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    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Factorio Weekly Question Thread

    Weekly Question Thread

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:05 AM PDT

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    This is for mixing lanes (1111222233334444 to 1234123412341234)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Automation As An Art (AAI Industries)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Yet another number display

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 10:31 PM PDT

    9 hours into the game, pretty sure this is the most optimal way to build

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:58 PM PDT

    Train IDs - how big do they get?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    I couldn't find this information anywhere - what's the ID number like for trains? What is the maximum number? Does it just increment by 1 each train you make?

    I am thinking I want to use a global counter to issue train dispatches under a semaphore, such that each train can leave the station only on its own tick. This means I could avoid a nasty race condition where a single free station can be dispatched to with multiple trains, since they all register the free station on the same tick and dispatch entirely simultaneously, leaving me with a negative number of free stations and a jam.

    Alternatively, how do you make a semaphore with circuits, such that a signal of 1 can be respected only by one entity, instead of all entities that receive the signal pulse?

    submitted by /u/SpiritKidPoE
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    Holy shit this game is amazing

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    I was bored today and looked for games to buy, found this and I just love it. I did the campaign today and tomorrow I will start a new game to build a rocket (I am a complete noob). Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed it a lot so far.

    submitted by /u/Sxover
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    What is a science pack in reality?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    A hard question to word. You know, about everything in Factorio exists, from drills to vehicles to electronics, but what are science packs? The best I could come up is just some stuff us engineers disassemble to research with, but... I hope this is clear

    submitted by /u/very_polyglot
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    11 hours into the game and I'm building some big duracell plant (most optimal way ofc)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Does entering editor mode disable achievements even if you return to the save before you opened editor mode?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    A bit of a silly question, I guess, but perhaps worth asking.

    1. Start game
    2. Save game as save A
    3. Enter editor mode (~/editor), thus disabling achievements
    4. Load save A

    Are achievements disabled going forward from that point?

    I assume not, but I figure that it doesn't hurt to ask :-)

    submitted by /u/TheSwitchBlade
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    I'm a noob, started yesterday, and this is my first 'big' build, I know the ratios are completely off, but any other tips or stuff I should know?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    How does mining productivity affect "expected resources " from , e.g a 10 million ore field?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Do I get more resources or is the speed of mining just faster? A mathematical example would be helpful.

    submitted by /u/Annonymoiuse
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    Wierd LTN train length issue

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    Up until now I've been using 1-2 trains for my stations so I use a max train length of 3 and min length of 3 and it works just fine.

    I have a 1-1 train sitting at my depot, and now I want to use it at a 1-1 station but with max length of 2 and min length of 2, it will say No station supplying XX item. If I change it to max of 3, it will send a 1-2 train immediately.

    Any LTN guru can help?

    TLD:DR Min/Max length of 2 train doesn't work but min/max length of 3 does. I have both types of train at depot.

    submitted by /u/Just_stig
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    Bob/Angels city block base tour (WIP).

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:11 AM PDT


    This is my current state of Bob/Angels game. I decided to make city blocks so they can hold much more I currently need to produce. I plan to go megabase after teching enough to do that.

    Currently making small amounts of blue science and managed to unlock mineral sorting 3, so newt in line is to get gold, and all blue science production to going. Then I can start making dedicated research blocks.

    I didn't want to go crushing chunks/crystals too much, but rather went to create pure ores as soon as it was possible.

    After that there's nuclear and logi-bois in line. I currently have two roboports with me, so 20 construction-bois help constructing stuff. They are still slower than nanobots, but with time they come way cheaper. Also tier 2 bots are next to research. I need better solar panels and batteries for my armor first though, those roboports are draining my batteries at no time. when I build stuff.

    I started with water, but later changed my map settings so new chunks don't have water anymore. Since it posses no real challenge to have water. Same thing goes with biters. For this run, I decided to go without enemies, and pollution. I have ongoing save with rampart and where I can fight enough.

    And yes, I'm taking things slow in this playthrough, most of time has gone to building city blocks, so that's why massive playtime.

    Mods I mainly rely:

    • All bobs mods, expect bobs enemies
    • All angels mods, expect Angels Industries (I get error on loading)
    • Shiny Bobs, Shiny Angels & Shiny Icons
    • Science Cost Tweaker (I really enjoy this one more than normal science)
    • LTN
    • Alien Biomes
    • Resource Spawner Overhaul
    • Ore Eraser, you probably wondered why I don't have any resources inside city blocks? That's why
    • QoL mods like walk through, FNEI, HellMod, Todo List, Infinizoom, Fill4Me, Far Reach, Even Distribution, etc.
    • And few other smaller QoL / visual mods.
    submitted by /u/Jipsuli
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    Questions about assembly lines such as this one

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Noobs first "big" built update (I'm apparently also a reddit noob because I can't add text to a picture) See my comment for a declaration on the updated built.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Outpost circuit for smart railway

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    I'm still planning a huge railway to efficiently deliver the large quantities of materials needed for big bases. I've been thinking of the following system and I was wondering if you see any possible problems with it:

    The railway makes a circle that passes a delivery station and 30 copper outposts.

