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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    Factorio Blue Circuits with 8 Beacons

    Factorio Blue Circuits with 8 Beacons

    Blue Circuits with 8 Beacons

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    Logistics Circus

    Posted: 25 May 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    I'm pretty new to the game and need some help. These steam engines produce only 100kW-150kW. Others produce 5-10 times more than that, but they are built pretty much the same way. Why the huge difference?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    As a new player this was a satisfying moment. This has been one of my favorite purchases in a long time :)

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    First Time Playing Factorio, not sure if my Layout makes any sense

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    Help... Train is only going to load station on left... how do get it to go to the station on the right ???

    Posted: 25 May 2021 10:54 PM PDT

    Distinct power networks should have different colors in map

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    I just realized that I'd accidentally disconnected one section of my base from the other. The disconnected section had one nuclear plant but was nowhere enough to supply full power and therefore was running slowly. Having different colors for separate power networks on the map would be nice. At least different shades of blue.

    submitted by /u/Contribution-Sharp
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    I have lost count of the number of times I have said ‘just a few more mins’ that has turned into hours

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    My factory had developed in an unsavory way. Rather than starting a new game, I am using bots to break everything down. I'm keeping my nuclear power running but that's it.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Bugs keep attacking the walls of my maze despite there being a direct path to turrets. What is the issue with my design, how can I change this wall to avoid it being damaged?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:15 AM PDT

    Explain LTN please.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Does it just treat train stops as logistic chests and then trains as bots?

    If so why use this? Say I want specialty trains to bring in lots of intermediates to cut down on stations. What then? Use filter inserters? I can foresee clogs where one resource is consumed slightly more than the others being starved cause all your chests eventually get filled with the other less used resource.

    I have 200 trains going atm and they all have a specific route with stackers to hold the excess. 2x4 way tracks can hold all of them with no backups/traffic jams. So why should I use LTN? Genuinely curious.

    submitted by /u/cav754
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    Why does it feel like a massive load is put on you once you unlock oil?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    I'm trying to diagnose my UPS problems on my almost 3k SPM base. Many are saying I shouldn't be running at 30 UPS like I am. I should note that this was taken as I have a bit artillery wagon firing on a bunch of aliens so I'm running at 21 UPS. Can anyone help me understand these numbers?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    LTN behavior when starved

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:57 AM PDT

    If I have more requests than supply, will LTN use some even distribution, or will one requestor starve the others?

    submitted by /u/LarsPensjo
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    I love my spaghetti!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:43 AM PDT

    Nuclear Power Excess?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I want to pump steam into storage only if my Nuclear setup isn't utilizing all of it. How do I do that?

    I tried using a decider combinator, but I think my logic is incorrect.

    It says in the wiki that the pipe is treated as 1 vessel... so my question is does that mean all outputs have the same priority even if the distance from the source is higher???

    Thank You all in advance,Factorio Noob

    EDIT: I noticed the steam turbine has two input/outputs... if I make sure the steam has to go to a turbine before going into storage would that work?

    submitted by /u/Sporego
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    Why is this chain signal red and not blue?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    Why is this chain signal red and not blue?

    Got 2 signals at the end of the block: red and green. Isn't the chain one supposed to be blue?


    submitted by /u/ReflexiveOak
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    Here's my Pyanodons spaghetti mess

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    Modding Factorio for education: Is it possible? [Crosspost from /r/FactorioMods, Link to original in description]

    Posted: 25 May 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    Original here.

    Hello friends. TL;DR Questions in dot points below.

    Some preamble.

    I've played nearly 400 hours of Factorio, so you could say I'm still a bit of a novice, but I do love the game greatly. I've not dipped into modding before, but I have seen some of the mods that are around and understand that a lot is possible.

    I also work as a teacher at a technology school where we have many automation programs working with robots in small scale. We have a 'do-bot' that is basically an inserter, but we struggle to have the 'do-bot' perform much more than move an object around in the short time that we have students.

    What I would like to do is use Factorio as part of an automation class, where students can learn how to build elements of a factory. We typically have students for about 3 useful hours of program time per day, and typically one or maybe 2 day programs, so vanilla Factorio would be a bit overwhelming.

    I know that there is a map editor, and that I can easily setup a scenario where coal, iron, etc. are all close by, and build some stubs of a factory for students to start with.

