• Breaking News

    Friday, August 13, 2021

    Factorio I was wondering why it suddenly takes 1 minute to save my game. Turns out I forgot about sufrace scanning. My save is now 300MB.

    Factorio I was wondering why it suddenly takes 1 minute to save my game. Turns out I forgot about sufrace scanning. My save is now 300MB.

    I was wondering why it suddenly takes 1 minute to save my game. Turns out I forgot about sufrace scanning. My save is now 300MB.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    Finished the game!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 03:12 AM PDT

    I just launched three rockets in four minutes after 50hrs of gameplay. I know that most of you don't care but this is big for me!

    submitted by /u/Apex_Brothers
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    Always remember to be mindful of railroad tracks

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    I can already see I'm going to have such a love-hate relationship with AngelBob's. It took me 3 hours to wrap my head around how to get a decent early mining setup up and running. Good grief.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:44 PM PDT

    oh train, you really need help

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    What do yall do when the ore runs out?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    What are some good seeds for factorio death world?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    Huge Nuclear Reactor (2.2 GW)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Huge Nuclear Reactor (2.2 GW)

    This is a 2.2GW rotationally symmetrical bot-fed reactor that is (relatively) small! Only 101x101.


    Factorio Prints: Huge Nuclear Reactor (2.2 GW)

    Additional challenge: just like my last post I challenge anybody interested to make a nuclear reactor that produces the same amount of power but in less space. Have fun!

    Otherwise enjoy!

    submitted by /u/Salty_Legume
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    I'm loving the steampunk phase of Industrial Revolution 2

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    900SPM Train Spaghetti Base.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:16 PM PDT

    Day 2 Completed+ Modlist

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    Free mod idea: Arrakis!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    1. only desert ground. No lakes. Trees extremely rare.
    2. "water collector" building that would produce small amount of water. Each collector negatively affects productivity of nearby collectors, so you want to space them out.
    3. additional resource: the spice. Used to power the rocket and to make higher tier science packs.
    4. no bitters. Instead: fremen. They react with hostility to spice mining. Can be bribed with water.
    5. beware the attacks of Shai-Hulud. Extremely tough to kill with normal weapons. Nuclear is somewhat effective (tactics: build walls of warmed up nuclear reactors). Energy shields somewhat effective. If fremen are friendly, they can keep Shai-Hulud away from your base.

    Thoughts? More ideas?

    submitted by /u/me-gustan-los-trenes
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    Belt confusion

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    When ever I set up any machine using belts the assemblers or furnaces at the beginning of the belt always produce a lot more than the rest of the assemblers. I've got enough materials to support all of them but the assemblers at the beginning are just too fast. Is there a way to remedy this?

    submitted by /u/Boiimcgee
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    2-Way Train Modules

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Balanced liquid stations

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    I haven't found a good design for balanced liquid handling for train stations online, so I made one myself.

    These stations are designed for 1-4 liquid trains. Stations load and unload fluid wagons evenly. They also enable themselves automaticly when there is enough room or inventory for processing a train. And they have colored indicator lights for extra bling!

    I have run these for a while now in a test world and they seem to work flawlessly. No unbalanced (un)loading and only requesting a train when needed. I made the blueprint in a loop for easier testing.

    I would love to hear if someones tries these out, how did they work in their setup. I'm sure there are kinks somewhere in there, which I haven't encountered yet.

    Blueprint at Factoriobin.com

    Edit: Forgot to mention, the circuitry can handle all fluids without any modifications. Simple copy and paste.

    submitted by /u/mantere
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    Lever in factorio (explanation in comments)

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    [Space Exploration] Can't wait until I move all ops to orbit so I can burn this place down.

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    Obnoxiously Expensive 2GW Nuclear Reactor Lakefill

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    Non-pausing research screen in single player?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 03:18 AM PDT

    Is this possible?

    I need it because I'm starting out with AngelBob's and I want to see the details of what each tech does/adds while I'm learning how to play the mod and I'd rather that the game continue on and progress with whatever I have automated rather than stop while I'm trying to wrap my head around AB tech. (NOTE: I'm on peaceful mode so I'm not worrying about biters.)

    I have Improved Research Queue installed, which doesn't pause the game, but it also doesn't contain the details for the tech like on the vanilla research scree, which unfortunately pauses the game.

    I know I can start a multiplayer run to have this option, but I don't want to start a new playthrough just for it and I don't know if there are things in multiplayer that I wouldn't want in my playthrough.

    So maybe there's a way? Can anyone suggest?

    submitted by /u/SkoivanSchiem
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    What do you think of my Control Unit Design?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    After 74 hours total game time and nearly 40 h in this factory, I have finally done it...

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    I see your 288MW boiler array and raise a 432MW array

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 11:03 AM PDT

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