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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Factorio Pollution Sink Killbox

    Factorio Pollution Sink Killbox

    Pollution Sink Killbox

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:21 PM PST

    What's better than trains? Space trains!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:06 AM PST

    Friday Facts #336 - Offshore pump redesign

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:59 AM PST

    I've made a new set of (not compact) solar rails. They are with and without Roboports so that you can use them along walls. Included is also a loading station to build it, and an unloading station that is automated to call the train when supplies are low. Designed to support a laser/substation wall.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 06:08 AM PST

    31kb Dual Ported Ram

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:54 PM PST

    31kb Dual Ported Ram

    Here is a dual ported ram I built during a very long period of distraction from another factorio computer project. It is a 1024 x 31 bit organization with "true" dual port functionality. It does not store negative numbers (to simplify some port logic) but this can be fixed by adding sign extension from the 30th bit.

    Each port can write one word per game tick, with no additional timing restrictions as long as they are accessing different addresses, just like typical DPRAMs in real life. Ports must wait 6 ticks between writing to the same address, and I recall the write-through latency being 7 ticks.

    I'm hard pressed to think of legitimate applications for this, but i suspect multi-core computers are one. You can of course use this to implement a two way FIFO, and a similar device with one write and one read port could be useful for processor pipelining, as there would be no need to stall instruction fetch during writes, similar to a Harvard architecture.

    And yes, you could theoretically add as many ports as you want at the expense of area. This design can also be made considerably smaller at the expense of worse timing characteristics.

    I couldn't be bothered to upload a blueprint, as it might warrant me explaining the function in more detail, but I will if there is any interest in one, preferably when I've had more time to think about it.


    submitted by /u/fisherdog1
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    Bus runs in loop with resources fed in from top and bottom

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:09 AM PST

    Finally finished the perimeter... need suggestions for supplying ammo&coo to substations. Pretty noob with trains.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:44 AM PST

    What laregly pointless features do you have in your factory?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:52 PM PST

    The things you've built and then looked at once you're done and wondered what problem you ever thought that thing would solve. Or knew early on wasn't going to have any meaningful benefit, but built anyway to prove to yourself it was possible.

    My first one was building a complicated fluid setup to transport sulphuric acid and light oil using the same fluid wagon rather than extending the station so I could have 2 fluid wagons. https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/ci21r3/two_fluids_one_fluid_wagon/

    I'm currently reworking my personal train so that instead of getting in and choosing a destination from the schedule; I can get in the train and have it leave for the one other station in it's schedule, while another train leaves simultaneously on route to the station I just departed. (Saving me 2 clicks at the expense of flexibility and 2 hours, and counting, spent trying to make it work).

    Honourable mentions go to my bullet belts that work on a demand basis so I don't have to look at belts full of bullets and feel like I'm wasting resources, and the 6+ times I've rebuilt my science production because I didn't like how it looked and thought I could make it more compact.

    submitted by /u/Rev_Grn
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    Mod idea: Cute Biters?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:19 AM PST

    I had this thought of making a mod to add more types of enemies, but then I realized how bad my sprites would look since I can't draw for beans. Then I thought, why not just redraw the current Biters in paint?

    I could put little angry faces on them when they charge at you but make them happy when they're just wandering around their bases. Terrible idea? Probably, I blame the coffee this morning.

    submitted by /u/capSAR273
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    Is it an idea to make like a subreddit or a weekly post where people can find eachother to play Factorio.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:47 AM PST

    I'm finding a lot of "someone wanna play factorio with me?" posts on here. I'm thinking that because these questions are asked so frequently that people ask but don't look for other people to play with. Perhaps this solves the issue

    submitted by /u/Gusveij
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    Interesting mod packs to play?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:47 AM PST

    I've beaten the game a few times in vanilla and want to know what some interesting mod packs to play with would be

    submitted by /u/AvengerK
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    My first factorio base. I need more solar panels i think

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:19 AM PST

    My first rail-world. I have overcome my "engineer's block" by limiting each track to only 1 train.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:33 PM PST

    Looking for green science arrays

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:34 AM PST

    Hi, I'm coming back into factorio, and I'm looking for a good, efficient green (logistics) science setup. I would prefer something for early/mid game. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Warlox8642
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    Saturated belt-unloading question, and the logistics of on-site smelting with a large train network

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:09 AM PST

    So if I had an iron vein that I smelt into 4 saturated blue belts on-site, and I then transport into a green circuit factory via trains, would using a single blue belt of input iron take away an entire 1/4 the output of the iron smelter?

    I recently read a post about how someone with high mining productivity research and productivity modules made a sustainable copper mine that produced 20 blue belts worth of copper plates and fully supported his 1ks/m factory. If dedicating one full belt to any factory took up 1/20 of the input, then he'd only have enough for 20 saturated belts to support his entire megabase. So obviously this isn't the case; I'm just having a very hard time rationalizing how belts actually work.

    And then a somewhat related question - if I were to smelt everything at the site of the mine, how will I determine which trains go where? Does this mean each mine can only support one train which goes to one place and then back? Is on-site smelting even worth the logistical hassle for its stacking benefits?

    Thanks for any help. I'm having struggles transitioning into what I hope will be a large and organized rail network.

    submitted by /u/viniestpumpkin7
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    Inserters irl

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 08:17 AM PST

    The mathematics of self-powered fuel production

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:49 AM PST

    Hey everyone,

    One of the things I think about regarding this game is power production. Namely, how much do you need?

