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    Thursday, April 9, 2020

    Factorio I love peaceful mode

    Factorio I love peaceful mode

    I love peaceful mode

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    I got tired of forgetting where I built stuff, so I made an index.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Underoptimized and a bit ugly, but welcome to Circuit City!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    So proud of my early game! Just wanted to share this with someone, it's my first try on the full game and I'm loving all of it

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:18 AM PDT

    by the way what does the yellow-black item used for crafting green science packs have any altarnate uses?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    New player here: I love how often I find that this game does "the right thing." Really shows how much work the devs put in!

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Here are some things that I guessed to try and was really delighted to find that they worked:

    • When you're running while placing power lines, it automatically puts them at the max distance. No need to stop and count. Same goes for underground pipes.

    • You can place train rail from inside the train! I was anxious about building my first train line until I realized that luxury.

    • When you unlock red and yellow chests, you can simply build them over your old steel chests to replace them. No need to remove the old chests first (which would often require clearing out your inventory).

    Feel free to post your favorite examples :-)

    submitted by /u/TheSwitchBlade
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    Outrunning entropy: How to make a base that will never need new ore patches

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    TL;DR at the bottom

    First, let's define some unknowns:

    • n - your current level of mining productivity
    • P - the amount of ore in a patch, currently
    • x - raw ore per science (different for every ore, depends on productivity modules)

    For this I will assume you have productivity modules on every step of every assembly. Also I will assume that you are not producing military science, since in order for this entire idea to work, you need to be continuously researching mining productivity. Oil is infinite anyway, so not considered here.

    xStone = 7.54/science
    xCoal = 6.251/science
    xCopper = 47.248/science
    xIron = 59.1/science

    First, ore remaining in a patch:

    P * (1.4 + 0.1(n-4))

    Second, resources needed to research next level of mining productivity:

    2500x * (n - 4)

    Third, ore that will remain in the patch after research is done:

    (P - 2500x * (n - 4) / (1.4 + 0.1(n-4)))*(1.4 + 0.1(n-3))

    What we want is to always have enough ore for current research. This means that current ore must be greater than current research requirements, but also next ore must be greater than next research requirements. This gives us 2 inequalities which are too huge to write here, but hopefully you can imagine what they are. When you solve them, you end up with

    P/50000 >= x(n+2)

    Keep in mind that P is the amount of ore in a patch when you start the research, and n is the level of research that you just finished researching. If this condition is true at any point when your research level is 5 or higher, you will never run out of resources. Again, important to keep in mind that x is different for each resource and depends on your modules.

    One example to end with: If you have a 30M iron patch and just finished researching mining productivity 8, that patch will last literally forever if you keep researching mining productivity. (That is, of course, if you are using productivity modules on every stage of every process)


    If your patch is big enough it will never run out if you keep researching mining productivity.

    submitted by /u/MediocreMeat
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    Anyone have trouble driving a car?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    Or is it just me

    submitted by /u/bugqualia
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    Updated green circuits - compressed blue belt output - no eye twitching speed module in cable assembler - only 28 beacons

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    Would boats fit in the game?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    Just a shower though. I imagined what it would be like to start in an island, then having to go far away to find other

    submitted by /u/very_polyglot
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    Having some issues with circutis and inserters

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    I want my inserters to work in sync when pulling things out of a chest. I've done some research and found xterminators video tutorial. In it, the inserters were connected all together and set the condition to be enabled when everything = 0. I tried that on my inserters, but it doesn't seem to work. I've ticked the read hand content and also put on hold mode. Is this a bug or did they change it?

    submitted by /u/pablospc
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    pYanodon's coal and industry suites: help!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Is there anywhere to get help for these mods? I mean, like tech trees, or a wiki, or anything? I am particularly looking for what processes each building will carry out and a tech tree of some kind. Cripes I am 10 hours in and haven't made green science yet!

    submitted by /u/bripi
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    How to choose mods for first mod playthrough

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    Good morning. I just launched my first rocket in vanilla yesterday.

    I want to start a new playthrough but this time with mods. I was looking between the Bob's/Angel mods and Krastorio 2. I'm curious, from people who have played one or the other, which would you recommend for a first mod playthrough and why? Eventually I'll probably try both. I was having a hard time finding a good comparison between the two that would help me decide where to start.

    I guess some notes, during my first playthrough I really enjoyed building large processing blocks, and did not absolutely love dealing with constant biter attacks. I know that probably doesn't narrow it down too well, but hopefully it's something. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ipse_surrexit
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    Idea for Solar Power

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    As Solar Power is kind of the odd type of power generation in Factorio. (Does not require any additional ressources to keep funtioning).

    I asked myself if it would be a good idea to implement a kind of "upkeep" for them.

    For example: Due to dust settling on the Solar panels, they will loose efficiency over time. Down to 10% of nominal performance. You can clean them manually or with bots, using a repair pack and barreled water.

    The accumulators get a kind of Memory effect. Lets say they loose 0.001% Capacity per charging cycle. You could again manually or automatically repair them with a repair kit and some batteries. (As dameged single cells get replaced).