    Each outpost has an alternative rail to skip the station. Trains that are waiting for a station have the possibility to leave that queue and move on. After every outpost, there's also a route to return to the delivery station without passing all other outposts in the circle.

    Trains are scheduled to first visit the delivery station (waiting until empty cargo) and then all outposts one by one (waiting until full cargo OR the time it takes to fill the whole train from a full buffer, just in case).

    The first outpost has a circuit that disables the station when resources get below a certain number.

    Outposts 2 to 30 have circuits that enable the station when resources are above a certain number AND the resources from the previous outpost are below a certain number.

    At first, all trains head to the first outpost to fill up and immediately return to the delivery station (because all the other outposts are disabled). When outpost 1 runs out of resources, its station disables and the next station (outpost 2) enables. Trains that were waiting at outpost 1, move on to outpost 2, fill up and head straight for the delivery station. Trains that leave the delivery station, skip outpost 1 on their way to outpost 2, fill up and return home.

    When outpost 2 runs out of resources, its station disables and the station at outpost 3 enables.

    When outpost 1 has buffered enough resources, its station enables again.

    submitted by /u/ProfessorWeirwood
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    My take on Kovarex enrichment

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    My take on Kovarex enrichment

    Hello everyone, I've been playing this wonderful game for a few weeks now, and here's my take on uranium enrichment. I'd like constructive feedbacks if possible as there's surely room for improvement (i'm still struggling with merging/splitting conveyors...)


    Pros and cons :

    (+) scalable, compact, closed circuit (output is simply 1 uranium)

    (-) the intial 40 uranium-235 have to be inserted manually, there's a ~3s pause before production starts again : it can be avoided if you initialize the centrifuge with 80 uranium-235, but then you have 40 "idle" uranium-235 per centrifuge

    In action :

    The very satisfying clean output

    Template : 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

    submitted by /u/jjibe
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    Why are some of these coal inserters not working?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Why are some of these coal inserters not working?

    All of them worked fine before. If I replace the coal inserters they will start working again. But after some time they might stop moving coal again. It seems like the inserters are not fueled, but the coal is right there to take. I expect I might be missing something?


    submitted by /u/loomino
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    32 Note Sequencer / Drum Machine - Mods Required

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:31 AM PDT

    32 Note Sequencer / Drum Machine - Mods Required

    Whether you're stuck at home or just want to have some fun, here's a 32 Note Sequencer/Drum Machine for you to enjoy.

    Blueprint: https://pastebin.com/S5gn3yas

    Required Mods

    Text Plates: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/textplates

    On/Off Switch: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Switch_Button-0_17

    Double Speed Belts: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/DoubleSpeedBelts

    The General Layout

    submitted by /u/Himmelbaer
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    Getting the game

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    Hey, I've been looking to get Factorio for a while, played the demo trough some times. But I don't have the budget to get to get it right now. Is there any way (except piracy, i don't want to do that) to get the game cheaper? I don't know if this is against the sub rules, so do please tell me if it is. Also, if one of you has an extra key that they wouldn't mind sharing, that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/cartarescu
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    When you spend hours only to get stymied by swing speed/capacity.....

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    Are bugs going to be a threat at all?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Hello! First time player and I am playing on whatever the default setting is. I have a small-ish set up with 2 green+red labs and 1 armor piercing ammo factory, all fully automated and operating at maximum throughput. I've been paranoid about bugs and set up a triple wall perimeter with lots of turrets and automated ammo delivery. My water is pretty far away from mines so my base is pretty long.

    However, I've been waiting and waiting and attacks never materialized. I've even ventured out and wiped out about half-dozen of their bases hoping to piss them off but still nothing. Are bugs going to attack me at all, they seem to be so passive. I know, famous last words, but still want to get some action for my turrets I've been automating.

    submitted by /u/catinator9000
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    First time going into Pyanodon and am doing all of them...is there normal coal?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    This may be a stupid question but I am jumping into all the Py and I noticed that the only coal on the ground is Raw Coal. I want to make sure I didn't screw anything up because I am watching Otaku Showboat's play through and he has normal coal too and is using that more.

    I want to see if I'm missing something and should fix it before I go too much further.

    submitted by /u/mrcelophane
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