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    Saturday, May 22, 2021

    Factorio For science.

    Factorio For science.

    For science.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Why you should always use Coal Liquefaction

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    Most of us will burn coal in our steam engines until we switch to something bigger and better - nuclear or solar, depending on map type and base size goals. I'm here to tell you that in between Coal and Nuclear, you should always switch to "Gas Turbines" - Coal Liquefaction making solid fuel to burn in your steam engines.

    Here is the math:

    Coal Liquefaction takes 5 seconds to consume 10 Coal, 25 Heavy Oil, and 50 Steam, and produces 90 Heavy Oil, 20 Light Oil, and 10 Petroleum Gas, while consuming 420 kW of electricity.

    The energy value of the coal consumed is 4 MJ each, so 40 MJ total. The steam has an electricty value of 1.5MJ, and the Refinery will consume 2.1 MJ of electricity over 5 seconds, so your total input cost, in terms of energy, is 43.6 MJ. We'll subtract the Heavy Oil from the output, as it's a recycled product.

    The 90 - 25 = 65 Heavy Oil can be crafted straight into Solid Fuel, netting 3.25 Solid Fuel, for a total energy of 39 MJ. But you do better to crack it into Light Oil, making 48.75 Light Oil, which can be turned into 4.875 Solid Fuel, for an energy value of 58.5 MJ. The chemical plant needs 1.625 crafts to do this, with each craft lasting 2 seconds and consuming 210 kW of power, or 420 kJ per craft, which equals 682.5 kJ for the whole batch of heavy oil. This is far less than the 20 MJ we gain from the cracking process. Water is free, electrically speaking.

    You've now got 48.75+20 Light Oil, so you'll need 6.875 crafts to make that all into solid fuel, at an electrical cost of 420 kJ per craft = 2.8875 MJ.

    The petroleum gas can be crafted into solid fuel, netting half of a solid fuel per refinery craft, which is equal to 6 MJ. It'll cost 120 kJ of electricty.

    All in, we have consumed 43.6 MJ of coal, steam, and electricity for the refinery, 682.5 kJ for cracking heavy oil, 2.8875 MJ for making solid fuel from light oil, and 120 kJ for making solid fuel from Petroleum Gas. Your total input cost is 47.29 MJ, and your output is 6.875+0.5 = 7.375 Solid Fuel, which is worth 88.5 MJ!

    Your net gain here is huge. Thus, as soon as you have the technology, you should build a refinery dedicated entirely to coal liquefaction, and take the coal you have and convert it into solid fuel to run your steam engines. It's literally free energy.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


    submitted by /u/Gh0stP1rate
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    20K Rail MegaFactory that runs at 60 UPS on my laptop.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    20K Rail MegaFactory that runs at 60 UPS on my laptop.


    Factoriobox link so you can benchmark it on your own PC.

    Googlemap style link zoomable / scrollable map.

    Savefile link so you can explore in game (the region-cloner mod is not required)


    After building my monolithic train megabase I noticed that about half my update time was spent in Trains and so decided to build something more UPS efficient and that's where this base came from.

    Design Principles

    • Use trains for virtually everything (refuelling is done by bots) The BC build uses belts for the output and there are a few belts in the silo complex.
    • Place sources and sinks near to each other. I.e. Steel is made near LDS that are made near rocket silos.
    • Each science is built in its own 5K block. Except red and green which are together in a 10K block because they are so small.
    • Each science block has its own raw resources and everything is made from raw resources.
    • Trains travel from source station to destination station with the minimum number of stops, normally pickup station -> waiting place -> destination station without stopping in between.
    • Train journeys are as short as possible.
    • I built this base in the editor and spawned resources near to the blocks as required but not inside the blocks to try and maintain a degree of realism.
    • Trains are all 4-16.
    • All builds use DI designs, optimising the balance between beacons and number of inserters.

    Base Overview

    The base was built as a 10K megabase and then cloned.

    The colour coded rectangles indicate the different science blocks.

    Science Blocks

    Red science is simple enough to be made with a single repeated blueprint that includes smelters, gears and red science.

    Green science is made in stages and there are trains for each different item involved ores, plates, gears, circuits, inserters, belts and science packs.

    Red / Green Science 10K

    Blue Science is the first science block to use multi item trains, red circuits and sulfur are carried on the same train to the blue science assembly in a ratio of 3 RCs to 1 sulfur.

    5K Blue Science

    Purple science was actually the first rail factory I made. A single furnace is enough to supply all the copper needed for copper cables for a single ASM making RC, which means we can have a nice 1:1:1 DI chain saving some UPS versus making copper plates separately. A dedicated steel smelter is just off screen to the left.