    This would put some additional "Challenge" on Solar instead of just the Space issue. (Which is neglectable once you get bots anyway).

    What are your thoughts about this?

    submitted by /u/Feidlsepp
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    Trying to figure out how to use green science packs in my base.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I've recently started factorio, and I just unlocked green science packs, but I was wondering if I should make a separate area of labs to process the green science packs or if I should put them into my current lab setup (which is already overflowing with science packs) Thanks for helping I've been loving this game, and I'm excited to keep playing it!

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_EGG_YOKES
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    Factorio is still worth it in 2020?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    stumbled upon a Let's Play video of factorio. I was curious and decided to watch a video and Oh God was I blown away how players can make huge bases with complex machines and seemed to be having one heck of a time. I tried the demo and I got hooked right away

    will it get updated regularly and get new things?

    Its kinda hard to save up money with the current situation in the world don't have any work at the moment so I just want to make sure that my money is well spent on game.

    Factorio wont be having sales from what i read.

    submitted by /u/kayedie
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    Is there a way to make tiniest possible starting island with all the Bobs resources?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    I want to start building a base in tiny island map using bobs mods and infinite ores (little bit like seablock but with endless mineable ores), the problem is I cannot make tiniest possible island and to have all the ores spawn in there since I think some of them cannot spawn in starting area (oil is also really rare to spawn making tiny islands). Is there a solution that doesn't require console commands?

    submitted by /u/666Saatana666
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    Modular City Block Style?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    I see all these cool bases that separate production of items into the city style blocks. with trains connecting them Does anyone have like a guide or videos that I could watch and learn how to do this style?

    submitted by /u/kiero564
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    Can I make a circuit breaker that trips if the output goes below or above a wattage?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 12:22 AM PDT

    New player looking for "path" through the game

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    Around 9 hours into a new base. Looked at some smelting and main bus tutorials before to give me some ideas how to set those up efficiently.

    I have 15 science labs (?) that are being fed constantly with red, green and grey science packs. Things are running pretty smooth and I enjoy the aspect of optimizing your factory constantly wherever it is needed, so that's keeping me at just the right level of "busy-ness".

    Now here's the thing:
    I'm researching new tech at a rate where I have zero understanding on what I am actually researching or what I can use it for. By now I think I have access to bots, trains, oil processing, modules,... however I have not built any of these yet.

    What I am looking for is just very simple list of - let me call them "milestones". Next you should build a car, next you should start drilling for oil and start processing it, next you should start to use bots for this or that, next you should build a train. High level stuff so I still have to figure out myself how to make that work.

    Any advice?

    submitted by /u/Vexelbalg
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    Train speed/acceleration calculation improvements

    Posted: 09 Apr 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    I don't really get the decision to hard limit the speed of train by fuel type.

    Wouldn't it be better to let trains figure out how fast they can get depending on power and (air-)friction? If you really want to give it a stretch you can even include train inventory in the wight, you would only have to recalculate the weight every time the inventory changes and the train isn't standing.

    Depending on implementation it could even save performance as it doesn't have to perform the max speed reached check, but I guess it would cost a bit because if the devs did it smart, what they usually do, they have a flag for reached max speed and don't touch the speed of the train once that speed is reached.

    Max speed is already individual and would only have to be recalculated if the fuel type or train composition is changed.

    Also reverse coupled locomotives should give full acceleration power instead of being dead weight just like IRL.

    submitted by /u/ukezi
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    Pump Model

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Pump Model


    I am trying to learn 3D animation but factorio continues to steal hours of study, so I looked for a solution.

    the result is this. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/factorio-game-powe-pump-69142364ae7749889039ae2d350da1d2

    If there is someone who wants to criticize the mistakes a bit, I need criticism to improve;)

    For extra info, the model was made with blender and textured with substace painter all this took 6-9 hours of work.

    I don't know if it is in good format to be printed with the 3d printer, let me know how it comes out. EDIT :I tried with CURA slice to test if it was fine to print, it as problem,I'll see if I can fix it.

    why the pump? No idea, it seemed the easiest to do I have other models in work, but I will publish them when they are more decent.

    ITA :

    Sto cercando di imparare l'animazione 3D ma factorio continua a rubarmi ore di studio, quindi ho cercato una soluzione.

    il risultato è questo. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/factorio-game-powe-pump-69142364ae7749889039ae2d350da1d2

    Se c'è qualcuno che vuole criticare un po 'gli errori, ho bisogno di critiche per migliorare;)

    per extra info , il modello e stato fatto con blender e texturizato con substace painter

    il tutto ci ho impiegato 6-9 ore di lavoro

    non so se e in buon formato per essere stampanto con la stampante 3d , fatemi sapere come esce :)

    EDIT:ho provato con CURA slice per testare se andava bene per stampare , mi risulta che la stampa da problemi.

    vedro se posso sistemare perche la pompa ? No idea, sembrava il piu semplice da fare

    ho altri modelli in lavoro ,ma li publichero quando saranno piu decenti .


    submitted by /u/NickFrame-x
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