    While I have a lot of programming experience, and have confidence that I could build mods to suit my purpose, I am not sure if everything that I would like to do is possible. To that end, I have some questions below that I'd love some feedback on:

    • Can biter attacks be scheduled, i.e. delayed for an initial period of 2 hours or so, then scheduled to come in waves of pre-defined size at a set time?
    • Can mods block out most crafting options in the player's inventory. I don't want the UI to be overwhelming to new players, but I would like almost all tech to be already researched while the game is running.
    • Can the build speed of different components be slowed down? I would like to have a rocket set to launch just before students leave the school, and the biter attacks coming maybe 15 minutes before that. The goal, protect the rocket and leave the planet.
    • Can labels be made, little bits of advice that can be placed on the map explaining to students what needs to be done in each location?
    • Can spawn / respawn points be set for players?
    • Can ore bodies be made to effectively never run out?
    • Can events (such as an enhanced biter attack) be triggered based on certain technology, such as a laser turret or flamethrower, being built?
    • Can reagents for vanilla products be simplified, for example making batteries easier to produce or make them not required at all for laser turrets?

    My lesson plan is as follows:

    Students arrive at 09:30 to find a factory building a rocket with chests full of all the materials needed for that rocket to reach completion. The rocket will launch at 14:20, saving the students from the bug planet. However they have seen that the insect hoard is coming and will arrive at approximately 14:00. They need to build their factory to produce enough walls, gun turrets and ammo to defend their rocket long enough for it to launch.

    I would prepare the map so that there is plenty of iron, stone, coal and copper right in the factory, and give them some bodies of water nearby to provide partial walls for their factory.

    When they start, they will have some yellow belts, inserters, power-poles, electric drills, electric furnaces and assemblers in a chest to get them started as well as a limited coal-based power supply. Students will have one drill mining iron, one mining coal, one mining copper, one mining stone, one boiler with 2 steam turbines, one electric furnace for each ore and one assembler each for inserters, assemblers, electric drills and yellow belts. This will be setup in a primitive factory that students can grow from.

    Nearby, but not connected to raw materials, will be an array that can build gun turrets, one that can build ammo, one that can build underground belts and splitters, and one that can build walls. Students will need to figure out how to direct materials to these unfinished arrays, and how to grow the factory, learning about the increased demand for materials, power and assemblers to keep their production balanced.

    The best part is that unlike other programs, which don't do anything over the lunch and recess break, as this is a class on automation, the factory can keep producing when students are not around, demonstrating the benefits of smooth automation, but also the need for human oversight as some problems may arise in the students' absence.

    If they do well, they will be able to build defenses over the next 3 hours or so, placing walls and gun turrets ahead of the attack by the biters.

    Students that grasp the basics easily can be given stretch goals, such as producing better ammo, mining oil and setting up flamethrowers, laser turrets, etc.

    I am so excited by the idea of teaching a class using Factorio, and the first step is asking Reddit for some advice. Your wisdom is greatly appreciated, thank you for reading and for assisting with this project. If I get this up and running I'll be sure to share my findings with the community :)

    submitted by /u/borgiedude
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    Factorio as an education tool?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:49 AM PDT

    We have seen some other games being used as education tools (minecraft and ksp come to my mind). What do you think could be education uses of factorio?

    submitted by /u/Consistent_Structure
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    Advice please: Factorio (heavy) Mod selection for fun playthrough [mid 2021] + Space Exploration | medium experienced player

    Posted: 26 May 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    Hi all! Making a mod-selection for my 4th play and wanted to see if you have any extras!

    First off: I write posts like I like to find them. So this might interest you if you are relatively new to the game and want to mod it to be a wholesome colorful experience. Maybe with some extra stuff thats nearly cheaty, but not broken. Thats also why I added some basic info to the mods.

    How I'm approaching this: I love mods. I'm also a lazy, blueprint-loving, spaghettorizing train-fan and am happiest when zooming out and playing from that perspective.. by sending things where they need to be.

    In my last playthrought I learned how to use LTN and why my 12lane-BUS design, overgrown by nilaus-based blockdesign was suboptimal. Stopped when I launched a couple of rockets and spidertronned around. Greatest game so far.

    Mods - I know some of these are cheaty, but endgame for me is something I want to be lazy and big plan everything. In my wet fantasies I wouldn't even need to connect ressource patches by hand - so my go to was: blueprint, send 2-3 build-spidertrons, send delivery train for mini-bot network, set up LTN by hand :( and connect to ressource network. I hate bot networks getting (spacially) out of hand and exhausted little bobs slurching around, so I keep myself pretty limited in that regard.

    Well now I found out about Space Exploration, so thats the buildaround goal.

    Space Exploration comes with a lot of mods, some of these are listed below, others are not. I just installed all recommended too.

