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    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Weekly Question Thread

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PST

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Venture into shallow water (I wish this is possible in Factorio)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:11 PM PST

    So many ways to say the same thing

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 03:35 AM PST

    Now I know what the sweet smell of victory for factorio is...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:44 PM PST

    Version 0.18.10

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:25 AM PST


    • New offshore pump graphics.


    • Removed the sound effect from the console-only electric-energy-interface.
    • Item localised name takes priority over place-result localised name when showing item's tooltip. more
    • Offshore pump is now buildable on ground tile adjacent to water instead of water tile adjacent to ground.


    • Fixed that the map generator GUI didn't reset to the correct defaults when changing presets. more
    • Fixed blueprint window sizing for wide blueprints.
    • Fixed some cases of not considering dark background icon when drawing alt mode overlay. more
    • Fixed that burner generator idle_animation and animation could have different frame counts.
    • Fixed icons with overlays were drawn incorrectly when used in sprite widget. more
    • Fixed crash when loading map after removing fluid recipes with indexes. more
    • Fixed spitters would not break from attacking an obstacle when the obstacle moved away. more


    • Added Instrument Mode to support mod development tools.
    • Added optional burner generator prototype properties always_draw_idle_animation, performance_to_sound_speedup and min_perceived_performance.
    • Added optional offshore pump prototype properties min_perceived_performance, adjacent_tile_collision_box, adjacent_tile_collision_mask and center_collision_mask.
    • Changed offshore pump graphics definition. Old definition will still be accepted, but is deprecated.


    • Added optional parameters daytime and water_tick to LuaGameScript::take_screenshot() function.

    Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

    submitted by /u/FactorioTeam
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    I made this and i find it satisfying

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Finally at peace xD (My 2,5K SPM vanilla belt base that's so easily extendable it gave me my life back)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Finally at peace xD (My 2,5K SPM vanilla belt base that's so easily extendable it gave me my life back)

    So I've been playing factorio for a while now, went the usual route - did my first spaghetti belt fuckology that I abandoned half way through because I was so convinced I know it all already and can do a perfect base from ground up. Did a second one that took me soooooo long to complete and despite being a very clean design in my mind at the beginning, did end up a fucked up spaghetti with the big bus (pulled around 600SPM). I play vanilla newest patch, dont really like bots for production, only use them to supply myself and build. My next project was an insane belt base (trains for raw material and then belts all the way) and by insane I mean 80 belts of iron ore and the rest accordingly big... now building that was a teacheble moment for me. And by moment I mean too severe chunk of my adult life to feel comfortable admitting to wasting it on factorio xD And by teachable I mean a had a fuckin epiphany. Belt bases arent the most efficient - I know that, everyone reasonable knows that, but you have to be a donkey to not think they are the most fun. For me any base design I tried had one major fatal flaw - wanting to expand it post completion would create insane amount of problems, and building it with an insane throughput in mind from the start would wear me down to the piont I would start to question the meaning of my existance. Then I thought, why not trying a very compact belt base, going for some modest SPM output, but design it to retain rectangular overall tile shape, keep train stations to the one side, also not exceeding the size of the tile side, build the factory itself with efficiency in mind, dont waste space, dont waste energy, minimal belt lenghts, direct output to input connections as much as is possible. Then integrate a mall for modules and pretty much everything else ,throw in enough roboports, so the design could be copy pasted and essentially build itself from neighbouring finished tiles... and voila! So i fiddled with the calculator for a bit, decided on the 625 SPM target for a single tile and got to building. with my experience in belts it didnt really took long, got the thing finished, optimised this and that, did of course resort to some pretty unsofisticated micromanagement here and there, but after all I got what I wished for... the thing run at ~625 SPM as per design. Sooo the only thing left for me to do was... copy paste the damn thing xD hook up trains and mining for the copied one and... I was at 1250 SPM:D Id did took me around 6 hours to finish the copying process including mining and trains setup built by hand... but the next one only took 3 hours, and fourth was ready after around 2, as I got slick with my mining blueprints. So here I am, running a 2,5k SPM belt base on my 10 yr old lenovo laptop at reasonable 40+ UPS and the beauty of it is, when I get a decent machine to play with, I can get to 10k SPM probaly in one weekend :D I do plan to change a design a little, so I can haul all the rocket parts ingredients in trains to one spot, so I can watch launches of all rockets from one spot, but other than that I love my facotry very much:D and it gives me peace:D I no longer feel the exruciaitng pain of awarness I can do it better, I think I did it well enough xD I very much recommend this way of playing, because you can pick whatever tile size you want, and come up with personalized designs for all the production - it just gives you the exhilarating option to GO BIG after you are satisfied with your work ;)


    some circuits

    some other stuff

    ![img](xnz107myngk41 "rafinery - yes I know not making direct solid fuel insertion makes me look stupid xD ")

