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    Friday, May 15, 2020

    Factorio Friday Facts #347 - New hope demo levels

    Factorio Friday Facts #347 - New hope demo levels

    Friday Facts #347 - New hope demo levels

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:41 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 May 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    The Accident

    Posted: 15 May 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    Balanced Tileable Direct Insertioned Blue Chip Facility

    Posted: 15 May 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    My new Super-smelter. Produces 16 Belts of both copper and iron plates. Sadly, my UPS is already down to around 57 even though this is the only mega base component I have set up yet.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 05:36 PM PDT

    The Baseless Megabase™ - Distributed Train Network in Vanilla - 1.1kSPMx11.6GW@60UPS; balanced outpost draw; no deadlocks; no wandering; they said it couldn't be done

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    Here's a few pictures of my first megabase in Factorio! I decided to make my first serious factory be about trains and try to solve the mechanics of having a balanced train network that can have outposts added or finished seamlessly without any train schedule updates, while drawing from all outposts in a balanced fashion. I had advice to use LTN, but I figured modding the game to solve a problem goes against the idea of a problem-solving game.

    Album: https://imgur.com/a/dtiX103

    It uses a fairly small amount of circuitry to ensure that outposts aren't overworked with empty buffers, and aren't overwhelmed by burst quantities of trains. Trains will depart their assigned drop stations and seek the most appropriate outpost, balancing between closeness and how hard the station is being worked.

    Most resources are made at a dedicated build for that resource; mining outposts smelt on-site, and other resources all have their own pickups. Resources are dropped off wherever they are required by trains dedicated to that drop site. This means that there is effectively no main base; I did build a giant mall and obviously I have rocket pads, but as for the science builds, they each have individual drop stations and can be operated completely independently, with trains that have generic resource load sites that are automatically managed.

    I use these automatically balanced load stations to ship a selection of products to minimize on-site intermediate production. Iron Plate, Copper Plate, Green Circuits, Steel, Petroleum Gas, Coal, Red Circuits, Blue Circuits, Low Density Structures, Rocket Control Units, Concrete, Sulphuric Acid and Rocket Fuel are all shipped wherever they are required using this network, with the full ability to connect the inputs and outputs of any new outpost or build just by telling the station (and the trains associated with it) what they are inputting and outputting. Not enough Red Circuits to serve all your builds? Make drop stations for Copper, Green Circuits, Petroleum and Coal; stamp down a Red Circuit factory; and make a loader station for Red Circuits. It'll automatically bring Red Circuit trains to it and will balance out the draw among all Red Circuit builds, such that none is over- or under-worked. And trains that would be pulling Red Circuits will wait at their drop stations for an available load station, never overwhelming the stackers in the load stations and causing jams, no matter how low supply drops. Once a loader is unable to provide any more resources, it is closed off automatically and trains no longer visit it.

    Single Drop Station: https://pastebin.com/bMDyDpz5

    Stacked Drop Station: https://pastebin.com/8h7HUaty

    Loader station: https://pastebin.com/igFB0wuH

    The concept behind it is to adjust train pathfinding weights using numbers of train stops placed along the stackers. Train stops in the way of another station add a penalty of 2000 units to a train's pathfinding result.

    When a loader station is fully operational, all stackers are open, and the pathfinding finds the first stacker stop with no penalty. When the loader buffer drops below a certain amount, it will close the first stacker stop. The second stacker stop has one extra station placed immediately before it, in order to force an extra 2000 unit penalty at minimum onto any train who would visit that stacker. This continues with 2 dummy stops at the third stacker lane, and 3 dummy stops at the fourth. As an outpost produces less material, it will have the high-priority stacker lanes open less often; and when the high-priority stacker lanes are closed, the low priority ones can still serve trains that are close to the station already, but new dispatches will go to other outposts first. These stacker lanes also don't close until a train reaches them, to avoid wandering when one is closed as a train is approaching and make sure that all dispatched trains have somewhere to go.

    Additionally there is a count of the number of available loader stops available that is broadcast across the whole map, on green wires. Each drop station watches that and each train won't leave until this signal is above zero; the signal is then decremented while a train is out of the station. This ensures stackers at loader stations are never overwhelmed and deadlocks don't happen.

    I also had to number each drop station in order to allow it to dispatch individually from the rest of the drop stations. Otherwise, a signal of 1 free loader could allow multiple trains to dispatch and cause a blockage/deadlock/wandering. This probably wouldn't come up much in normal operation but I wanted a solution that covered edge cases. It also took two update ticks for the signal to register properly, so I have a counter that increments once every 2 updates, and resets when it reaches the highest station number in the network (tracked by N, which is just a signal of 1 for each drop station that is numbered). I keep notes on what is numbered where using tags on the map view. This numbering system could be per-resource, i.e. 1-2-3+ for Copper and 1-2-3+ for Iron, although I didn't start that while designing the system and haven't gone back to refactor it.

