• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    Factorio OK, sure, they're not packed as tight, but... Infinity trains!

    Factorio OK, sure, they're not packed as tight, but... Infinity trains!

    OK, sure, they're not packed as tight, but... Infinity trains!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    oh, the dangers of trying to pick up a warehouse

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    Since we are posting beacon concepts, here's mine:

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Starter base design, 50 science per minute of the first four sciences

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Logistic Request laid out like the crafting tab

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    I think I have enough iron now. Also I swear I wont redo the design for a 5th time..........(Help me quarantine is killing me slowly)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    Looking for group

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Hi guys

    Long time Factorio player here. I am currently looking for a person (or a very small group) that would be interested in playing factorio together on a regular basis.

    I have the next 3-4 weeks off due to the pandemic sweeping the globe and would love to find someone to make a megabase with.

    I am not so interested in having biters turned on while doing so. Currently also focused on Vanilla Factorio also.

    My timezone is New Zealand (GMT +13) however as I am not working for the next few weeks I can fit in with most schedules I would imagine. Short of messing up my standard sleep schedule.

    If this sounds interesting, throw me a direct message! We can work something out.



    submitted by /u/Zudguard
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    Weird Flex but OK

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    Fun island map I'd like to share. (Map exchange string in comments!)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    TIL you can get Run Forrest Run by shooting trees

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    I was watching Lowko do his Factorio play-through and he was shooting trees from his car, and then I saw the Run Forrest Run achievement pop up. I don't think he actually ran over any trees (or if he did then it wasn't many, but was shooting them because he ran out of grenades. I'm thinking the game checks for if a tree is killed while you are in your car and not specifically if you actually ran it over.


    Note: he is a Starcraft player, not Factorio, so prepare your eyes for extreme spaghetti.

    Also Note: This was played several months ago, so early 0.17 timeframe.

    submitted by /u/n_slash_a
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    Final Picture Of Base Now Just to do the Timelapse

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    I made this late at night and with a splitting headache, suggestions and tips greatly appreciated!

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Just started yesterday, This will be a easy quarantine :)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Version 0.18.16

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:57 AM PDT


    • New water splash effects using water particles instead of an animation.
    • New animations for leaf particles.


    • Fixed the tank not being properly centered to its bounding box (graphical issue).
    • Fixed GUI windows not drawing properly when they can't fit the screen width. more
    • Fixed glowing Heat pipe ending sprites. more
    • Fixed some character bonuses in bonus GUI not being printed correctly. more
    • Fixed character GUI player color sliders not changing chat colors more
    • Fixed that hotkeys wouldn't work while using the character logistics GUI in some cases. more
    • Fixed a desync related to unit speed changing while part of a unit group. more
    • Fixed some Trigger Effects not showing correct repeat count in tooltips. more


    • Added LuaEntity::effective_speed
    • Added LuaControl::is_flashlight_enabled
    • The 'on_ai_command_completed' event will now fire for distraction commands.
    • Added 'was_distracted' to the 'on_ai_command_completed' event. If true, it means the completed command was a distraction command.

    Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at http://www.factorio.com/download/experimental.

    submitted by /u/FactorioTeam
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    Rail-planning rules of thumb

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    • Space your signals 1-block (~7 tiles) apart. This uses a ton of block signals, but allows for maximum packing, and maximum efficiency, of your rail lines.

    • Because consistent signal spacing is so important, use blueprints to lay your tracks + consistently lay out signals.

    • Work hard to make chunk-aligned blueprints that are rotatable. Place Roboports on the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right corners to make seeing the chunks easier. You need the Roboports anyway so that your construction bots use your power-network to recharge (instead of personal roboport, which is very limited in recharge capability).

    • Roboports continue to automatically place rails / signals long after you leave an area. They even automatically build other Roboports, extending the "reach" of your AFK bots to automatically build huge portions of your base.

    • Keep your "Rail building roboports" isolated from your "base roboports". Rail roboports can be slow, while your main-base has logistic bots and other bots that need to work faster. Have a deconstruction planner with automatic Roboport removal to clean up your rail lines after-the-fact, to help keep things isolated.

    • Trains take up roughly +10 blocks (~70 extra tiles) of space due to acceleration.

    • Perfectly packed unidirectional track supports roughly 30-trains per minute (1-train every 2-seconds).

    • 30-trains per minute is constant between 1-3 trains and 3-8 trains. Growing much bigger than that leads to more efficiency (fewer trains/minute, but much more supplies per delivery)

    • 30x 3-8 trains per minute is 8000 ore per second (177 blue belts), 16000 plates per second (354 blue belts), or 32000 circuits per second (708 blue belts). A two-lane track with 3-8 trains should be sufficient for even the largest of Megabases.

    • Junctions often struggle to achieve more than 20-trains per minute, and much less in practice. Minimize the use of junctions, as they slow down your bandwidth. Instead prefer long, unbroken, lines of rail.

    • Nuclear fuel is listed as "250% acceleration", but in actuality is closer to 400% acceleration. Nuclear fuel adds acceleration without adding weight, friction, or air resistance (all values tracked internally by Factorio's physics engine)

    • Provide a "designated resting place" for every train to prevent deadlocks. For many trains, this is the train-stop where resources are dropped off. For other trains, its the "parking lot" behind that train station.