    -Disabled enemies (fun but it's just another non challanging hurdle at lategame)

    -My tile does not include power generation (I use nuclear because solar is boring xD)

    -After I paste another tile and hook up mining I do have to wait until the malls fill all chests before production ramps up back to rated output.

    -I did make some mistakes and inefficient setups here and there, I probably am overbalancing lanes and belts some places and not balancing them enough somewhere else xD

    -I am aware this is internet, and there are probably bases like this already posted 10 years ago - don't care xD Had an idea, did it best I could, came for my pats on the back xD

    -I cannot into reddit I will post map picture, there is probably some better way to share this I am unaware of, feel free to suggest it;)

    submitted by /u/Boxman911
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    Im new to this game and got a hard time figuring out why it doesnt produce cooper plates, can anyone help?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:32 AM PST

    I just launched my 1,000th rocket on what I like to believe is my first true megabase. I'm just teetering on the edge of 1kspm, which has been my goal for ages now. I'm so happy!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:36 AM PST

    [Warning: organizing level unsafe] What blueprint ?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:42 PM PST

    Cliffs are garbage

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:22 AM PST

    This message has been brought to you by the train gang.

    submitted by /u/Conor_______
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    An unloading station from a 4-car train to 16 belts. This (and another similar station for iron) is the bottleneck of my latest base.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:30 AM PST

    LTN Depots -- The Sandpaper Handjob

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:47 AM PST

    One of the attractive points for LTN is the flexibility. Need new trains? Slap down another depot, incorporate it and its fuel stop into the network, populate it with trains, and you're done.

    The problem I keep seeing on my maps is that the depot is a requester-slanted resource. High volume requesters release a high volume of train stock, and if the depots are globally named, all of the trains try to crowd into a single depot, fouling the mainline, while other depots at slightly greater distance away lie fallow.

    Segregating the depots by uniquely naming them, however, means that even if there's a free parking spot nearby, that empty consist will still run back to its original depot, thereby increasing the ratio of deadhead to live-loaded mileage on the trains and tracks.

    Is there a middle ground that I'm just not seeing? Is there a way to retain the flexibility of common-named depots while also reducing logjams at requester-heavy depots?

    Related: If I were to combinator-control my depot stops to deactivate if occupied, does a train parked at a deactivated stop still receive orders from the LTN dispatcher?

    submitted by /u/RolandDeepson
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    My Blue Logistics Design - Very Simple

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:23 PM PST

    Question about megabase fluid throughput

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:18 AM PST

    Hey guys, so I'm currently attempting to scale up my base into a mega-base. I'm very much enjoying the process (love this game), but the one thing I seem to be struggling with is fluid throughput.

    I'm using the old 'kirkmcdonald' calculator to help me plan some of the numbers and the maths, but I've already had some issues with fluid throughput in my current base, and I can't imagine it'll get any easier scaling up. The main issue I'm having is with forcing enough fluid through one pipe-I have no idea how much throughput in terms of units per second one pipe can handle or provide. For instance, I have no idea how many refineries I can supply with one crude oil pipe, or sulphuric acid into blue circuit crafting machines etc.

    Up until now I've been getting by with a combination of guesswork and trial and error, but I get the impression that might not work so well scaling up, so my question is, does anyone have any insight they can share on the topic? Any valuable nuggets of info about balancing/distributing fluids correctly? Any help would be much appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/DoubleTripleJ
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    AAI mod - a lament

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:15 AM PST

    The series of AAI mods by Earendel is singular and fantastic. It extends the automation of Factorio in a way that I hope factorio 2.0 does in the base game. The handful of things you can't really automate in vanilla factorio are attacking the biters, and setting up mining outposts. AAI fixes both of those. You can automatically scan for resource patches, send a convoy of tanks to clear biters from the area, send a fleet of mining vehicles, then send haulers to fuel the miners and bring back the ore. And all of this can be entirely automated.