    Playthrough goals:

    • start small & by hand
    • explore outwards & with trains, so ressources are patchy but very rich
    • build a big fat mall (that i can drive in with my train)
    • build ingame control panels for productions and ressources to have an overview whats up
    • have a bigass (=medium) megabase to support my space exploration endeavours (I don't know what really classifies as megabase)
    • get to space ! Find out whats that all about (I have no idea and didn't spoiler it for me yet)

    Mod selection

    A. The game-changers (i haven't played yet):

    1. Space Exploration - as far as I understood, you basically get another phase, starting at ~mid to late game where you explore other planets, get new materials, etc. So main base should be sturdy and producing.
    2. AAI .. (necessary for Space Exploration) like everything? these mod(s) seem like a whole new game by themselves. All I see is a automated roomba army and I want it. If you have AAI extras that are worth mentioning would be lovely
    3. Alien Biomes - seems pretty and I like railworlds. This is a 2in1 deal
    4. Helmod? Factory planner (I blueprinted, spaghettoized or fingercounted everything before, but for space exploration I should get into decimals.)
    5. RPG System - adds a leveling up system that sounds reasonably fun.
    6. [Edit] Krastorio 2 - as magikal8ball added Krastorio 2 specifically works with Space Exploration, so this is going in!

    B. Game changers (I know & love):

    1. LTN - Logistic - LTN is just awesome if you use trains. It automatically shedules free trains between requesters and providers. Once set up this will make your life 1000x easier. Again if you have LTN essentials, please let me know.
      1. LTN Combinator Modernized - interface for the combinator
      2. LTN Cleanup - helps clean out trains if they should have leftover carriage (which can be a LTN issue)

    C. Quality of life / Extended endgame stuff:

    1. Afraid of the dark - this game is too dark. You might like that, I dont.
    2. Aircraft - adds a quite cheaty vehicle (multiple) that allows you to fly straight over your base in record time
    3. Automatic Train Painter - mhh color stuff :)
    4. Bottleneck - shows machines that are not doing what they should
    5. Dectorio - more colors, grass, etc. e.g. colored concrete
    6. Enhanced Map Colors - overview map information with better contrast
    7. Evo GUI - some info about biters
    8. Far reach - this should be base game :) you can build as far as you can see
    9. Fill4Me - put a train on the rails > autofueled (from inventory items). Can be really exploited to clear out nests when putting down a million turrets
    10. Lighted Electric Poles + - even more light
    11. Power Armor MK3 - endgame armor with insanely big grid
    12. Speed Control - fast forward or slow down time
    13. Spidertron Extended - more spidertron-versions, because spidertrons are the greatest
    14. Squeez Through - just walk through those damn pipes (and similar)
    15. Teleporters - base hopping made super easy
    16. The Fat Controller - train overview
    17. Tree Collision - fuck trees
    18. Vehicle snap - really necessary mod to ever use a vehicle
    19. What is it really used for? - info
    20. Where is my Body - my alltime favorite :)

    D. Fun mods I'm not sure about:

    1. Krastorio 2, Bobs & Angels - no idea, .. with the space exploration, aai, alien biomes idea, do I need more gamechangers? These don't work with Space Exploration either way
    2. Mining space Industries II - seems really fun but above my paygrade, also I'm soloing. Maybe for some next time.

    Game Settings:

    • Railworld presets but frequency to 50% and richness to 300% - as I said I'm lazy.
    • Moisture bias +0.1
    • I like a bit more archipelago-ish feeling to bunker in, so water: scale 75%, coverage 150
    • Cliffs down to 25%; 75% continuity, because cliffs start to suck at some point, but its fun to blow them up


    • Basically anything that comes to mind.
    • Do you have recommendations to have better overview over stuff? Like a train big picture mode, or something similar?
    • Did I forget any mods that are just too good to be true?
    • Any issues you see with the bulk of mods I press into one game?
    submitted by /u/firstsecondlastname
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    Should I try centralising making anything or should I try creating everything locally?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:10 AM PDT

    I'm new at the game, I've gotten to blue and black science. I'm getting a bit overwhelmed, for me it's hard to understand wether I should create all the items in the spot I'm making the result, as in input basic materials, like oil water iron copper, make red circuits turn them into science on the spot, or make these factories seperate, as in create red circuits in one spot, then ship them far away to be created into science, where they also get supplied by other seperate factories?

    submitted by /u/Degenerate0
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    How badly does Nuclear power hurt UPS?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    I'm pushing 3k SPM on a base I've been working on for a while now (450 hours in game, about 250 of those idle). I'm running at about 25-30 fps/ups. I'm using almost entirely nuclear power, about 17.5 gWh. I was curious how badly that hurts my UPS if anyone knows.

    submitted by /u/exothermic21
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