    Purple 5K science block (minus steel)

    Yellow breaks the rules slightly because it gets a feed of lubricant from the white science build. This way all its other oil needs can be supplied with basic refining only.

    Yellow 5K Science Block

    The white science block is by far the biggest

    RCUs 5K science block

    LDS & RF for 5K science block

    10 Sata / minute block

    Synced rocket launch

    Labs for 5K

    UPS Stats (on my laptop Intel i7-10750h)


    The only mod I used was the region-cloner mod by mulark. It was used to clone the base. The cloned base worked with almost no issues, just a couple of trains that didnt clone correctly.

    What's Next

    I have been working on this base on and off for some time, and although I think it can be improved its never going to be able to compete with the belt based bases in pure UPS terms (since 1.1) so my motivation for improving it has waned significantly. I still would like to improve it further but at the moment I feel like "if you cant beat them join them" and I will be working on some belt based designs. Monolithic belt megabase in my future?!?


    Feel free to ask me anything that isn't clear.

    And benchmark it on your computer to see how your hardware handles over 700 16 wagon trains.

    Edit: Thanks for all the comments, upvotes and awards. Its much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Stevetrov
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    Just bought the game yesterday and made my first base( I am aware of my inability to organize)

    Posted: 22 May 2021 12:38 AM PDT

    A thank you to the devs and this game

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    After over 100 hours and countless retries I finally beat the game. Right now life has been very hard and feels like taking blow after blow and not being allowed to get back up. Thank you to the Factorio devs, for making a game that pushed me but allowed me after all this time to create something special that I could call mine. I didn't know how badly I needed to just feel accomplished even in something as insignificant as a game. It's given me the drive to continue chasing my passions in life. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Extraboots
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    Usually, my balancer looks like this

    Posted: 22 May 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    Is there a mod to avoid this many spidertron remotes?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 01:44 PM PDT

    Just started the game but... something feels wrong.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Just finished all the tutorial missions! Under the construction of my very first factory but... I don't feel right I check the clock and notice I've been playing for over 2 hours straight. I don't know why but I feel something strange... something calling to me, what is happening?

    submitted by /u/Coffee1341
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    This is not at all a flex...About 565 hours, completely vanilla

    Posted: 21 May 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Would you use barrel-based transport for liquids in a megabase?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    If so, which steps would you make barrel-based?:

    a) only between oil fields and refineries

    b) also between subsequent liquid production factories and liquid end-consumption factories

    c) all the way, i.e., also for intermediate liquid processing like heavy oil to light oil processing

    submitted by /u/PDiracDelta
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    Could someone share a tileable solar blueprint with a roboport in it?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:36 AM PDT

    Googled it at first but the designs I saw were from 2-3 years ago. To be fair solar has not changed so they still work, but regardless I was wondering if anyone around here has a good design handy.

    submitted by /u/dark_stars
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    I've built around 30 buffer chests at one time. RIP electric system

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    I posted a design for my Green Chip factory and received some nice feedback, so here's my updated design using your suggestions!

    Posted: 22 May 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    Does having a lot of radars lower FPS?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 03:26 AM PDT

    I'm not talking about the radars themselves but rather the area that they reveal when you go into Map Mode. Basically having a lot of the area of the map revealed at all times, does it lower the FPS?

    I'm planning to build a gigantic solar farm and want to know whether to plan to radars or not.

    submitted by /u/dark_stars
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    Dumb question about whitelist and blacklist.

    Posted: 22 May 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I may be dumb but am I thinking about this correctly? If you use a filter inserter and black list 4 items, for example, then the filter inserter will pick up all other items except for the 4 items you have chosen (blacklisted). Am I correct in that thinking? Can anyone explain blacklisting and whitelisting better? I can't seem to find anywhere that explains it.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Micro-G-wanna
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    An extensible train station design for many inputs.

    Posted: 21 May 2021 09:34 PM PDT

    LTN Sushi belt Mall

    Posted: 22 May 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Meet BAE, my 6/13 Build Absolutely Everything Base-in-a-train

    Posted: 21 May 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    What is the right place to discuss mod ideas?

    Posted: 22 May 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    Playing factorio as it is meant to be played like

    Posted: 21 May 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Playing factorio as it is meant to be played like

    I was doing de copper smelting zone (bottom right) and noticed that i had a few electric poles placed in a satisfying way so i just stopped with the copper and replaced them all so they looked like they do now, and i am so gad i did because i love the way it looks like and i wanted to show you so you tell me what you think :D


    submitted by /u/alvmemefree
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