• Breaking News

    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Factorio TIL, trains can drive over train tracks AND underground pipes.

    Factorio TIL, trains can drive over train tracks AND underground pipes.

    TIL, trains can drive over train tracks AND underground pipes.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    I built a prime number generator

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    ... I like Hazard Concrete, OK?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Why the hell is the desktop Factorio logo offset to the left.....

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    16 Blue Belts - Green Circuits

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Krastorio 2 is out

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Version 3.2 of my stacker. Now with many more status lights, and an auto starting clock for even distribution from the left and right stackers.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    My now up-and-running, brand new, 16-core Nuclear Reactor!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:18 PM PDT

    New player here, did i get this right?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    How exactly productivity is calculated?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    I'm asking because I'm not sure if productivity is calculated including all the speed bonuses from beacons, or just the base craft time of the item.

    The formula I've been using goes like this:

    1) 1 second/(Craft time of item/Craft speed) = Items/sec.

    2) (Item/sec)/100*Productivity modifier = Items/sec just from productivity

    3) Item/sec + Item/sec form prod = Total output.

    For example: Gear Production

    1) 1sec(0.5/8) = 16

    2) 16/100*40 = 6.4

    3) 16+6.4=22.4

    So one fully beaconed and moduled assembler 3 will produce 22.4 gears per second.

    submitted by /u/Onorade
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    Things have changed rapidly since robots, good bye starter base you served us well. Just gotta plan the different modules and connect everything now XD

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Corona Quarantine - Players wanted

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    As it looks like the world is coming to a stop for the next couple of weeks, I will do what every responsible person should do in this difficult times.

    Buy a ton of noodles, buy enough toilet paper for a massive family diarrhea and play games all day long ... Jokes aside, I can't go to work and need to stay home. So why not play Factorio like crazy.

    I have played it for years and consider myself an experienced player, however never used the multiplayer option - would love to though.

    What I would like to do:

    • Rail Road Map (high density, low frequency ore patches)
    • Medium Biter (somewhat challenging at the start)
    • Fully solar (still think this gives you the best performance)
    • Lazy Bastard (not quite sure if there is such a thing in multiplayer, but I like the play style)
    • Rockets per min is always fun, not a competition though

    As said, never done multiplayer. Hence somebody who is experienced in this play mode would be beneficial ;)

    Stay healthy !

    submitted by /u/Roemus
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    Apparently you can set a temporary train stop with control + click.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Saw this randomly on a video, didn't know it prior! Have to be in the train view (or actually in the train?) Use the map pane on the right side of that window and control click to set a temp stop.

    Super convenient for a passenger train.

    submitted by /u/jaykal001
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    Base miner second costs for modules production buildings

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 01:38 AM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So I thought it would be interesting to show the electric miner second costs for each of the production buildings. I did this by .... taking the ore cost and multiplying by two (0.17 change y'all!). I will be ignoring power costs, and assuming no modules or productivity research.

    This works as a more universal cost for things based purely on the factory, and not the resource patches it has access to and depletes, but does neglect crude oil as a cost, however, this mainly makes the really expensive stuff even more expensive, rather than reranking things.

    I am also posting the adjusted to what I consider the standard crafting speed for buildings.

    5 items per second for drills, using the electric drill as a base and also going into what the burner drill with burner inserter and the electric drill with the tenth of a steam engine that makes up most of the dedicated power infrastructure needed for an electric

    crafting speed 2 for furnaces, because the majority of furnace types have that speed.

    For assembling machines, I decided to go with assembling machine 2s (am2s), as they are the first modulable machine of that class, can do fluid recipes, and am3s are really really expensive.

    Oh, and for modules I decided to go with how many speed modules of that tier are need to get 100% speed so you can compare them to just building an extra building instead of using speed modules.