    Planning tools often just give you the the power requirement of a particular build but doesn't going into detail as to what is required to power it. After all, only solar power doesn't require that fuel be accessed and burnt for electricity, and only solar produces energy without needing seed energy directly. (still need it to make the solar panels and support buildings thems, but still, no ongoing power costs.)

    Well, I had an insight. Power systems in factorio are generally self powered, so you can just subtract the power consumption of a particular set-up from the power it accesses, and that's the net power production.

    This even works for the burner meta power system which uses coal mining burner drills in loops, which produce .25 coal per second for 1 MW of power produced, and consume 150 kW to do so, meaning that a single drill in this set-up can support 850 kW of other machines working. for example, to run 2 stone drills, 8 iron smelters (drill + furnace), and 4 copper smelters, requires you power 14 drills and 12 furnaces for 150 * 14+ ~90 *12 = 3180 kW divide that by the 850 to get the min number of coal drills you need to run this continuously, in this case, about 3.75 drills. Obviously you can't make .75 a drill, so 4 coal drills will needed to power the set-up.

    Honestly, this is probably the power where the math is the most useful, as you don't have enough production to just make a belt of iron, nor the infrastructure to do stuff with that iron.

    This works for electric drills, they produce .5 coal per second or 2 MW and consume 90 kW for 1910 kW net produced while active. The connected boiler and steam engines will have to be able to process the full 2 MW, so you will have roughly 5% (2MW/1910 kW) more boiler and steam engines then you would expect if power come from outside the system. Honestly, this is not noticeable, particularly if you overbuild power a bit to make brownouts impossible

    Nuclear power works in a similar manner, but with an even smaller percentage of power consumed overall, and the complexity of acid production and uranium processing. I could go into detail, but I would rather go into solid fuel with advanced oil processing.

    There are two ways that you can produce solid fuel with advanced oil processing. Using both petrol gas and light oil to make solid fuel, and just using light oil.

    Using both light oil and petrol gas is here, and is the default behavior for the tool. You can see at that point, that 6 MW of power requires around 449 kW of power, not including pumping the about 5.5 crude per second, which at worst yield 2 per second and no modules adds about 90*3=270 kW. That's 5272 kW per chemical plant.

    However, this calculation is kinda silly, because ... I, at the least, use my petrol gas for other things. Are figuring out how much light oil a refinery ultimately produces if heavy oil is cracked and making a ratio of that and the light oil consumed by sold fuel production. Plastic and acid are the mean, but here's a link to how that looks.

    You get 4.314 gas per second and spend ~410 kW on everything production but the pumpjacks and consume 7.8 crude for 410+90*4=770 kW which is more than the everything into solid fuel, but produces useful petrol gas.

    This "free" gas saves power, but it's beyond me to figure out how to say it, and solid fuel power is firmly in a place where you just build an extra boiler system at once, rather than just additional as you need, plate production is enough that you can siphon some into making boilers and steam engines to be used in 20/40 at a time.

    edit: tweaked some text, fixed chemical plant burner fuel production rate. solid fuel is worth 12 MJ not 15 MJ.

    submitted by /u/sawbladex
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    Expandable mirrorable 8-science lab matrix

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:43 AM PST

    Expandable mirrorable 8-science lab matrix

    For now, the white science is loaded manualy into the crate on the left side.

    The splitter/filters are there to sort the return feed correctly, otherwise if you only merge the new feed and the return feed they clog up each other.

    And the 8th science is quantum mechanics...pls... :)


    submitted by /u/Tjuren_swe
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    Landfill disappearing?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I'm currently in the early/midgame stages of a Bobs/Angels run. Thing is a honking beast. Loving it to death. I found a good seed that has lots of water and islands and such. That said, I've filled in quite a bit of water with landfill. This leads to my predicament. I've started noticing landfill disappearing from where I've filled it in, almost as if it were sinking. Is this part of the mods or some other weird interaction? It's caused quite a bit of annoyance now, since I have had several tracks fall out of the world and causing a logistics nightmare with trains.

    submitted by /u/rieke137
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    Lag problems - You guys had it too?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:25 AM PST

    So here is my problem:

    I have a save game, where I'm trying to scale up to a megabase. I have multiple places with around 40 artillery each. What happened is that the artillery's started to fire, and biters started to attack in waves.

    This is when my fps from stable 60 dropped to around 20-30 (constantly, even if I was elsewhere on the map, or zoomed out). Also, I noticed in a new game when I logged in, my fps dropped to 9 for like half a minute then got back to 60.

    Both games are heavily modded.

    I'm on the latest release -> 0.18.9

    I have a laptop with the following specs:

    - i7-7700HQ 2,8ghz with turbo 3,6ghz

    - 32GB 2400MHZ cl15

    - Nvidia rtx 2070 8gb eGPU

    - Samsung 970 pro 1TB

    Does anybody have any idea what is the problem? This is how it should work? I feel like with the specs I have, it should handle this just fine.

    submitted by /u/Morvhen
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    Lonely guy wants to play multiplayer

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 01:14 PM PST

    I've got no one to play with and I generally want to get better at the game. Mods included: AAI vehicles: miner, Alien biomes, Flare stack, Ice ore, Mining drones, Robot attrition, space exploration (and all the mods required for it), Texugo_wind_generator, warehousing mod. If there are any other mods you want added if interested then you can tell me on discord. If interested then I can give you my steam friend code privately. Edit: I'm playing the game in 0.18.x.

    submitted by /u/stenny127
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    Playing with a friend who enver played factorio?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:19 AM PST

    What should I not do?

    Play the same way as he is discovering mechanics, or show him how its done efficiently?

    submitted by /u/7bitcoin
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