. My daughter's also making all the research choices. They are... sub optimal. She's loving it though. I just smile and layout another blueprint for her to fill in. (who needs nanobots when you have a 6 year-old!)

    We die several times to biters but eventually get things under control. We get some walls up. Her favourite activity is going out in a car together and clearing nests from our pollution cloud. Me driving, her on the machine gun. She tolerates the 'boring stuff' (i.e. building the factory) only as a means to this end.

    We set our sights on getting a tank. Something I've not actually done before. I've always just used turrets. Turns out tanks need blue science and that's going to involve a lot of 'boring stuff'.

    She sticks it out though. We build an oil outpost with a railway to haul the oil back. Construct our refinery, plastic, red circuits, etc, etc. We get the tank, she LOVES it. She is terrible at actually hitting anything but that doesn't seem to matter. It's around this point that her interest starts to drop off and mine picks up.

    I'm really enjoying spending time with this factory though so I'll shoot for 1k SPM and see if I can actually do it this time. Probably not but since I'm having fun. Why not?

    Well, after several weekends and evenings of descending into a pit of obsession, I finally made it: https://imgur.com/gallery/TrYmdhI

    One thing I was surprised by was how resources were not really an issue. From posts I've read on here before, I had assumed that keeping things running at 1k SPM would be extremely tedious on normal settings due to setting up new mines every five minutes.

    Conventonal wisdom seems to be that you need to have mega-rich patches and/or travel thousands of tiles from the spawn location in order to feed a hungry megabase. Perhaps that's necessary in some extreme scenarios but it's not been my expereince at all.

    I've also not taken any account of UPS whatsoever so if you're after a 'how to megabase' type post, this probably isn't it.

    Thanks to Kirk McDonald for the calculator it saved me from a lot of time staring at spreadsheets, Katherine of Sky for pointing me to the calculator in the first place (and inspiring a lot of the infrastructure in the base) and Zisteau for bringing Factorio to my attention and doing awesome things with it.

    The factory must grow.

    submitted by /u/Ambo82
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    My first circuit based belt balancer to feed 4:2:2 into red circuit assembler, with auto-stop on low input resources

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Still relatively new to angelbobs. Any recommendations? We're already planning on tearing everything up and expanding.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Megabase: How many loading stations for each unloading stations?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    I am planning a megabase with multiple mining/smelting outposts, and multiple iron/copper plate processing blocks but not a the same place (no common stack/queue).

    In your megabase, how many loading stations (ie mining outposts) do you have for how many unloading stations (ie plates processing blocks)? A 1:1 ratio?

    What are the calculations?

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit1: I plan to have 2 trains and a waiting queue of 1 per unloading stations and 1 loading station per outpost. Because I don't want to use mods, I must have more places in loading stations (with their queue) than trains because I deactivate full station. But how many places in loading station queue I has to build? The biggest the queue, the less outposts I have to build.

    Edit2: to work, the unloading time of my fastest unloading station must be superior to the worst time a train can take to go to a loading station, wait in the queue, be loaded, and travel back to this unloading station. Right? So no waiting queue for loading queue I guess :/

    Edit3: I guess I found a formula:

    • (unloadingQueueSize * unloadingTime - travalTime) / loadingTime = outpostPerBlocks
    • (outpostPerBlocks * loadingTime + travelTime) / unloadingTime = unloadingQueueSize

    So if the worst case is a train take 2 minute to load, 3 minutes to unload, and 5 minutes to travel back and forth:

    • with 4 trains per unloading stations: ((4-1)*3-5)/2 = 2 loading stations per unloading station minimum
    • with 2 loading stations per unloading stations: (2*2+5)/3 = 3 unloading queue size, so 4 trains
    submitted by /u/monsieurY
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    Are there a console commands to change biter settings?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:26 AM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm currently working towards finishing up a ~150spm base with biters. When I started the map I knew I wanted biters but I didn't want to get derailed early on so I eased back the settings on the biters before starting.

    Fast forward to now I've got my defenses fully assembled (standard wall with laser turrets and several artillery outposts). In addition, Im using the power armor mod- so I have the highest tier armor loaded up with lasers and energy shields.

    So, my question is- are there console commands to change the biter parameters for more of a challenge now that I've reached end game with this base? Thanks!

    P.s. I am aware of the console commands wiki page but could not find what I was looking for there

    submitted by /u/joeyharringtonGOAT
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    Working on a Modulair Train Base. This is the Electronic Circuit Module. What do you think?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Scale of Seablock w/ SpaceX

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    I'm doing a run with my friend, we are 80 hours in, about to automate blue circuits. My question is to someone who has completed this mod combo - how many washing plants/whatever ore production did you have to keep everything running? The scale of how much production i need is really hard to imagine judging by the science numbers. Am I still in the "oh sweet summer child" phase of things? :D

    submitted by /u/McSkrjabin
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    [Question] What mods are part of your modlists and why?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Im starting up a server with a friend and I am curious on what mods people here value for both depth and additional gameplay.

    What mods do you personally use and why?

    submitted by /u/Albino-Bob
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    Is a bus really efficient?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    I've been playing with a build onsite base for a while. My bus has copper, iron, and steel plates, bricks, plastic, and sulfur, plus coal, iron ore, and stone. I have one pipe for lubricant, and one for crude oil.

    Everything else is made as needed, and usually directly inserted. My mall-base makes its own batteries, red circuits, green circuits, and robots. This simplifies the construction needs, and gets round the wastage of things like blue circuits on a bus.

    This got me thinking. aside from being much simpler to construct, it is also more resource efficient. Every belt tile full of Processing units ( blue circuits) cost you 320 copper plate, 192 iron plate and 32 plastic bars in consumed materials, regardless of belt speed. if you have to send them 100 tiles, that is 3200 Cu, 1920 Fe, and 320 plastic bars sitting idle waiting to be consumed.

    Direct insertion requires more assemblers, but the cost of assemblers is significantly less than the cost of belting your expensive items long distances. You only make a 2 Processing units for each Utility science pack - the assembler buffers a few processing units, but that is only 4 items sitting dormant per assembler or half a belt tile.

    submitted by /u/MrBadDragon
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    Problem: One signal starting multiple trains

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I am trying to make a vanilla train network. But I am struggling with one big problem:

    How can I only activate ONE single train if I send a singnal. Everytime my Base-station opens ALL trains, that want to visit this one station, will start driving and my whole base becomes a deadlock.

    is there a way to make only one train start?

    submitted by /u/SasukeRaikage
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    Factorio or satisfactory

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Which one do you like more, I personally like factorio more but I want to hear your options on both games, please try to be as unbiased as possible

    submitted by /u/natedog070dog
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    Continue button should login to multiplayer game if it was last played.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    There was mention in the FFF that talked of the menu changes which said you would consider expanding to include this functionality, if there was interest. Please know that there is interest. Some of us play multiplayer exclusively, myself included.

    submitted by /u/The_Hideous_Orgalorg
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    Offshore pump only pumping 6/s

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    Offshore pump only pumping 6/s

    I don't understand why this isn't working, I don't have any mods installed.

    This is my setup, i'm very new to the game

    submitted by /u/NoofXD
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    Factorio logic gates

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Is there a mod that adds more logic components to the game.

    submitted by /u/thederpylama
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