    I've incorporated things like buffer contents light indicators at all the stations to check on supply, as well as fuel drops that can take any of Solid/Rocket/Nuclear, and use a small number of bots to supply the inserters to fill the trains.

    If someone wants a detailed breakdown of exactly how to use the blueprints, I will make that.

    Next steps? Scale to 4kSPM. Go up to a 4-lane railway, add more outposts, quadruple the size of the builds. Use the stacked drop station more for the higher throughput. Triple the size of my lab setup. Replace the drop stations at my Uranium processing with a single Sulphuric Acid train. Reduce power usage of my beaconed smelter builds by trimming unused furnaces. Double up my power generation at minimum. Make sure all trains use Nuclear fuel. Finish concreting more things. Use more Hazard Concrete to make it pretty.

    Ţ̫͔̻̰͔̹̳̼̒͒̍̑̔͟h͎̖͍͖̲͉̥̟͐̄̽̃̃͛͊̕̕͡ě̵̝̯̙̻͕̻̐̑̿́̄͆̊̋͘ f̰̖̪͈̣͐̍͊́̕͜ͅa̤͎̳̻͐̉̑̅͌͢͞c̢͎̮͚̞͋͌̄͋̃̂͐͠͞͞ť̸͙͇͓̼̙̦̯̞̩̓͐̏̉ǫ̴̰̥͔̲̮̪̲̓̈͂̚͘͟ř͇͍̪̠͔͖̹̞͖̾̃̂̃͋͛͘ͅy̨̛͓̟͔̍̎̅̊͊̊̈́̓͢ m̡̺͙̠̞̟̲͛͛̓̈́̆͐̓̏͡u̵̢̡̪̣̻̤̠͆͌̄̇̀͋͘͡s͎̪̥̠̱̜̹̈́͆̀̒̊͑͢͠ẗ̼̺͎̥̰̬̘̩́̔͋̔̃̑̇̀͜ g̴͚̭̟̰̤͓̭̠̜̅̋̇̔̏̈́̕̕͜r̶̫͖̺̹̭͖̀͆̄͂̚̚͡ͅỏ̹͎̭̞̯͔̖̠̝̾̃́̽̆̏͆̽ẅ̶̛̭̟̪͙͚̪͕̀̍̇̐̉̈͐͜͢.̵̡̩̖͓̩̬̎͑́̓̊͡


    submitted by /u/SpiritKidPoE
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    first time playing factorio with a friend, after 220 hours we made a 3000 x 3000 area for us

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Feature Suggestion - Allow Roboports to Apply to just Logistics or Construction Bots.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Can robots go around?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    Hello! I was wondering, is it possible to make construction and logistics robots go around something? My base, train lines (with roboports) and outposts form a large C-shape, with a lake in the middle. My robots always go over the lake, because it's quicker, but I don't have that area lit up with radar and bug bases often appear there and destroy every robot passing through. So is it possible to make them follow the train line, where there's roboports and it's safer, instead of flying over enemy territory?

    submitted by /u/thedogofcoolness
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    After 70 hours, victory! [Krastorio2]

    Posted: 14 May 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    If you had a buffer chest at your spawn point whose sole purpose was to quickly equip you for revenge/carnage, what would you put in there?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    I'm thinking a tank, explosive shells, flamer ammo, a rocket launcher, and a couple nukes should do the trick.

    submitted by /u/test6554
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    Ways to start messin with mods

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    So I've played through vanilla and love it, launched some rockets in my own base and with friends, and now I'm starting to think about trying some of the mods. But there's so many! Then there's combinations! Anyway, just looking for some thoughts on which ones to check out / which ones are cool why, and also whether it's best to add a mod and start a fresh game or just fork one of my saves and add mods from there?

    submitted by /u/jazzlw
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    Bot Rush Base (Blueprint in comments)

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Any suggestions why I'm limited to 10-25FPS?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 07:18 AM PDT

    My first rocket launching base - the LTN notification sound echoes in my head at all times now.

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    32 belts width in/out new smelter

    Posted: 15 May 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Favorite lesser known mods?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I'm curious what mods are out there that I've not discovered and you guys think are worth giving a shot. What are your guys' favorite mods outside of the big guys?

    submitted by /u/Fyred-Up
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    Is the stack size a new bug?

    Posted: 14 May 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Factorio - Race game!

    Posted: 14 May 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Driving around aimlessly while listening to music.

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    Sometimes when i'm bored of building and breaking my brain, I just drive around the map in my caddy listening to some good tunes, thinking about how to improve the factory. good times.

    submitted by /u/limpiatodos
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    Circuits bugged?

    Posted: 15 May 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    I have a circuit that is a single wire from train station to inserter. That enables inserter if train has =< 200 sulfur. Now this works sometimes... if i leave and go to other part of base this stops working and it just fills train.

    Is it getting deloaded or like is train not updating its number of items crrectly or something else wierd or am i using this incorrectly.

    submitted by /u/Numbers51423
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    Factorio Train & Rail Signals Tutorial 2020

    Posted: 14 May 2020 10:34 AM PDT

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