    Name Miner Second cost Speed adjusted Miner Second Cost
    Burner Drill 28 56
    Burner Drill & Burner Inserter 31 62
    Electric Drill 55 55
    Electric Drill + 1/10 steam engine 58.1 58.1
    Stone Furnace 10 20
    Steel Furnace 100 100
    Electric Furnace 220 220
    Assembling Machine 1 53 79.5
    Assembling Machine 2 108 108
    Assembling Machine 3 636 381.6
    Pumpjack 135 135
    Oil Refinery 300 300
    Chemical Plant 105 105
    Centrifuge 2700 2700
    Rocket Silo 44240 44240
    Tier 1 Module 105 525
    Tier 2 Module 1161 3870
    Tier 3 Module 6546 13092

    Things I take away.

    Burner drills are actually more expensive per mining speed provided that electric drills while ignoring required per drill automatic power infrastructure. However, you can't use the character to emulate the activity of a power generating building, while you can use the character to move around burner fuel, so you can actually use the 56 miner second cost of burner drills but not that of electric drills. It is however, extremely not automatic to do so, and making it automatic is more costly just counting the burner inserter, and not considering the cost of the fuel belt line. (which is easily higher than that of using small electric poles).

    Furnaces. Stone Furnaces are super cheap compared to everything else, even when scaled to the 2 crafting speed standard, and using electric furnaces instead of steel furnaces is really expensive. Here, I probably could have included the cost of 1/5 a steam engine for the electric furnace, but it is already so expensive already, and you have probably transitioned to nuclear or solar power by that point. techinically the burner furnaces need fuel to be inserted in them, but having the ore inserter take from a half fuel half ore belt solves fuel at basically no extra cost per furnace.

    Assembling Machines. Using am2s isn't that much more than am1s, and the module slots are worth it. Am3s are super pricey.

    The other building costs are mainly useful to see how useful speed moduling them is. ... this is not obviously good choice, because modules are expensive.

    For Oil Refineries and Chemical plants, yeah, you should just build a new machine.

    For pumpjacks, speed modules are super not resource efficient, but a oil patch can only support so many pumpjacks, so they can be useful for the option.

    Centrifuges and Rocket Silos are so expensive that using speed modules are actually cheaper than just building more of them. Rocket Silos are generally prod moduled, because actually using all of a rocket silo is really really hard. Centrifuges make since to speed module 1, and ... honestly, I would use speed 2s in my enrichment, particularly since 40 U-235 is really expensive before you do like 500 enrichment cycles.

    submitted by /u/sawbladex
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    Recipie tree?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 12:55 AM PDT

    I am looking for an ornament of all items and wat they are used for. Starting with ore and ending in both siance and other items like armor and nuclear.

    used my google fingers but only found visualisations over item usage for difrent siance pacs.

    submitted by /u/KiranuZe
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    How to remove the green item name [Item: ] from the LTN notifications? I just want to see the Icons....please help!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Need help organising my oil/fluids

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:09 AM PDT

    Hey guys, need help to organise my fluids from oil production. Not sure how to do it efficiently or even what to use most of it for :/. My end goal is to have everything run by locomotives

    submitted by /u/RNthecurrymuncher
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    how to begin?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    i just installed the game and chopped down some trees.

    now i know you guys probably get this question alot and idk if i'm allowed to ask this or if it is annoying, but now what lol? how to begin?

    submitted by /u/redit_user1212
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    My first try on megabase

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    Infinite Research for solar panels/accumulators?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Wondering if anyone knows of a mod that adds infinite research for solar panels/acc to increase power/efficiency. I know I can get mods to build new solar panels with higher output but would prefer to just do it through research not constantly removing/replacing them.


    submitted by /u/Superman0604
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    First "Completion"!!!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    First "Completion"!!!

    Wanted to post! I had 96 hours in my first play through. Figured some efficiencies out, but obviously still learning. Going to keep this one, but think I might try a speed run next? Or maybe just clear out this map. I've made such a small dent!

    My Spaghetti!

    Train Spaghetti

    So much left to explore

    submitted by /u/haxen2000
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    Starting a Solo game, port it to multiplayer ?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2020 03:19 AM PDT

    Hello !

    Is it possible to start a solo game in factorio, then if you want to play it with friends, you can transform it into multiplayer mode without needing to start from scratch ?

    submitted by /u/Nerevarrind
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