    • Merged parking lots are more cost-efficient, allowing many train stops to dynamically allocate their "designated resting place" together. Merged parking lots are far more space efficient, but slow down rail bandwidth significantly (due to the shared chain-signal between the parking lot and the train stations)

    • Dedicated parking lots per train-station has greater bandwidth but is less space efficient.

    • Merges (2-inputs / 1-output rail segments) are the cause of traffic jams. Be cautious about your merge placement. Prefer circuit-based priority merges to focus the traffic jam to one input (keep one lane clear, the 2nd lane reserved to traffic jam for better planning).

    • Splits (1-input / 2-outputs) are cheap, easy, and efficient to place. However, all splits will eventually end with a merge back into the greater rail network.

    • Artillery wagons are the heaviest, and slowest, trains. Use extra engines to prevent bottlenecks.

    • Trains are much cheaper than the equivalent blue-belts in both space and resources.

    • Use constant combinators to make MadZuri's balanced loader / balanced unloader easier to configure.

    • Minimize the use of buffering. Stack inserters are the most expensive part of a train station. Instead prefer to build parallel, train stations and unload from multiple trains simultaneously (which still allows for a constant stream of resources out of your stations). This is cheaper in UPS and Resources, and therefore superior to a naive buffered solution.

    • For "Pickup" stations, consider the use of pipelines / Ford's Assembly line. A long pipeline where trains "block" each other... but for a designated amount of time (ex: 20 seconds per stop)... has a surprisingly good throughput. Assembly lines are space efficient, resource efficient, and logical to lay out.

    • Case in point: instead of picking up 32000 iron plates (3-8 train) from one train station, pick up 8000 iron plates from four different train stations, one after another. The 4x train stations work 4x faster than 1x train station by itself. It is difficult to think of a cheaper layout of 4x parallel train stations than the Ford Assembly line / Pipeline.

    • Use wagon-filters, and stack-filter inserters, to "reconstruct" your main-bus wherever the train network can go. Extending your main bus "through" the rail network is an important skill.

    • Careful use of train schedules can load-balance remote portions of your base.

    • Careful use of train pathing AI can load-balance local portions of your train network. "Blocked" paths give a penalty to train pathing AI, so your trains will typically prefer to enter train stations without trains in them. This acts as a slow splitter of sorts, load-balancing your resource distribution throughout your rail lines.

    submitted by /u/dragontamer5788
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    Artillery Outpost Mk. XII (blueprint and description in comment)

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    Production tab colors

    Posted: 25 Mar 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    When switching between time scales on the new production graph the color of the line switches. It's a small thing, but it can make it more difficult to read the graph than it needs to be.

    Small thing, but figured it was worth pointing out.

    submitted by /u/SirCaptainCrumpet
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    Is there a mod that handles infinite researches in the research queue?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    I've tried a couple of research queue mods, and they both have the same problem:

    They only let me select a single infinite research in the queue, and then they stop researching after that one research is complete, rather than just infinitely chaining the infinite researches.

    I'm on version 0.17, still.


    submitted by /u/MadMojoMonkey
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    This beautiful piece on Corona server - also gears belong to bus.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Blueprint UI

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    The system is so clunky. I'm 130hours into the game, which isn't small for a game but isn't huge for a factorio player. I'm playing on the latest experimental version (18.15 atm). Every time I want to create a book with my blueprints it ends up in a total mess. I unintentionally delete my previous books, I have to create 5 times the same blue print because every time I confuse the blueprint shortcut (from the shortcut bar) with the actual blue print and so. I don't know how to help you with but here is my experience.

    To delete a blue print that is in your inventory: I have to right click the BP from the inventory and click on the trash icon. HOWEVER, to delete an empty blueprint from my inventory, when i right click it, it goes into my hand ! So i try to left click it, it goes into my hand also. Middle mouse click (like you delete something from the shortcut bar) and i does nothing. So I left click it then click onto the Deconstruction planner icon hoping that the blueprint will disappear. But surprisingly, I know have the empty blue print still in my inventory and a deconstruction planner in my hand. If now I click in my inventory, I have created the same problem with a deconstruction planner. The method i found is to place a wood box, put the empty BP and DP into the box and burn it. THAT'S CRAZY

    Another one is, I want to use a book or BP from my Blueprint Library (B). I grab a blueprint from the library, put it in my hot-bar menu since both are on the screen. Then I use the blue print and I want to delete it since I don't need it anymore. I'm like "If i need it later, I'll just have to grab it from my library again". THE PROBLEM is, when i delete it from my inventory (right click from the hot-bar, click on the trash button) it also delete it from the blueprint library. That's how I lost 4 times the same blueprint book of my train system. I'm tired of trying to make the same book again and again and again.

    Now i only use blueprint book by right click the book and select the blueprint from the book with the mouse wheel. I often delete the book but I create it again from import string using google search.

    I don't try to create my own books anymore. I play on a single map and every time i want to duplicate something i use the CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+X using the map view with radar. This copy/paste system feels great btw.

    I don't know if i'm the only one, did I miss something ?

    submitted by /u/TheGlv
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