    Which makes me so sad that I found the mod too frustrating to use. The mod was built several years ago. At that time creating custom GUIs was not even possible. So the interface for this new enormous power is the circuit network. I have over 1000 hours in factorio, and have dabbled a little with circuits, but I am far from an expert. So I look for tutorials. The official mod suggestion is a series of youtube videos, but they were created when the mod was first released, 3 years ago. The mod (and game) have changed noticeably since then. I watched them anyway, as well as finding some other tutorials on youtube, also several years old. After watching several hours of tutorials, I'm eventually able to get to the point where I can get a hauler to go in a loop between a manually tagged resource patch and my base. The idea of having miners automatically finding and going to an ore patch still seems impossible to me.

    AAI is extremely powerful, and capable of doing basically anything you can think of. But I found it too difficult to actually use. I love the idea of the mod, and if it ever gets simpler to use I'd love to revisit it.

    TLDR: AAI is a beautiful mod for automation, but I'm too dumb to be able to use it.

    submitted by /u/vicarion
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    Is it just me, or is it easier to get stuck between underground pipes and factories in 0.18?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Several times since the update to 0.18 I have gotten trapped betewwn underground pipes and my oilrefineries/chemplants/assemblers. To the point where I just have to remove the pipe, get out of the way and then put it back. Never had this issue in previous versions!

    submitted by /u/VacuumTubeLogic
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    My third No Spoon attempt.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:15 PM PST

    Where are the no fuel and no power alerts handled

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:23 PM PST

    I am making a seizure compliance mod and I have hit a roadblock. I can not find where the blink rate of the no fuel and no power alerts are handled.

    I am looking for the location in the base and or how to modify the blink rate.

    Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/The_1_Mafia
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    After more than 20 hours, I've discovered that inserters can in fact grab different items on each side of a belt, making my designs not only inefficient but absolutely nonsensical as well. Please look at this and suffer.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:25 AM PST

    Factorio calculator question

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:47 AM PST

    Factorio calculator question

    Evening All,

    Is this calculator:


    Telling me that I will need 20 of these to get a full belt of Iron Plates?

    Or am I missing something? (and each belt will be fed by 8 miners with speed modules - my next level of research for mining productivity is 25 so i assume i have 240% increase) also i just noticed when checking the stuff I'm posting that the iron ore belts will not be saturated so I'm not sure if that is a mistake I've made or the calculator is telling me that i will only need 2000 due to the productivity modules?

    my version of 8 beacons not tested...

    submitted by /u/LoveToMix
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    People who like to do challenges in their playthroughs.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:56 PM PST

    Just wondering if anyone out there has been crazy enough to attempt to launch a rocket by only hand crafting. (Aside from the items that can't be hand crafted)

    submitted by /u/Faligar
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    How UPS intensive are combinators and the signals they read/write?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:09 AM PST

    I've been mulling over an idea for a base. It would use a mod to give trains a schedule but in order to do so, signals have to be sent as to where the train should go. This involves constant reading of inventory and processes, then firing the signal to request a train. So, given that I'd be reading the entire base's inventory per tick, how much of a performance hit would it be?

    (I'm trying to get away from LTN, so that's not a solution)

    submitted by /u/Semaphor
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    2 train stations and circuits

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 06:57 AM PST

    I have a simple train system. It is 1 track end to end with a growing # of trains. So, what I intended to do was make two train stations to offload at least 2 trains at once, each with 4 cars. Both train stations are together on a single rail right next to each other.

    For some reason I just cannot get this to work. I thought it would be pretty simple:

    1. The further train station simply tells the train to leave when its nearing empty
    2. The further train station reads for a stopped train. Now T=# (RNG Train ID) goes to circuit whenever a train is stopped there. Otherwise, the info (variable T=#) is not on the circuit.
    3. Wire circuit to the other train station
    4. Add a condition for the train to stop there if the circuit reads anything not equal zero, matching any random train IDs stopped at the next train stop.

    What actually happens is the train just sits in the previous signal, refusing to goto that station and only using the one after it. Basically the idea was, why have a train waiting to unload when I could have another unloading spot at the waiting spot? It seemed easy...

    I realize another way to do this is to turn off the station with the other's signal. I can do this. However, I did not think it ideal as it will not force the other train to move out of the "waiting spot" (what I am trying to make the first offload station) immediately for the next train to sit there, essentially rendering the whole point moot.

    I know its not the best system, just wondering why it won't work though.

    submitted by /u/lakecityransom
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